Former President, AIBEA
Former General Secretary, Maharashtra State Bank Emp. Federation
Former General Secretary, All India Bank of Maharashtra Emp. Federation
Com S D Dhopeswarkar is a find product of our bank employees movement under the banner of AIBEA. Inspired many stalwarts of our organisation and starting his trade union involvement as an activist, Com. Dhopeswarkar rose to be the President of AIBEA. In a recent personal interaction with him, he has recorded his initiation in our movement and how he grew up and contributed in our organisation.
Let us see what he has to say:
On 20thApril 2016 I was returning from the function to celebrate the 70thanniversary of AIBEA organized by Maharashtra State Bank Employees Federation. Com Lalit Nagda, Com. Lalita Joshi, Joint Secretary of AIBEA, Com.Hutoxi Dumasia were travelling with me in a taxi. Com. Hutoxi casually asked me as to when I joined the Banking Industry.
I told her that it was on on 20th April 1961, in Bank of Maharashtra at Sardar Patel Road Mumbai. It was a pleasant surprise to all of them. All of them persuaded me that I should write on this happy co-incidence and my association with AIBEA.
On 20thApril 1961, I joined the Bank of Maharashtra at S.P.Road Mumbai. I came to know about this happy co-incidence in my life in the Silver Jubilee conference of AIBEA held in New Delhi because since 20th April 1971 the foundation day of our great organization is being observed on regular basis. Veteran Com. K.K. Mundal the vice president of AIBEA had on that occasion published a beautiful, crisp and compact booklet with a appropriate Title “Looking Back”.
The first demonstration which participated was in November 1961 demanding the publication of Desai Award. I saw Veteran leader Com. D.P.Chadha leading the procession coming from P.M.Road near Queen’s statue ( Now where Tata Communications is situated ) joining the main procession being led by Com.P.K.Menon , Com.K.K.Mundal, Com.Purao, Com. Paranjpe at Flora fountain (Hutatma Chowk ).
In the year 1962 in October – November , China committed an aggression against our country. The disruptive elements who later formed National organization of Bank workers (NOBW) started an virulent anti communist campaign. They started disrupting General Council and working Committee meetings of MSBEF and started demanding that bank wise unions be dis-affiliated from AIBEA and MSBEF since leading comrades were communists.
In Bank of Maharashtra the offensive was more intense since lot of R.S.S. cadres were entrenched in bank. They started spreading lies like in AIBEA Office in Kolkatta a radar has been installed to monitor movements of Indian Army. By visiting all branches in Mumbai we defeated their moves to seek resignation of Com.J.M.Paranjpe, President of our Bank of Maharashtra Employees Union, Mumbai and seek disaffiliation from AIBEA.
In the year 1965, I was elected as Joint Secretary of Bank Of Maharashtra Employees Union Mumbai defeating a candidate sponsored by Pro- NOBW – RSS elements.
In the year 1964 work to Rule movement was launched by AIBEA against extension of Desai Award for the 2nd time. Adhoc D.A. at 6% for clerks and 8% for Sub – staff was granted and first ever Bi-Partite wage negotiations were started.
From 1964 to 1966 we in MSBEF Office were busy preparing various charts in support of our wage demands. Those days computers were not there and Com. V.M.Chitnis, Com. J.M.Paranjpe, Com. Hoskote used tirelessly work on mechanical devices to calculate how a one percent rise will reflect in load for Bankers and in the Pay scales for class III and Class IV employees in different areas. I along with Com. Huskote, Com. Nagda, Kelawala, Mastkar, Mehta,Awasia used to assist the team led by Com. Chitnis and Com. Paranjpe.
During those days we came in contact with vetran leaders like Com. Prabhatkar, Com. Parvana , Com Tarakeshwar charaborty, Com.K.J. Joseph, Com. P L Syal, Com.Sushil Ghosh etc. In their company we learnt the lessons of collective functioning, how you have to negotiate without sacrificing the interest of the workers. How flexible, realistic, approaches are to be evolved. How while pursuing Bank Employees demands you have to develop knowledge of Banking Industry and the work processes in different Banks etc.
During 1966 and prior to conclusion of First ever Bi-partite settlement we had to face disruptors in the shape and form of Sub-staff Sub-committee. None less than fire brand trade Union leader George Fernandis was leading these disruptors. His slogan was very simple “that all leaders are from clerical Cadres (BABUS) and your interest are not safe in their hands.” Manglorian sub-staff was his mainstay and he used to incite them for physical assault on leaders and our cadres.
