
The Global Elites Secret Plan

When Trump is in office, expect The Globalist Cartel to do the same thing to America, they are doing right now in Venezuela. "No products" because Trump. "No jobs" because Trump. etc, etc, etc.

Their ultimatum is simple:

1. Allow us to finish off the American Middle Class with Mass-Immigration and Traitor-Trade, to create a new 3rd World Crony-Capitalist / Socialist-nightmare nation.

2. Allow us to continue using the USA to provide taxpayer-paid "free military" and "regime change operators" in the nations where we are busy exploiting the people and stealing their natural resources.

A drumbeat is sounding among the global elites. The signs of a worldwide financial meltdown are unmistakable. This time, the elites have an audacious plan to protect themselves from the fallout: hoarding cash now and locking down the global financial system when a crisis hits.

Since 2014, international monetary agencies have been issuing warnings to a small group of finance ministers, banks, and private equity funds: the U.S. government’s cowardly choices not to prosecute J.P. Morgan and its ilk, and to bloat the economy with a $4 trillion injection of easy credit, are driving us headlong toward a cliff.

As Rickards shows in this frightening, meticulously researched book, governments around the world have no compunction about conspiring against their citizens. They will have stockpiled hard assets when stock exchanges are closed, ATMs shut down, money market funds frozen, asset managers instructed not to sell securities, negative interest rates imposed, and cash withdrawals denied.

If you want to plan for the risks ahead, you will need Rickards’s cutting-edge synthesis of behavioral economics, history, and complexity theory. It’s a guidebook to thinking smarter, acting faster, and living with the comfort­ing knowledge that your wealth is secure.

Jim Rickards "Listen Up! The Financial Elite Will Soon Prevent You Accessing Your Own Money!" He jewish banking system is the root of all evil. They run the world, create imperies and destroy imperies, create wars to destroy the political leaders who stand against their new world order. Use their printed money out of nothing, to corrupt the political system and destroy democracy. They use their money to buy and run all media, promote their own agenda and to put their people in power. They has to go…

VIA : unsilentmajoritynews.com

Between ingestible RFID chips than can track people, artificial intelligence programs that can track and make kill decisions for the elite, human hunting robots, and of course the U.S. government’s never ending quest to conquer mind control, sounds like a bright future doesn’t it?

As crazy as it sounds, that may be the better of the two options. At least in that scenario we’re alive, and we can fight. Based on the limited information available, there’s good reason to think our attendance on the planet won’t be needed or requested in the near future thanks to one of several different untimely demises.

Let’s start with the facts, and see where they take us. To begin with, I’d like to call your attention to the first video below, but I ask that you notice it’s a bit outdated. For our purposes that doesn’t matter. In fact, having outdated numbers might help some of us sleep better. Anyway, In addition to roughly $10 TRILLION dollars in debt that has been racked up under Barack Obama without a damn thing to show for it, is the other $10 TRILLION that has simply vanished into thin air.

So, we know in December 2013 the “missing dollar” figure was around $5 TRILLION, so it’s a safe assumption that number is now over $10 TRILLION today, right? That begs the question, what in God’s name does $20,000,000,000,000 buy? Many people suggest it buys a set of underground tunnels, housing, and military complexes that not only strand our entire nation, but also every other major developed nation on earth according to satellite readings.

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Dr. Richard Sauder adds to his incredible database of underground bases onshore.. New, breakthrough material reveals the existence of additional clandestine underground facilities as well as the surprising location of one of the CIA’s own underground bases. Plus, new information on tunneling and cutting-edge, high speed rail magnetic-levitation (MagLev) technology. There are many rumors of secret, underground tunnels with MagLev trains hurtling through them. Is there truth behind the rumors? Underwater and Underground Bases carefully examines the evidence and comes to a thought provoking conclusion!

Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? Dr. Sauder lays out the amazing evidence and government paper trail for the construction of huge, manned bases offshore, in mid-ocean, and deep beneath the sea floor! Bases big enough to secretly dock submarines! Official United States Navy documents, and other hard evidence, raise many questions about what really lies 20,000 leagues beneath the sea. Many UFOs have been seen coming and going from the world’s oceans, seas and lakes, implying the existence of secret underwater bases. Hold on to your hats: Jules Verne may not have been so far from the truth, after al!

Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? Dr. Richard Sauder lays out the amazing evidence and government paper trail for the construction of huge, manned bases offshore, in mid-ocean, and deep beneath the sea floor! Bases big enough to secretly dock submarines! Official United States Navy documents, and other hard evidence, raise many questions about what really lies 20,000 leagues beneath the sea. Many UFOs have been seen coming and going from the world's oceans, seas and lakes, implying the existence of secret underwater bases.

Hold on to your hats: Jules Verne may not have been so far from the truth, after all! Dr. Sauder also adds to his incredible database of underground bases onshore. New, breakthrough material reveals the existence of additional clandestine underground facilities as well as the surprising location of one of the CIA's own underground bases.

One of the best ideas suggested through The Lost Ways is the construction of bunkers. These bunkers have the potential to stand the impact created by the most devastating earthquake or missile attack. On the other hand, the readers will be able to learn how to preserve their food in a natural manner. They can also get to know about effective tips, which can be used to preserve the precious water supplies. Then we will be able to use them in the case of a disaster to survive.

First of all, The Lost Ways would convince readers that the natural disasters are inevitable. It will give them an excellent insight about the disasters that could take place in the future. Therefore, it is extremely important for all the human beings to stay prepared to face a disaster, which could happen at any given point of time. In the second part of this book, the readers will be able to discover the lessons learned by humanity when they encountered disasters in the past. Every disaster teaches us a lesson, and it is better to have a clear understanding of these lessons as they can be helpful in the future.


In short, we don’t, but they’re for protection from something AWFUL, and whatever it is, the masses (We the People) who paid for all of it, will never set foot inside. Count on that! The best information I’ve been able to come up with on the hidden underground tunnels has come from a mirror site of the original “Official Walmart Tunnels of Paulding County Investigation”

Bob reports that the underground roads and facilities are being constructed on such a massive scale, it is rumored that some roads stretch over 800 miles underground between checkpoints. The machines the United States has conducting our drilling operations are so massive, when they pull out, they’ve bored a hole large enough for two 18 wheel tractor trailers to drive next to each other side-by-side. Our drills are reportedly the second largest in the world, with only China’s being larger. There’s are THREE TIMES the size of ours.

Here’s the way I see this: Right now you’re either going to believe this story or you won’t; you’ll do further research into this story, or you won’t. You'll plug your ears and scream, "NAH, NAH, NAH," or you'll open your eyes and ears to what your are reading and research further, however, what I say at this point I doubt will sway many people, so I’ll keep the rest of my summary brief. Bottom line: Bob’s investigations led to the discovery of between 100-103 facilities including the ones being actively constructed, and part of what made his discovery so easy was the massive amount of money going into alleged “infrastructure” projects. Uh, anyone with half a brain knows our nation’s infrastructure “above ground” is falling apart, so if TRILLIONS were being spent, someone would have noticed. At the very least Joe Biden would have his damn super railroad.

Throughout the course of his investigations, Bob also found (and it may be included on his DVD, I don’t remember) a copy of a letter from FEMA that went out to every single dry food storage company in the country bluntly asking, “On 24 hour notice, how many tons can you provide and what will it cost? “ A similar situation happened with George Noory, who is the host of Coast to Coast AM. Patriot Supply is one of their sponsors, and they offer deep discounts to Coast listeners, and not long ago, they told George FEMA approached them looking to buy their entire inventory. Currently, it was a request, so it was denied. Patriot Supply continues to provide food storage for Patriots, but who knows? At some point that “request” from FEMA may change to a “demand” for all we know. Either way, since they are a sponsor, they felt obligated to tell the host George Noory.

People are born with the innate desire to survive, but sadly, many in our increasingly dependent society look to others for relief and assistance following a disaster. The fact is that help from government, family, or neighbors is often unavailable when needed most, and in the end you may have only yourself to count on. Do you know what to do and how to do it if disaster strikes?

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