
U.S. President Thomas Jefferson said, “If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”

First Lady Michelle Obama in 2010 started promoting her “Let’s Move” campaign as a way to reduce childhood obesity rates. Since then, she’s been criticized for consuming buffalo wings, spare ribs, and hamburgers, even though a fast and healthy way to lose weight is through an all-meat/fat diet, derived from organic/grass-fed livestock.

According to Dr. Mary Enig, saturated fat promotes weight loss because its concentrated energy enables one to reduce daily caloric intake. She says saturated fat provides building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of fat-burning and appetite-suppressing hormones. Fifty percent of cell membranes consist of saturated fat and a diet too low in a “high-quality, animal-derived” form of this substance often leads to deformed, impermeable membranes. That’s why a low-fat diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies, brain degeneration, immune system dysfunction as well as dry, wrinkled skin, according to Dr. Bruce Lipton.

Unfortunately, the U.S. federal government’s 2010 dietary guidelines suggest that saturated fat is unnecessary for a healthy diet. To the contrary, a 2010 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (discussed below) found that a high-fat diet dramatically lowers one’s risk for heart disease. This study is substantiated by the fact that all-meat/fat-eating human populations throughout the world have almost no experience with heart disease or other chronic illnesses common in the United States.

In fact, for the past 150 years, scientists have overwhelmingly shown that sugar and starches – not animal products – are the main causes of obesity and chronic disease. Nonetheless, for the past 60 years, the federal government has encouraged Americans to eat diets rich in sugar and starch (i.e. grains, beans, rice, pasta, bread, potatoes, etc.). According to Dr. Joyce Marshall, a prominent opponent of the “germ theory of disease,” the above carbohydrates are typically processed and thus devitalized, disease-promoting, “dead organic matter.”

Unsurprisingly, the obesity and chronic disease epidemics began about 60 years ago. The U.S. government bashes animal protein and saturated fat, even though all-meat/fat eaters tend to be universally fit and healthy, including traditional Eskimos, the African Masai as well as arctic people from Canada, Europe, and Russia. Sadly, some of these people were forced to adopt a typical Western diet, which consists largely of sugar-rich and chemical-laden, processed foods. For example, following World War II, the Canadian government forced nomadic, all-meat/fat-eating Inuits to consume large amounts of sugar and starches (which quickly covert to sugar in the body).

Consequently, the Inuit are “now experiencing the consequences of a poor diet,” wrote Geraldine Osborne, minister of Nunavut’s Department of Health and Social Services, in the Canadian government’s 2007 Nutrition Strategy for Native Canadians. The above 2007 report acknowledged that the scientific community is just discovering the “many remarkable” and healthy aspects of the Inuit’s traditional saturated fat/animal protein diet. The Canadian government’s newfound knowledge explains why Norwegian arctic explorers in the 1900s flourished by eating the nutrient-rich, fatty flesh of freshly-caught seal and penguin, while other European explorers died from scurvy after trying to survive the arctic on biscuits and canned meat.

Scurvy is caused by a Vitamin C deficiency, which Western doctors typically claim must be obtained through fruit. Arctic and tropical people who follow their traditional no-fruit diets provide compelling evidence that humans need not eat fruits or vegetables to maintain excellent health. According to Gary Taubes, award-winning science journalist and author of Good Calories, Bad Calories, says an all-meat diet contains all the amino acids the body needs to maintain good health. However, adding sugar to such a diet tends to dramatically increase the need for dietary Vitamin C. That’s because glucose is more successful at competing with Vitamin C for cellular receptors. Thus, a person on an all-meat diet is highly unlikely to experience scurvy due to Vitamin C deficiency.

In his book, Taubes warned that eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and little or no saturated fat will likely prevent overweight individuals from losing weight. He says this is true because starches and sugar elevate Insulin, a hormone that stimulates the body to store fat. Steve Maxwell, a world-class athlete and personal trainer, eats only small amounts of fruit and vegetables. Around age 40, Maxwell abandoned a vegetarian diet after noticing a decline in his health. He says Dr. Gregory Ellis (Ph.D. in exercise physiology, bio-chemistry and nutrition) convinced him of the health dangers of vegetarianism. Six weeks after changing his diet, he says he gained 15 pounds of muscle, and felt better than ever. Maxwell now eats red meat almost every day.

