The most important energy quantity our body receives from the glucose. The normal glucose level in the blood is from 3.9 to 6.1 mmol/liter. Temporary oscillation of the sugar level are possible, and it together with the glucose leads to many different physical and mental changes in the organism. If this oscillation is chronicle it can lead to many diseases, from which the most common is the diabetes.
The ingredients which regulate the blood sugar level
Except from being a useful people’s medicine for the liver and the bile,the dandelion is also good for the regulation of the blood sugar level. For diabetes healing you need to eat 10 fresh dandelion stems every day, during the spring when this flower flowers. During this process you should first wash the stems removing the flowers. Then chew the stems carefully and slowly and the swallow.
It is confirmed that the spice cinnamon increases a lot the insulin activity. So one spoon of cinnamon during the can reduce significantly the blood sugar level. Except from that this herb reduces the level of the bad cholesterol and the triglycerides in the blood.
The healing mushroom – (Ganoderma Lucidum) fills up the lack of the insulin in the organism, and influences positively the work of the pancreas and with that leads to the regulation of the blood sugar level. This mushroom has a woody structure, so it’s usually prepared as a tea.
The raspberry is also good natural medicine for the regulation of the blood sugar level.
The corn and the oat clean the blood, the blood weasels, and help the healing of the diabetes.
The diabetes healing means that a low fat diet with reduce consumption of the carbon hydrates should be fallowed. Eliminating the unhealthy fat, and using the healthy one like flax and fish oil. When the blood sugar level normalizes you can introduce the butter, olive and coconut oil in your diet. You need to pay attention to take enough minerals, because this disease often causes a lack of minerals in the organism.
Jerusalem artichoke (a plant similar to the potato, and it can also replace the potato) and because this plant doesn’t contains scrub but insulin.
Parsley is used from the old times for healing and reducing the diabetes, in a way that fresh leaves should be chopped, the root should be grated as small as possible, and mix all together with a cup of yogurt. Drink it every night before going to bed.
The onion has a long tradition with the people as diet component when treating diabetes. The onion, especially its skin is one of the richest quercentin source, which is proved to be a very efficient with eye problems, which often fallow the diabetes, like for example the diabetes retinopathy . The onion contains one vegetable hormone, which acts similar to insulin, because it can reduce the increased blood sugar level. The scientist supposes that the onion affects the metabolism, the liver and the production of the insulin.
The garlic significantly reduces the blood sugar thanks to its active substances which can also be found in the onion too. Except from them the garlic contains flavonoids which have antioxidant power, and also regulates the glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that can be found in the cells and helps the prevention of the creation of cancerous changes.
To obtain a multiple protection, every day consumption of onion and garlic is recommended, fresh or cooked.
Many researches showed that eating food rich with soluble fibers, especially bean, reduces the blood sugar elevation, which is present after a meal and slows down the additional decline of the blood sugar , in that way contributing to the keeping the blood pressure at approximately the same level the glycemia.
A fish in your diet can prevent the appearance of diabetes type 2. Researchers have found that the people who eat fish regularly, have 50% less chance to get sick from diabetes than the ones who don’t eat it. Omega 3 fat from the fish can encourage the organism’s ability to use the glucose and with that prevent the appearance of the glycemia. The amount which has the protective effect is very small and it’s only 30 g. per day, sea fatty fish but not fattened and without adding any kind of oils, except for a bit of olive oil.
Spices like cinnamon, clove, bay leaf and curcuma can triple the ability of the insulin to metabolize the glucose.
Cinnamon helps the insulin efficiency, helping the organism to transform the glucose into energy. At the same time the cinnamon helps the prevention of diseases of the coronal artery and high blood pressure. You can sprinkle the cinnamon on top of the cereals, fruit, yoghurt, toast…Make sure to take ¼ to 1 coffee spoon of cinnamon every day.
An example how to include some of these ingredients in your menu is to make a very good quality soup.
Soup for reducing the blood sugar
You need:
2 cups of water
1 unpilled onion cut in four
500g bean
1 small carrot cut in cubes
½ cup of peanuts
½ cup of fenugreek seeds
2 bay leaves
4 pieces cut garlic
A pinch of milled cinnamon
A pinch of milled clove
A pinch of curcuma
In a big casserole, on a medium heat, cook the water and the onion until boiling. Add the bean, the carrot, the peanuts, the fenugreek seeds, bay leaves, garlic, cinnamon, the clove and the curcuma. When boiled, cook on light heat for about 30 min. until the onion is completely soft. Take out the slices of the onion, pilled it and throw the skin. Blend the onion with a fork and put it back into the soup. Take out the bay leaves, and throw them away.
