Account data of millions of members have been stolen from forums where pirated copies of Xbox and Playstation games were shared. In total 2.5 million users of the Xbox360ISO and PSPISO forums are victim of the hack.
The sites were hacked in 2015 and the websites never informed their users. Thanks to the website ‘Have I Been Pwned’ it’s now clear email addresses, IP addresses, usernames and passwords have been obtained. The passwords were hashed with MD5 and salted which means they are hard to decrypt.
The hack is sensitive as the websites are both thriving communities of internet pirates that share illegal copies of Xbox and Playstation games. Also discussions on modchips take place on the forums. All topics that make the users interesting to anti-piracy organisations.
Users who want to find out whether their account data has been obtained can check on the Have I Been Pwned website. And it’s a good time to remember to change your passwords regularly.
Both forums were running Vbulletin forum software, also runs this software and was hacked. Because the passwords are salted, hackers shouldn’t be able to decrypt them. We informed affected users by e-mail.
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