
I have not simmed in like a good three or so weeks. My UNI schedule is really strange this time around, and I still need to find my rhythm. But midterms are almost around the corner, and usually after that things seem to slow the eff down. I know Spring Break’s coming up next month I think - thank god.

So let me just reply to all these lovely comments while I still have the chance. :P

It’s effing long, since I’m backed up, so I put them under the cut.

cavernsofdarkness replied to your post“TS2 to TS3 - Egyptomania!”

Wcif the sheer shoulder pieces on the female female sim in the first  picture?

All of Naevertiti’s CC is listed in this post here.

witchzenka replied to your photo “witchzenka reblogged your post and added:  Is that book a computer?!…”

You are the BEST!

I’m really not, but thank you! :D

willky12 replied to your photo “witchzenka reblogged your post and added:  Is that book a computer?!…”

Couldn’t agree more, the book laptop is one of the best pieces of cc I have ;)

Oh, Luna, why did you have to go!?

my-simension replied to your photoset “Pietut and the Philosopher’s Stone  CAPTIONS AS TEXT  - One day while…”

lol@ your thoughts. xD

I’m a frikkin idiot and therapy did nothing but make me realize just how crazy I really am.

willky12 replied to your photoset “Pietut and the Philosopher’s Stone  CAPTIONS AS TEXT  - One day while…”

fist bump Pietut ;D

The animations they do on the Philosopher’s Stone are really cute. I was terrified cuz I couldn’t remember if I had installed any No Death by Philosophers Stone mods, so he couldn’t get killed if the Stone turned HIM into gold rather than the mummitomium. Thank god it didn’t, or I’d’ve been PISSED.

willky12 replied to your photoset “Pietut and the Philosopher’s Stone  CAPTIONS AS TEXT  - One day while…”

I didn’t see that radio either :P

DANGIT, @willky12​! AVERT YOUR FREAKING EYES! I forgot to look for medieval radio CC and that was the most inconspicuous one I had. :P

simblu replied to your photoset “Pietut and the Philosopher’s Stone  CAPTIONS AS TEXT  - One day while…”

Not “Pfft”..Ptah.


kittythesnowcat replied to your photoset “Pietut and the Philosopher’s Stone  CAPTIONS AS TEXT  - One day while…”

walk like an egyptian *sing*

God I remember back when everyone (read: me) was doing that walk-dance-jig.

declarations-of-drama replied to your photoset“Pietut and the Philosopher’s Stone  CAPTIONS AS TEXT  - One day while…”

But… . How… . ??? Is The Pantheon so easily
impressed with a little flattery like that? I love this story!!! (Skips
back cos I just noticed I missed some!)

The Pantheon was drunk on sacred beer at the time – they were raining down blessings all over Al Simhara that day.

declarations-of-drama replied to your photoset “Goddess Most High
Thou art the Mistress of Jubilation, the Queen of…”

Beautiful pictures! And I love the headpiece you’ve made :) Awesome stuff!!!!!

Thank you!!! I had a lot of fun, and I hope it inspires other cc-makers to do more Egyptian content for World Adventures – Wawa made a bunch of TS2 stuff that I didn’t convert (too lazy, out of time, etc), so I hope it sparks more interest.

simsdestroyer replied to your photoset “Goddess Most High
Thou art the Mistress of Jubilation, the Queen of…”

I LOVE your gameplay, I wish I could have your
skills as my own lol… Your game looks so very interesting and

Omg THANKS! :D Trust me: my game is effing slow and laggy and annoying and I need to scale back on how much CC I use but nope I’m an CC-addict and a CC-holic and I’m not effing going back to effing rehab!

nornities replied to your photoset “Goddess Most High
Thou art the Mistress of Jubilation, the Queen of…”

This is so beautiful!

