Fat Loss At Whatever Cost – Queendom.com Releases Results Of New Study On Unhealthy Weight Loss Methods
To burger or not to burger … that is NOT the question!
Montreal, Canada (PRWEB) January 15, 2014
It may not come as a surprise that a lot of women don’t like their body, but the extremes that some are willing to go to lose weight may be a bit shocking, according to the latest study by Queendom.com. Of the 1,252 women in Queendom’s study, 62% don’t like their body – yet only 39% exercise regularly, and often resort to other means to drop the weight.
Weight loss commercials like to make light of the tendency to gain weight during the holidays – like that advertisement where a woman is inspired to eat a healthier cereal after her young daughter mistakes her red-robed body for ‘Santa Claus.’ Credit card bills may be the first post-holiday shock women receive in January; the number on the scale may be another.
A study conducted by Queendom.com analyzing eating and weight loss habits with the Diet & Weight Loss Test reveals that only 6% of women in their sample are happy with their body, with another 32% being only moderately content. Of the remaining 62% who are unhappy, 1% are underweight, 20% are at a normal/healthy weight, 42% are overweight, and 31% are obese. Queendom’s study also reveals that while 63% of women who are content with their body exercise regularly (at least three times a week), only 39% of the unhappy group do the same.
So what other methods are they using to lose weight? According to Queendom’s statistics:
15% use diuretics (12% of those who are content with their body use them)
21% use laxatives (19% of those who are content with their body use them)
20% force themselves to vomit (16% of those who are content with their body use them)
37% use herbal weight loss supplements (18% of those who are content with their body use them)
37% use fat burners or diet pills (19% of those who are content with their body use them)
44% resort to fasting/starving themselves (29% of those who are content with their body do so)
“While these statistics alone are worrisome, we can better understand why this is the case when we look at how the personality of these two groups of women differs,” explains Dr. Ilona Jerabek, president of the company. “Women who are unhappy with their body are also more likely to be dealing with a host of other psychological issues. Unhealthy eating habits aside, women who are unhappy with their body often find themselves struggling with problems like low self-esteem, lack of self-discipline, and the tendency to use food for comfort. If these underlying issues are not dealt with, it is unlikely that the physical habits are going to change.”
When comparing women who are unhappy with their body with those are content, Queendom’s study reveals that unhappy women…
Have a more external locus of control. They feel they have some, but not complete control over their health (66 vs. 76 for happy women, on a scale from 0 to 100).
Are less likely/willing to adhere to a healthy diet & exercise program (55 vs. 72).
Are less self-disciplined (41 vs. 61).
Are less proactive (54 vs. 69).
Are less self-motivated (53 vs. 63).
Are less likely to believe in themselves and in their ability to change (57 vs. 74).
Are less skilled at managing anger (53 vs. 67).
Have a low tolerance for frustration (44 vs. 59).
Are more likely to be emotional eaters (56 vs. 35).
Have lower self-esteem (56 vs. 75).
Are less emotionally healthy (47 vs. 66).
Have underdeveloped or unhealthy coping skills (53 vs. 69).
Have a higher tendency toward food guilt, i.e. feeling extreme guilt when after eating unhealthy food (61 vs. 32).
In terms of unhealthy eating habits, women who are unhappy with their body are more likely to:
“Graze,” i.e. nibble when not hungry or eat mindlessly (60 vs. 39).
Eat a large meal late at night (36 vs. 28).
Snack at night (40 vs. 32).
Use food as a reward (31 vs. 25).
Use food as a source of comfort (58 vs. 41).
Binge eat (58 vs. 32).
Here are some general weight loss tips from Queendom.com:
Calories in, calories out. As simple as it may sound, the bottom line is that weight gain is a result of an imbalance of caloric input and output. Basically, if you eat more than your body burns, you will gain weight. You need to burn more calories than you eat, whether it’s changing your food habits, or exercising more. And be wary of the “next big thing,” like a new-fangled diet or pill. Stick to what works – eat healthy and exercise.
