D'estate, con le giornate che si sono allungate e le temperature calde, fa piacere vivere anche le notti, e allora il team di bloggers di The Creative Factory si è rimesso al lavoro per creare altri progetti dedicati all'estate! Quindi, dopo "Handmade Winter" in gennaio, "Handmade Valentine's 2016" in febbraio, "Handmade Father's Day" e "Handmade Easter 2016" in marzo, "Handmade Earth Day 2016" in aprile, "Handmade Mother's Day 2016" e "Handmade Spring 2016" in maggio, "Handmade Summer 2016" in giugno, stiamo ora lavorando per dare vita a
In Summer the days are longer, the temperature are higher and it is nice to enjoy also the nights, so the team of The Creative Factory is working again to create other summer crafts! After "Handmade Winter" in January, "Handmade Valentine's 2016" in February, "Handmade Father's Day" and "Handmade Easter 2016" in March, "Handmade Earth Day 2016" in April, "Handmade Mother's Day 2016" and "Handmade Spring 2016" in May, "Handmade Summer 2016" in June, we are now working for
Banner graphics by Norma Ricaldone
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