The U.S. government urges Americans to eat lots of fruit everyday (at least two servings). Unfortunately, scientists have known since the early 1900s that fruit sugar (i.e. fructose) promotes weight gain. Further, medical researchers in a 2010 Cancer Research article emphasized that restricting fructose is essential to cancer prevention and controlling existing tumors. A century ago, Americans’ average daily consumption of fructose was only 15 grams (mostly from fruit). Today, they eat about 73 grams of fructose (mostly from high fructose corn syrup); between 1900 and 2005, deaths from cancer tripled.

Humans have only been eating cultivated carbohydrates (e.g. wheat, corn, potatoes, etc.) for about 10,000 years so our DNA/genes had no prior exposure to such food for millions of years. About 100 years ago, Western people made such carbohydrates/sugar more harmful to health by refining/processing them. According to Taubes’ refined sugar – a chemical (formula C12H22O11)/metabolic toxin – is likely the main cause of obesity and ALL chronic illness.

A 2002 report by Dr. Stephen Burns states that some people appear to do well on a diet of little or no meat but “problems will eventually ensue under such dietary regimes… research going back to the last century demonstrates that carbohydrate-based diets are the prime dietary instigators of cancer, not diets based on minimally processed animal foods.” Dr. Burns continued, “A study on vegans in 1970 showed that female vegans had higher rates of death from heart disease than non-vegan females. A recent study showed that Indians, despite being vegetarians, have very high rates of coronary artery disease.”

More recently, in 2009, the British Journal of Cancer reported that vegetarians have a higher incidence of colon cancer. Unfortunately, organizations such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have convinced millions of people to become vegetarians, even though high-sugar diets leach minerals from the body, fostering long-term health problems. Since PETA opened its doors in 1980, Americans have increasingly viewed meat consumption as unethical and unhealthy. At the same time, worldwide obesity rates have doubled. PETA should devote is resources to instigating the humane treatment of farm animals instead of encouraging people to follow a disease-promoting vegetarian diet.

In spite of mounting evidence revealing the health benefits of saturated fat, the U.S. federal government continues to encourage Americans to avoid saturated fat. This is true even though mainstream scientists have identified “sticky blood” (and not high cholesterol) as the dominant cause of heart attacks. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development predicts that U.S. obesity rates will rise from 66% in 2010 to 75%in 2020.

According to the National Heart Forum report, not only will people be fatter in 2020, the incidence of diabetes, stroke, and heart disease will dramatically increase. Unfortunately, the U.S. federal government, along with leaders in the weight loss industry and medical community, strongly advocate a diet low in saturated fat and high in carbohydrates. Many people don’t know that disease-promoting bacteria and fungi need sugar to survive as they cannot digest fat. Furthermore, it’s a big secret that the germ theory of disease is one of the false foundations of modern medicine.

Dr. Joyce Marshall says micro-organisms are “pleomorphic” (i.e. they evolve within the body), changing from beneficial microbes to harmful ones as a person consistently consumes a “devitalized” food diet (i.e. a “dead organic matter diet”). Not only does a high-sugar diet cause beneficial microbes to evolve into disease-causing ones, but such a diet greatly suppresses the immune system. She explains that external pathogens colonize a human body and cause sickness ONLY IF the person’s body has an ample food supply (sugar) and his/her immune system is too weak to eliminate the pathogens.

Dr. Marshall emphasized, “The key point is that it is the diseased toxemic condition, where the body is overwhelmed with poisonous waste, which creates an environment favorable to the mutation of bacteria into those commonly associated with particular diseases.” This waste includes chemical toxins from household cleaning agents and acid waste from refined sugar. In short, Dr. Marshall says a pure, nutrient-rich, alkaline bloodstream as well as unimpeded flow of blood and other body fluids, along with unobstructed excretion of waste are the essential keys to a healthy body. Virulent bacteria soon die in this environment due to a lack of dead and dying organic matter.

