by Lori R. Lopez
Publication date: December 18th 2011
Category: YA
Genre: Horror, Zombies
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You can also grab a FREE COPY of another unique zombie tale, THE FRUIT OF THY WOMB by Lori R. Lopez!
A group of young zombie sympathizers are the only thing standing between the diseased and their hunters, who collect a fee for each undead bagged. It’s a new world where humans have learned to lead semi-normal lives despite the zombie plague. But when a zombie protector’s mother is endangered by a bitten hunter, a boy must question his beliefs and make a choice: protect the zombies or his mom. This is a different zombie tale, one told with humor as well as horror, from the perspective of a young man wrestling to do the right thing in a world gone wrong.
Lori is also one of the fabulous authors that helped make Darlings of Decay possible. Grab your free copy and enjoy zombie stories from thirty-two of your favorite female authors in this Bestselling Zombie Anthology! Click on the book cover to head to Amazon and download your free copy. Or you can download any format from Smashwords.
~About the Author~
Lori R. Lopez is a most unequivocally peculiar author, quite unlike any you are apt to encounter — and if you do, it is bound to be an imposter — because her heart beats to its own irregular rhythm. The “pulse of Originality” flows through her veins, whether writing Fiction or Nonfiction, Verse or Prose. She is never dull. She’s just a little unsane.
Seriously, and she can be serious, this author writes a range of genres including Horror and Fantasy (sometimes a bit dark, usually humorous). While her primary focus is on novels and short stories, one of her many projects is an autobiographical book series about her life which features themes of abuse, family, and following dreams.
Most of her books are suitable for ages twelve through adult. She is the winner of the 2013 Halloween Book Festival Award, Honorable Mention (Third Place) for Young Adult Novel and the ViNoWriMo 2011 Award from Vicious Writers for her novel AN ILL WIND BLOWS (the print edition is illustrated by the author). Her design for THE FAIRY FLY cover won Second Prize in the 2013 GME Book Cover Contest. Other titles include THE MACABRE MIND OF LORI R. LOPEZ: THIRTEEN TORMENTOUS TALES; CHOCOLATE-COVERED EYES, a horror sampler; a collection of strange tales, OUT-OF-MIND EXPERIENCES; a volume of verse, song lyrics and prose called POETIC REFLECTIONS: KEEP THE HEART OF A CHILD; and a Horror-Fantasy novel, DANCE OF THE CHUPACABRAS (Tome One of THE TOME TRILOGY OF TRILOGIES). She has also released two children’s storybooks, THE MUDPUPPY and THE FOX TROT.
She is a vegetarian, conservationist, wildlife-eco-warrior and advocate against Abuse through her prose, poetry, and song lyrics. An artist, she designs her own book covers and illustrations.
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