Y’all are killing me with the compliments; thank you! Dang. Wow. It’s really all thanks to the CC creators listed, it really is. (Cuz lord knows EA can’t be arsed to do cultural content unless Katy Perry used it. >_>)

divinekemetic replied to your photoset “Goddess Most High
Thou art the Mistress of Jubilation, the Queen of…”

regarding your thoughts blabber: a lot of the female
godesses were merged but hathor was more the goddess who danced, drank
and partied, while isis (or aset in ancient egypt) was a mother and
mistress of magic (as indicated by her various names). i thought i’d
reply and add haha xD

Add away! That’s why I linked to the articles on both Hathor and Isis, cuz Hathor’s cult is waaaaay older than Isis’, which really didn’t take off until the Romans got their greasy palms on it, so it gets confusing to determine exactly when Isis started absorbing the roles and functions and iconography of Hathor. Effin Romans.

willky12 replied to your photoset “Goddess Most High
Thou art the Mistress of Jubilation, the Queen of…”

I love the way you put her outfit together <3

It’s frikkin hard to find sheer outfits, lemme tell you. U_U Art-sims’ was the best one I had, so I just tweaked the multiplier and overlay so it was white and gold instead of blue, since the original is non-recolorable.

echoarborsims answered to your photo “Bang, Marry, or Kill: Disney Princes  I was organizing my downloads…”

100% agree about Beast! Not hot at all in human
form. Also agree with Eric, 10/10 would bang.

I am really excited to see the new Beauty & the Beast movie! Emma Watson’s gonna be Belle, and I have high hopes that she’ll do a good job – a little young, IMO, but hey, Ariel was like 16. #SMDH

And the Beast looks hawt!

willky12 answered to your photo “Bang, Marry, or Kill: Disney Princes  I was organizing my downloads…”

None of the above :P

Them’s be fightin’ words, yo!

Alright, spill the beans – who’s your cartoon crush? >:)

declarations-of-drama answered to your photo “Bang, Marry, or Kill: Disney Princes  I was organizing my downloads…”

Hahaha That made me literally LOL! I agree with most
of it, especially the part about John Smith’s ass. Give me Pongo any day
over these nit-wits - he’s my true prince :D

O_O Are we thinking of the same Pongo here, or….?

I’m in. 10/10 would Bang, yup! XD (Balto’s hotter, IMO though.)

But if we’re gonna talk about full-on bestiality cuz clearly we need Jesus, then there’s no one more bang-worthy than MUFASA – UNF! <3 TOTAL DILF!)

tencentsims replied to your post “As it is written, so shall it be Replied to!”

Oh my God– while building my Roman tomb I had the
SAME THOUGHT about ALL OF THIS. I’m avoiding using CC and it is a
NIGHTMARE trying to find fitting wall decor!! Ancient peoples of EVERY
civ had beautiful decor on their walls! I know WA came chalk full of
items but they could’ve been a bit less stingy with their clothes and
decor, just like you said.

I commend you for trying to play a culturally specific game with no CC. I really do. WA was great, but they didn’t go the distance at all.

hyperkaos replied to your post “As it is written, so shall it be Replied to!”

Nods head vigorously in agreement with MJ comment
(gods I miss that man) and btw, your historical knowledge is amazing! I
think it was Tacitus who stated Cesar believed the Gauls were
Barbarians, but of course they were, the Romans won!

One of my professors is always saying: “Tacitus was NOT tacit”, cuz the man talked way too much fang crap about people. :P

The Romans won for a time, yes, and their legacy is indeed what this whole modern Western world order f*ckery is based on, but in the end it was the Gauls that beat them. They messed up when they let the Gauls be their mercs/soldiers, and then their Western emperors after the schism moved the seat of the empire to the East in Constantinople, leaving Rome-proper in the West to the descendants of people they had enslaved once. :P That was NOT a good idea. Same thing happened in China, too. I’m just waiting for Fuhrer Trump to build that wall. Let history repeat itself. The Great Wall, Hadrian’s Wall, the Berlin Wall, Trump’s Wall…
Yep. You do that, Donald Duck.


willky12 replied to your post “As it is written, so shall it be Replied to!”

Blue has a mod over at the Asylum “No mascot Intro” blah blah, you’ll find it :P

I found it, yup – thanks to everyone who sent me messages about that Mascot!

Happy Simming!

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