This amount of soup is for four people.
Simple and affordable recipes for reducing the blood sugar
Recipe with the horseradish, garlic and beer.
Needed ingredients:
Horseradish root 20 cm. long and 2 cm thick
9 pieces of garlic
Fresh good quality beer
glassed bottle or jar
Closely wash the horseradish, but do not pill it. Chop in tiny pieces and put it into the jar. Wash and clean the garlic. Chop it and put it into the jar. Pour the beer, and clos or cover with something, and put it in a dark place for ten days, then strain.
Dosage: the first two days 1 coffee spoon 2-3 times a day, after that one table spoon 3 times a day before eating.
This mixture can “beat” the high blood sugar in a month and keep it under control.
Recipe for reducing the blood sugar level with oat
Cover with boiling cooled water50 g. oat grains. Put the mixture on a low heat, then boil and cook for about 15 minutes. Take of the heat cover it and leave it for an hour.
Dosage: 3-4 times a day ½ a glass before the meal, for about two to three weeks.
Recipe for reducing the blood sugar level with an egg
Whisk an egg. Squeeze one medium size lemon. Mix well.
Dosage: every morning on an empty stomach. Healing duration: at least 2 weeks.
GI and a slimming diet
Knowing the GI is an excellent way to be on a diet without dieting. It is enough to choose different type of ingredients with low glychemic index and to make different combinations from them. If you want to eat some food with high GI you should always combine it with some food with low GI.
And do not forget the therapy which was prescribe by your doctor. Be healthy.
How does exactly the diabetes appear?
When the glucose, trough the digestive process reaches the blood, it is transported to the cells that need energy. Insulin is needed for the molecule of glucose to enter into the cell and gives the energy. Insulin is a hormone which is obtained from the pancreas. Insulin is produced when the glucose level in the blood is increased. If there isn’t enough insulin in the blood, the cells that need the energy can’t get the glucose from the blood, and this state is called diabetes.
Because of the lack of insulin cannot take over the glucose, so the whole organism starts to feel weak and tired. Then the cells send a signal that they need additional energy, and additional glucose arrives to the blood, but because of the insufficient insulin level in the blood, the cell still cannot take the glucose needed. The organism sees the increased glucose level as a threat, and starts to eliminates the glucose from the blood trough big amount of liquids especially trough the urine. Therefore the most common diabetes symptom is feeling very thirsty fallowed by dehydration. The others diabetes symptoms are abundant urinating, fatigue and losing weight.
Glucose sourses
First of all we obtain the glucose from the food rich with carbon dioxides. They are cereals, vegetables, fruit, honey… what is interesting is the fact that not all carbon dioxides react the same when they reach our stomach. Some carbon dioxides like for example the saccharose or white sugar, starts to dissolve when they enter the mouth.
Now we have reached the central point of our story. And that is the speed of rising of the blood sugar level depending of the type of food which we use. That is how the terms ,,bad,, and ,,good,, carbon dioxides are made, depending of the time and the speed with which they increase the glucose level into the blood, and the feeling of satiety which last longer whit the ,,good,, then with the ,,bad,, carbon dioxides.
To know which are the ,,good,, and which are the ,,bad,, sugars the term Glychemic index is created. The food with low GI value influence the low glucose level in the blood and it doesn’t cause a big oscillation to the blood sugar level, and the food with high GI index has an opposite result. Taking food with high GI increases the blood sugar level rapidly which causes increased insulin secretion into the blood. And as a result from it we have a decreased glucose level, and stronger need to eat something sweet again, that will increase the glucose and the insulin etc etc …
The solution to this problem is very simple and imposes itself, chose food with low GI. Most of this food is also rich with diet fibers, and after the consumption the sugar juices in the blood are sweeter and the feeling of satiety lasts longer. What kind of food is that? – Integral cereals, pulses, nuts, different seeds, fruit and vegetables.
Of course the whole picture is a bit complex. When we are talking about GI index of a specific ingredient more factors should be taken into consideration. The fat presense, the acidity etc. Then we have the way of preparation, packing…from the GI index charts we can only get approximetly orientation GI values for some ingredients.
The post Reduce Blood Sugar Levels with These Amazing Recipes and Foods! appeared first on My Central Health.