Stock up on healthy food. According to a study by London researchers, the difference between emotional eaters and non-emotional eaters isn’t the quantity of food they eat – it’s the quality. Emotional eaters are more likely to eat fattening, high-calorie food. So change your grocery shopping habits and make it easier to comply with your regimen by removing unhealthy temptations and replacing them with healthier ones. For example, if you have a chocolate craving, stick to dark chocolate. Replace salty chips with air-popped popcorn or even baked chips. When you’re at the grocery store, indulge the foodie in you with high-quality of food with interesting flavors. Treat your taste buds to seaweed snacks, walnuts, sorbet, dried fruit, apple slices with peanut butter, avocados, and other healthy snacks.
Don’t completely give up your favorite foods. Just eat them less often. This doesn’t mean spending an entire day binging on your beloved chocolate cake, or having nothing but fast food. It means eating healthy most of the time, and allowing a moderate indulgence for one meal. Weight loss author Tom Venuto recommends a “90/10 compliance rule,” where 90% of your meals are healthy, and the remaining 10% are your “free meals” (rather than “cheat meals”).
Learn to identify when you are really hungry. One critical component to ending a cycle of emotional eating is re-learning to recognize your body’s signals for hunger and satiety. This innate response has been lost on many people. Emotional eaters no longer have the ability to recognize the difference between the biological need for food and the emotional need. Some tips for recapturing a sense of your appetite include eating on a schedule, moderating caffeine intake (because caffeine inhibits our sensation of hunger), and eating foods that are nutritionally satisfying. Also, pay conscious attention to satiety signals. It takes 15 minutes for the brain to get the message that you are full. When eating, use different tactics to slow yourself down. For instance, prepare multiple courses (they don’t have to be elaborate; a small salad or soup before the main meal and a little bit of cheese after can do the trick), rest between courses, take smaller bites, and chew more. Eat until you’re 80% full, and wait 15 minutes. If you’re still a little hungry, eat a small snack.
Eat your calories, don’t drink them. Two oranges will be more satisfying than a small glass of orange juice, and will offer the additional benefit of fiber. Beware of soft drinks, and don’t be fooled by artificially sweetened ones. Studies show that artificial sweeteners increase cravings for sugar. In fact, several studies demonstrated that drinking artificially sweetened beverages results in weight gain. If you must sweeten your beverages, go for Xylitol (sugar alcohol that tastes great and has many health benefits), honey, or coconut sugar.
Remember, exercise does not need to be extreme. The sweat-inducing, high intensity type of exercise is what often discourages people from keeping it up. The bottom line is, the best exercise routine is one that you’ll stick to. So if you find that you need to drag yourself to the gym or your treadmill at home, it’s time for a change in your routine. There are many exercise options that are fun and can help you stay fit, like swimming, dancing, spinning, kickboxing, nature walks, and step classes. You can also look into the latest advances in interactive video games. And remember, start small. Begin with 20 minutes a day, 3 times a week, and then add a day and 10 additional minutes every 2 weeks.
Ask yourself if you’re really ready to change. Committing to losing weight requires a great deal of discipline. Granted, you may fall off the wagon sometimes and indulge in that dessert, but that doesn’t mean you need to let it spiral down further. If you find yourself struggling or basically unwilling to stick to healthy food and exercise, you may not be mentally ready to change just yet.
Set reasonable goals. If you aim too high (e.g.. planning to lose more than 2 pounds a week), you are setting yourself up for failure, and that can be very de-motivating. It is advisable to focus on getting into shape and leading a healthy lifestyle, rather than judging your progress by the number you see on the scale. Keep in mind that muscles weigh more than fat, so you might be losing inches and replacing fat with muscle tissue without much change on the scale.
Interested in learning more about your eating and weight loss habits? You can take the Diet & Weight Loss Test at: http://www.queendom.com/tests/take_test.php?idRegTest=3092
About Queendom.com
Queendom.com is a subsidiary of PsychTests AIM Inc. Queendom.com is a site that creates an interactive venue for self-exploration with a healthy dose of fun. The site offers a full range of professional-quality, scientifically-validated psychological assessments that empower people to grow and reach their real potential through insightful feedback and detailed, custom-tailored analysis.
About PsychTests AIM Inc.:
PsychTests AIM Inc. originally appeared on the internet scene in 1996. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world. PsychTests AIM Inc. staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts (see ARCHProfile.com). The company’s research division, Plumeus Inc., is supported in part by Research and Development Tax Credit awarded by Industry Canada.
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