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To Your Health

When it comes to improving your life, improving your health should always be a top priority. And while eating right and exercising are essential components of any good health plan, sometimes it’s not enough. Luckily, there are some all-natural supplements and simple lifestyle tweaks that can next-level your health in no time—17 to be exact.

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No need to try everything here; just pick a few that resonate with you and give them a test spin. The best part: Everything is proven by my personal experience and backed by science, so positive benefits are highly likely.

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Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s are known as “essential” fatty acids because the human body is not capable of producing them on its own. Therefore, we typically need to rely on getting enough omega-3 foods in our diet to provide these critical nutrients that are known to decrease inflammation throughout the body, prevent blood clots, ensure a steady heart rhythm and lower triglyceride levels. Unfortunately, eating enough cold-water, fatty fish and/or nuts and seeds can be difficult, but a high-quality fish oil supplement can ensure you get your daily dose of omega-3s.

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Bentonite Clay

Toxins are found throughout our environment, from heavy metals found in amalgam teeth fillings and paint, to carcinogens lurking in common pesticides. Once in your body, these toxins can wreak havoc on your health, even causing neurological issues. Bentonite clay (which is actually made from the ash from volcanoes) benefits your body by helping to expel many of these toxins. And don’t worry if you’re not interested in eating or drinking this substance, bentonite clay can also be used topically to draw toxins out of the body, or as relaxing and detoxifying bath soak. On top of being able to draw out toxins from the body, the clay itself has an abundance of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, silica, sodium, copper, iron and potassium making it a beneficial dietary supplement.

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Bone Broth Protein

Homemade bone broth is not only delicious, it can also heal a leaky gut, improve joint health, reduce cellulite, boost the immune system and even help you to overcome food intolerances and allergies. But if you haven't jumped on this proven health trend because you find the process of making of bone broth too time consuming, you can now get your daily dose in a convenient powder. The extremely versatile bone broth protein powder can be mixed into smoothies, healthy dessert recipes and so much more—helping you reap all of the benefits of bone broth without all the work.

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Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a natural product made of the fossilized remains of tiny, aquatic organisms called diatoms. When consumed, food-grade diatomaceous earth works like a natural detoxifying agent within the body, killing parasites and viruses that can contribute to illnesses while also helping to clean the blood. It’s also inexpensive, simple to use and much safer than many store-bought detox products or plans. Bonus: Diatomaceous earth work as a great all-natural pesticide in the home.

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Essential Oils

Made from distilling or extracting the compounds found in the flowers, leaves, bark, roots, resin and peels of plants, essential oils have been used for thousands of years in a variety of ways. And now, in modern times, people have finally caught on to the versatility of essential oils in aromatherapy, household cleaning, personal beauty care and natural medicinal treatments—thanks to their antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, if you can only choose one of these 17 life upgrades to start with, I highly recommend using essential oils. Not sure how to use them? Here are 101 Essential Oil Uses and Benefits.

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Green Superfood Powder

Fresh vegetable juices are awesome at promoting good health, but for most people juicing every day—or even sometimes—is unrealistic. Don't let the task of juicing prevent you from reaping the tremendous health benefits of green vegetables, including their ability to alkalize the body, boost energy, help prevent weight gain and much more. And that’s where a high-quality, green superfood powder can help to fill the gaps. Try adding it to a glass of water mid-morning or in the afternoon to replace your daily espresso.

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Collagen makes up approximately 30 percent of all the proteins in the body and is truly the “glue” that holds us together. Aging has a way of lowering collagen levels, but you really don’t have to be that old to starting noticing the effects. In fact, collagen production in the body starts to slow around age 20. Supplementing with collagen protein powder can help to boost collagen levels in the body to support healthy tendons, ligaments, and joints while also boosting metabolism and energy levels.

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Vitamin D

You may not know this, but vitamin D is actually more than a vitamin—it acts as a pro-hormone that affects hormone balance and immune regulation of the body. Unfortunately, up to 90% of adults in the United States are believed to have a Vitamin D deficiency. This is particularly dangerous as low vitamin D levels have been linked to osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, depression, insomnia, fibromyalgia, diabetes and many other serious health conditions. Most foods, unless they are fortified, are poor sources of vitamin D, and it’s difficult to adequate amounts of sunlight year-round, thus making vitamin D supplementation a smart and easy way to improve your health.

