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What is This?

This is the Mustang 50th Birthday Celebration Issues and Answers Forum. The establishment of this forum is to provide a single conduit for communication between the Mustang enthusiast community and the MCA leadership for any and all issues and questions about the Mustang 50th Birthday Celebrations in Las Vegas and Charlotte This forum is divided into three (3) sections.

The first section is the FAQ and Answers section. You are currently in that section, reading the FAQ. This section will contain the FAQ and questions that have been answered by the MCA leadership. Before you post a question in the Issues and Questions section, you should look here to see if your question has already been answered

The second section is Issues and Questions. This is the section where you post your questions and issues with the Mustang 50th Celebration. After questions have been answered, they will be moved to the FAQ and Answers section.

The third section is Suggestions. This is the section where you can post your suggestions for future events.

I did not receive items in my Goody Bag or other items I paid for. How can I contact someone about this and get it resolved?

We have established an online contact form that you can use to contact the Leadership about these issues.

The form can be accessed at CLICK HERE.

Is there a deadline to contact you about missing items/items not received, and refund requests?
The deadline to submit any and all requests is July 31, 2014

What was supposed to be in the Goody Bag?
All Goody Bags were supposed to have the following items:

One Poster

One Die-Cast Mustang

One Welcome DVD

One Event Guide/Program

In addition, if you registered a Mustang for attendance, you also received

One Participation Plaque

I did not receive a lanyard at the 50th Celebration. Can I get one?
Please note that the lanyard was not a part of the goodie bag. We have ordered more lanyards for guests who attended Las Vegas and Charlotte. We expect the lanyards to arrive between 2-3 weeks from now. The guests who did not receive a lanyard at the event and who would like one should use the Mustang 50th Contact Form to send us their address and indicate that they did not receive a lanyard.

The form can be accessed at CLICK HERE.

I did not receive a DVD at the 50th Celebration. Can I get one?
We have ordered additional DVDs and expect them to arrive next week. We will be filling goodie bags and mailing DVDs to guests who were shorted in the goodie bag they received at the event. If you did not receive the Welcome DVD in your goodie bag, use the Mustang 50th Contact Form to send us your address and indicate that you did not receive a DVD.

The form can be accessed at CLICK HERE.

I did not get my Participation Plaque at the event. How can I ensure that I will receive it and how long will it take to receive it?
We have ordered the Participant award plaques and will mail them as soon as we receive them. It may take 2-3 weeks for us to receive them before we can mail them to you. If you are unsure whether we have your name and contact information, please use the contact form to send us your information. PLEASE NOTE: The plaque is only available to the guests who registered their Mustangs. Goodie bags preordered to be shipped to the guest will not have a Participation plaque since their Mustang was not registered and did not attend the event.

The form can be accessed at CLICK HERE.

My Event Program says my Goody Bag should have a rain poncho and sunblock. How can I get these?

The inclusion of ponchos and suntan lotion in the 50th Program "list" of goody bag contents was an error that should have been pulled from the program before going to press. It was discovered that those items were cost prohibitive to be included so they were canceled. We apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused.

Why did we run out of DVDs, lanyards, and other items?

One of the major issues with the 50th that impacted the problems encountered with the goodie bags, long lines, and event lanyards, simply had to do with MCA answering the call by many to extend/reopen registration for those that for whatever reason did not get registered before the deadline of March 15th. The primary impact of the extended registration was that items that were ordered to cover the registrations made before the 15th of March would run short. Was this immediately recognized? No, and as a result we ran short of items to fill goodie bags, provide participant awards, and the resultant long registration lines. Even before the events ended, orders to replace those items had already been placed so that those missing items would have them as soon as possible.

Why was registration reopened after the March 15 deadline?

When registration originally closed, the phone calls, emails, and social media were alive with requests to please find a way to reopen and extent registration for those that missed out. After looking at what the impact would be, the decision was made to extend the registration to March 31st, and subsequently allow car registration at the events themselves. The extensions of registration and allowing day of show registration added well over a thousand registrations to the events. We extended the registration so that those people that requested it could have the opportunity to be a part of the party.

I attended the banquet in Las Vegas and some people got a blue license plate. Can I get one?

The MCA has no knowledge of where the blue license plates came from. We suspect that a vendor or someone from Ford distributed them. They were not a part of the 50th Celebration planning so unfortunately we can not offer those to other attendees who did not get one.

I heard that some people received a round "50 Years" sticker in their goodie bags. Can I get one?

The MCA has no knowledge of where the round stickers came from. We suspect that a vendor or someone from Ford distributed them. They were not a part of the 50th Celebration planning so unfortunately we can not offer those to other attendees who did not get one.

Are we going to be selling "extra" 50th Birthday Celebration Items on the MCA webpage?

The Mustang 50th event merchandise is available through the event website. The direct link is below:

FAQ Last Updated 05/09/2014

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