To achieve such a bodily environment in light of mineral-depleted soils and heavy-metal contaminated air, most people (particularly the overweight) need to use 100% natural, nutrient-rich, detoxification supplements such as Miracle II Liquid Neutralizer. All organisms (humans, animals, microbes, etc.) depend on sugar, fat, or protein to fuel their biochemical processes. Humans evolved to primarily metabolize animal fat for their energy needs while insects and some primates have DNA that is best served by plant- and fruit-based sugar (i.e. glucose and fructose).

Recently, researchers have debunked previous conclusions that all non-human primates are vegetarian. According to a 1981 study mentioned in the link above, “It is now clear that several primate populations make regular and substantial use of precisely the type of food [animal flesh] which the early theories described as instrumental in the emergence of the hominids.” Taubes wrote in his book that the skyrocketing rates of chronic diseases (e.g. obesity, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, etc.) can be reversed if Americans cease exposing their bodies to refined sugar [and other chemical toxins]. To help make this happen, the U.S. federal government should:

1. encourage the consumption of a high-fat/moderate protein,/low carbohydrate diet (i.e. carbs, 10-15 percent; protein, 15-25 percent; and fat, 60-70 percent of calories; as advocated by Dr. Donald W. Miller, Jr.; research shows saturated fats works best for weight loss),

2. discourage the consumption of not only refined carbohydrates, but all highly processed foods,

3. recommend that fruit consumption be limited as fructose can damage the liver and cause obesity, and

4. encourage insurance companies to provide coverage for certified (not only “licensed”) alternative healthcare professionals that offer relatively low-cost (compared to drugs and surgery), highly effective, 100% natural “wellness” remedies.

Like environmental chemicals, refined sugar can disrupt the body’s fat-burning biochemical mechanisms and stimulate fat-storing hormonal systems. In September 2010, scientists introduced a new test that identifies the chemicals that cause the body to store fat by disrupting these mechanisms. In September 2010, a popular talk show host (of Turkish heritage) informed Americans that “Obesogens” (i.e. toxic chemicals) may be a big part of the obesity epidemic. He said these chemicals are everywhere because high fructose corn syrup is in almost all processed foods.

He also identified soy as a toxic chemical. It is virtually impossible to maintain excess body fat on an all-meat/fat (even if its high-calorie) diet. Please know that “excess body fat” is a cultural term and does not necessarily equate to “unhealthy.” Healthy human bodies have a wide diversity of shapes and sizes. In fact, studies show that thin people can be very unhealthy. It’s also important to know that salt does not cause obesity.

Animal fat is relatively high in salt so members of the increasingly discredited anti-fat movement have been trying to link salt with obesity. Health-related misinformation is widespread because certain entities in the healthcare industry have a huge financial interest in promoting information that increases the worldwide rate of obesity and chronic illness.

In 2002, The Lancet claimed that conflicting interests between drug companies and healthcare providers have “heavily, and damagingly” influenced the practice of medicine. An example of such propaganda involves a 2-year study that was largely financed by major food processors. Reported in the August 2010 edition of the Annals of Internal Medicine, the study aimed to determine the weight loss effects of low-carb diets compared to high-fat ones. In line with mainstream medicine’s disease-promoting objectives, high-fat dieters were instructed to start eating carbohydrates after 3 months, and to consume larger and larger amounts on a weekly basis.

Unsurprisingly, by the end of the study, researchers found no differences in weight, body composition, or bone mineral density between the two (essentially high-carb) groups. However, the researchers (publicly and in writing) acknowledged that even after only 3 months on a high-fat diet, study participants experienced a dramatic increase in HDL (good) cholesterol levels, which were still evident after two years.