There was attempt to attack Com. Parvana when he was entering Bank of Baroda’s Bombay main office for discussions on promotion policy. Those were rainy days in Mumbai. The Sub-staff Sub-committee members armed with umbrellas and hockey sticks tried to prevent Com. Parvana and Com. Pathak. We around 50 comrades gave protection and ensured safe entry for Com. Parvana and Pathak in BOB Bombay main Office on Apollo street in fort.
After few days when Com.Prabhatkar, Com.Parvana , Com.Kakkar were getting out of taxi near Union Bank Of India on Apollo Street . The Sub-Staff Sub-committee members tried to prevent them from entering Union Bank Of India where they were to attend Bi-partite negotiations with IBA Chairman Nariman.
The MSBEF working committee met urgently and organized a protest Two Hour walk out strike next day and staged a massive protest demonstrations before Union Bank. The Sub-Staff Sub-committee members and their leader George Fernandis as well as Bankers were publicly condemned and warned
On these turbulent backround and developments the first ever Bi-partite settlement was concluded on 19th October 1966.
On 19thOctober 1966 MSBEF booked Sunderbai Hall near Churchgate to hold victory Rally. We had taken 5000 strong Bank Employees procession from Flora Fountain. The Sub- staff sub-committee members with the help of BEST workers and few Goondas had occupied the Hall. The Police prevented us from entering the Hall. Com. Chadha broke the police cordon we entered the Hall mikes were Switched Off by Police and Police commissioner Ramamurty and Kasbekar forced us to hold the meeting on the adjoining street. Com.Chadha addressed the Victory Rally of Bank Employees from the parapet wall of income taxes offices opp sunderbai hall.
In the course of these struggles, the cadres and rank and file members of various bank wise unions were steeled and tempered.
In April 1967 I was elected as General Secretary of the Bank Of maharashtra Employees union Mumbai. At the end of April 1967 our discussions for rise in Bonus was rejected, our union launched an agitation. The management instead of settling the question of higher Bonus resorted to victimization and attack on the union 23 comrades were suspended, almost all employees in Pune and Mumbai were served with show cause notices, injunction orders were obtained from city civil courts against demonstrations etc chairman shri S.L.Kirloskar a big industrialists directed the administration to initiate all these anti employee actions and left for United States. We conducted an sustained agitation for more than one month with unity and determination. Com.J.M.Paranjpe was guiding our agitiation. We used to told demonstrations in Mumbai at 2.30 p.m. and used to leave for Pune by Deccan Queen leaving CST at 5-10 p.m. In the night at 9 p.m. we used arrange a meeting at Pune in Temple , Since we had no money to hire the hall and used to return to Mumbai by Madras-Bombay mail leaving Pune at 1 p.m. on the same day night. MSBEF leaders like com D.P.Chadha. P.K. Menon, N.S. Purao were able to conclude a settlement with higher Bonus and reinstatement of all victimized comrades. This bankwise struggle taught me various lessons like how to tackle courts, police, how to maintain the morale of the struggling employees how to continue the efforts for negotiations etc.
In the year 1968 on 28th February AIBEA organized a strike to demand Nationalization of Banks and to oppose” social control” bill introduced by finance minister Shri. Morarjee Desai. The bill also contained anti bank employee provisions like 36 AD and 54 AA debaring demonstrations near Bank Premised and if demonstrations are conducted a provision for fine and imprisonment sustained campaign and struggle launched by AIBEA both inside the parliament and on street forced the government to Nationalise the 14 major commercial Banks on 19th July 1969.
In the midst of this year-long struggle, the Maharashtra comrades were asked to organize the 15thconference of AIBEA with a bare notice of Two months, since U.P. comrades expressed their inability in August/September to hold AIBEA conference before 31st December 1968.
We comrades from Maharashtra under the leadership of Com.D.P. Chadha, Com.K.K. Mundal, Com.P.K. Menon, Com.N.S. Purao, Com.J.M. Paranjpe accepted the challenge and organized the 15thconference of AIBEA at Pune, in December 1968. This was the first conference of AIBEA which I had participated.
In 1972 the Nationalization of Banks got stabilized after legal and political battles and a scheme for appointment of workmen directors was introduced.
I was nominated as a AIBEA nominee on the Board of Directors of Bank Of Maharashtra by government of India as per this scheme. I continued for Six Years and retired from the Board of Directors in the year 1978. I was the youngest directors amongst AIBEA nominees.
