The Sanskrit name for aloe vera is kumari, meaning ‘princess’, which would translate to mean ‘youthful/young beauty’. Aloe vera gel can be very beneficial for the skin, helping with sunburn, insect bites, rashes, cuts, and wounds. It’s is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and helps with regeneration of cells. It’s common knowledge that application of aloe vera gel to the skin can improve common skin ailments. But, did you know that aloe vera juice can be equally effective?
Aloe Vera juice contains the same antibacterial benefits that Aloe Vera gel is known to provide. It can be taken twice a day for optimal health benefits. You can extract enough gel from your plants to make 2 servings. If you want to refrigerate it, add the gel to 1 cup (8oz) of citrus juice immediately and refrigerate. The citrus will act as a preservative. Making your own homemade Aloe Vera juice can ensure there are no unhealthy additives or preservatives, especially if you’re using an Aloe Barbadensis Miller plant that you’ve grown yourself. The Aloe Barbadensis Miller plant is the only Aloe Vera plant that contains the proper gel for making Aloe Vera juice.
Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice
-Aids in elimination of constipation, acting as a natural laxative.
-Aids in digestion and eases stomach aches and heartburn.
-Helps to regulate blood sugars.
-Detoxifies the body and colon.
-Helps with weight loss by increasing metabolic rate to burn more calories.
-Improves circulation.
-Aids in healing damage to internal tissues.
-Regulates blood pressure.
-Retards the growth of cancerous tumors.
-Lowers cholesterol
-Contains immune boosting polysaccharides that helps reduce inflammation.
-Alkalizes body, reducing heart burn.
-Boosts vitamin and mineral Intake
-Cures gums, in fact aloe gel is being increasingly used in toothpastes.
-Aloe vera juice is considered to have anti-carcinogenic properties.
-Rich source of amino acids
-Aloe Vera contains germanium, a mineral that helps your body correct circulatory disturbances.
-Aloe juice boosts blood oxygenation, guarding your body against oxidative stress.
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