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Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin for addressing adrenal fatigue; supporting multiple metabolic functions including enzyme production, DNA synthesis and hormonal balance; and maintaining healthy nervous and cardiovascular systems. But like vitamin D, most people just aren’t getting enough. Vitamin B12 supplementation can benefit your mood, energy level, memory, heart, skin, hair, digestion and more. Find out more about Why You Need B Vitamins.

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I am a big proponent of the benefits of beneficial microbes on our overall health—so much so that I wrote a whole book on the subject. Many of these health-boosting microbes are found in the dirt, and one of the best dirt-based supplements for improving overall health is shilajit (pronounced shee-lay-jit). Shilajit is made from dense, nutrient- and mineral-rich soil found high in the Himalayan mountains bordering India and Tibet. It contains at least 85 minerals—including two of my favorites, humic acid and fulvic acid—that are commonly used as a soil supplement in agriculture. These organic acids help the body transport minerals through thick cell walls and assist in prolonging cell life. You can often find shilajit as a standalone supplement or as part of a supplement blend, like a probiotic.

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Live Probiotics

I strongly believe that almost every single person today has a probiotic deficiency. There are also over 200 studies linking low probiotic levels to more than 170 different health problems. Most people are in need of a major probiotic boost due to prescription antibiotics, high carbohydrate diets, fluoridated tap water and high levels of stress. Taking a daily live probiotic supplement is one of best things you can do for your health. Remember this: "You are what you digest," and there are no other compounds in the world that support digestion and the assimilation of nutrients better than living probiotics.

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Aloe vera is a plant that truly packs a healthy punch of nutrients and benefits. Externally, aloe gel is an awesome remedy for all kinds of skin conditions including burns, sunburn, frostbite, psoriasis and cold sores. Internally, aloe can be taken to improve digestion, relieve constipation, normalize acid/alkaline and pH balance, decrease yeast formation and encourage digestive bacteria. Aloe vera also contains many vitamins and minerals vital for proper growth and function of all the body’s systems.

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Eat Dirt

When I tell people to eat dirt, I’m not actually ordering them to scoop up a handful of soil and eat it. (Well, not exactly, anyway.) The important thing to remember is that getting daily micro-exposures to the soil-based organisms found in dirt is critically important for your health. These microbes keep the balance of the gut’s good and bad bacteria in check, thereby preventing leaky gut, food allergies, digestive issues, skin rashes and other healthy concerns. So I urge you to embrace the idea of “eating dirt” as a broader philosophy that will help you heal your gut along with anything else that is ailing you. Some of the best ways to start indirectly “eating dirt” on a daily basis include not over washing fresh organic produce and consuming raw honey.

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Get a Pet

Another great way to get your daily dose of “dirt” and improve your immune health is to own a furry friend. A study published in the medical journal Clinical and Experimental Allergy showed that having pets may improve the immune system and reduce allergies in children. The researchers studied 566 children with pets and found that children who owned cats saw a 48 percent decrease in allergies, while dog owners had a 50 percent decrease in allergies. The explanation? An animal that plays in the dirt brings diverse, beneficial microbes into the home, many of which enter the children via inhalation of skin contact, travel to the gut and boost the body’s immune system.

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Swim in the Ocean

You’ve probably heard or experienced for yourself how a cut seems to heal quickly after a dip in the ocean. Part of that is due to the salt content of the water, but the good microbes and bacteriophages present in salt water also have therapeutic merit. A 2013 study in Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism found that those who took baths in mineral salts from the Dead Sea had a decrease in skin inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.

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Get Grounded

Just the simple act of putting your bare feet on the ground can affect your health in several surprising ways. When you stroll barefoot on grass, dirt paths, shoreline sand or even concrete sidewalks after a rainstorm, the soles of your bare feet come in direct contact with the surface of the Earth, creating the opportunity for billions of bacteria and other beneficial microbes to catch a ride on your skin and enter your body. In fact, researchers have become so fascinated with the health benefits of walking barefoot that a whole new field of study on the practice called “earthing” or “grounding” is steadily gaining momentum.

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Smarter Cell Phone Use

Preliminary results of a massive, government-funded study suggest a link between cell phones and cancer. The early findings in the $25 million U.S. National Toxicology Program animal study show that exposure to very high signal cell phone radiation led to a slightly increased risk of tumors in the brain and heart of male rats. With more and more evidence suggesting cell phones could lead to cancer, you can be on the safe side by practicing healthier cell phone habits. Try texting rather than calling when possible; avoid keeping your cell phone in your pocket; and use your speakerphone when you do make a call.

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