The work experience on the Board of Directors helped me to understand the intricacies of financial markets, its interconnections with national economy, the alignment of fiscal, economic monetary and Banking policies etc. It helped me to evolve and develop an integrated and holistic approach. The purpose of AIBEA sending workmen nominees to the Board of Directors is to carry on the struggle in the Board of Directors forum on the concepts and policies of the government. It is not to glorify a comrade who occupies that position. While working as workmen nominee we have to steadfastly remain independent of Bank management and government . We have to be pragmatic but ensure that we do not became opportunistic.
Today when global finance capital has taken an offensive line against public sector banking in India in particular our workmen directors should display more agileness, alterness, and to increase their knowledge kit AIBEA Central Office should undertake special effort.
In the year 1981 MSBEF launched bi-lingual magazine BANK FLAG. Myself and Com.Shankar Joshi brought out this magazine regularly for three years.
In the year 1968, I was elected as a Joint Treasurer of Maharashtra State Bank Employees Federation (MSBEF). In the year 1971, I was elected as a Joint Secretary of MSBEF . In 1981, I was elected as a Organising Secretary of MSBEF. In 1985, I was elected as General Secretary and I continued to hold that position till October 2008.
MSBEF was and still continues to be the largest state federation of AIBEA. It functions from the Mumbai city the financial capital of our Nation, which is the advance post of Indian Capitalist system. The Oldest and biggest share Market functions from Mumbai. The fusion of National and International Capital takes place in this great city of Mumbai. The transmission of Global Financial Capital and its reverberations are first felt on the shores of Arabian sea. Hence to get an opportunity to work as a General Secretary of MSBEF was of great importance.
My association, and activities, in MSBEF graduated me from T.U. activist to T.U. leader
In the year 1992 in the background of Harshad Mehta scam Bank of Karhad was liquidated by RBI. We fought against this policy, both politically and legally and succeeded in getting Bank of Karhad Employees absorbed in Bank of India. In 1993, in the context of earthquake at Latur we undertook construction of Houses.
In year 1996 the first All India convention of women Bank Employees was held in the City of Mumbai.
In coordination with All India LIC Employees Federation, State Government Employees Confederation, GIEAIA, AIBOA, Study camps of active workers were held for National Integration and against Communalism .
As Gneral Secreatary of MSBEF I was the link between the Generation of Vetrans like Com. K.K.Mandal , Com. D.P.Chadha, Com.V.M. Chitnis, Com.P.K. Menon, Com. J.M.Paranjape, Com. N. S. Purav, Com. B.N.Hoskote and Comrades like Com. Eknath Pai, Com. Shankar Joshi, Com.Lalit Nagda, Com. Nagesh Shenoy, Com.Homi Jhaveri, Ciom. Mahadik, Com. M.K.Jha, Com. Thigale etc. who were my contempararies and younger generation Comrades like Viswas Utagi, Com. Mahindrakar, Com. Lalita Joshi, Com. Satish Khanolkar, Com. Nandu Chawan, Com. Chandresh Patel, Com. Bavatankar, Com. Tuljapurkar, Com.Dalvi etc.
MSBEF was not only the largest organisation in numbers but MSBEF also functioned as a tink tank of AIBEA. For preparing the Various memiorandums whether on wage demands or Banking Sector reforms AIBEA leadership used to fall back upon this think tank. MSBEF in AIBEA movement functioned as a Co-ordinator, stimulator and catalyst of new thinking and executor of new idea's with required efficiency. I with legitimate pride remember my association with MSBEF as its general Secretary.
In 1985 I became the Assistant Secretary of AIBEA and continued in that position till 1996 Golden Jubilee conference held at Kolkata. In 1996 I was elected as Secretary of AIBEA. In 2001 I was elected as a president of AIBEA I continued as a President of AIBEA till 2004 Hyderabad Conference. I also functioned as President of All India Gramin Bank Employees Association (AIGBEA) from 1986 till 2006.
I got an opportunity to participate in World Federation of Trade Union (WFTU) Conferences as AIBEA Delegate.
AIBEA movement helped me to broaden my vision. My association with AIBEA enabled me to persue my mission to fight against capitalist system. My participation in AIBEA movement enriched my understanding about our Great-country India. My active participation as office bearer of AIBEA helped me to formulate policies, Strategies and tactics of Class Struggle in the concrete Indian Context in a Globalized World.
I offer my greetings to AIBEA ON 70th foundation day and with all humility at my command I offer RED SALUTE TO BANKMEN OF INDIA FOR BUILDING – AIBEA.