The Annals of Internal Medicine is one of the five most cited peer-reviewed medical journals in the world. It has been published for 82 years and rejects 93 percent of the original research studies submitted for publication. Undoubtedly, many of the rejected studies promote disease-reducing (i.e. profit-reducing) natural treatments and/or lifestyle changes. Mainstream medical journals are highly dependent on advertising revenues from entities whose financial fortunes derive from obesity-related diseases. That may be why such a highly respected, mainstream journal chose to publish an “unscientific” study that compared the weight loss effects of two essentially high-carb diets.

Most people don’t read the details of studies published in expensive medical journals. Instead, Americans rely on the mainstream media to report conclusions of health-related experiments. So what information did Americans receive through the mainstream press about the above study, which compared two essentially high-carb diets? The lead researcher, Dr. Gary D. Foster, told the press that an important conclusion of the study was that high-carb diets lead to the same amount of weight loss as high-fat diets. Dr. Foster is director of the Center for Obesity Research and Education and professor of Medicine and Public Health at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. The Contra Costa Times reported that the conclusions of Dr. Foster’s study were “widely circulated.”

If Americans accept the above incorrect conclusion, they may ignore a main cause of obesity (i.e. refined carbs) and try to lose weight by increasing (aerobic) physical activity as First Lady Michelle Obama advocates in her Let’s Move campaign. Unfortunately, unlike fat-burning weight-bearing exercises, sugar-burning cardio exercises do little to promote weight loss. The NY Times published a November 2009 article called “Why Doesn’t Exercise Lead to Weight Loss?”

The author wrote: “… few people, an overwhelming body of research shows, achieve significant weight loss with exercise alone, not without changing their eating habits… In fact, most of the subjects burned slightly less fat over the 24-hour study period when they exercised than when they did not.” However, the article emphasized that all exercise studies show that cardio/aerobic exercise has significant health benefits, including decreased blood pressure and resting heart rates as well as significant psychological improvements.

Among all the big players in the healthcare industry, insurers are the only ones with a financial interest in healthy people. Even if chronic illnesses were forever eradicated, most people would likely purchase health insurance, just in case of a catastrophic accident. In the absence of chronic disease, insurance companies would be able to dramatically lower premiums and make the same profits as they do now. Unfortunately, healthcare insurers depend on licensed doctors, drug-company-funded studies, government agencies, and organizations such as the American Medical Association for the health-related information they provide their customers.

To help solve this problem, insurance companies could fund a (profit or nonprofit) national organization that provides them and the general public with science-based, preventive-medicine-based information and services. The increasingly high cost of health insurance premiums and the predicted healthcare-related financial tsunami are due to the astronomical costs of pharmaceuticals and surgical treatments. Socialized medicine is not the answer. However, it’s the likely outcome if Americans continue to scapegoat insurance companies instead of addressing the true causes (i.e. health-related misinformation and resultant unhealthy lifestyle choices) of rising healthcare costs. Insurance companies have the financial resources to fund the above, proposed organization.

For example, the five biggest commercial insurers increased profits by 17 percent in 2010. Furthermore, some individual commercial and nonprofit insurers hold hundreds of millions of dollars in “risk-based capital” accounts that exceed state minimum surplus requirements by more than a 1,000 percent. Consumer groups and states such as Pennsylvania, Maryland, Rhode Island and the District of Columbia have begun imploring health giants to spend more of their surpluses to benefit local communities. State records show large insurers already spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually to benefit consumers through community wellness programs.

Unfortunately, they’re wasting the money to promote misinformation derived from the conventional medical establishment. Dr. Scott Whitaker co-authored a 406-page book called Medisin: The Causes and Solutions to Disease, Malnutrition and the Medical Sins that are Killing the World. With compelling facts, the book reveals the unholy practices of allopathic medicine and the commercialization of devitalized, chemical-based foods.

To reverse the obesity and degenerative disease epidemics, a critical mass of Americans must expose themselves to science-based, unbiased, health-promoting information. Unfortunately, as former President Thomas Jefferson warned, U.S. citizens cannot trust the government to provide such information.

Source by Courtney West

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