simblr ask things
I saw these and simply HAD to contribute! (Plus, I’m bored; tired of Milkshape right now)
§: Do you use cheats?
(Even though Tumblinrob is gonna smack me for this….) YES, GOSH DARNIT! >:)
I have a Crucial Mods sub-folder (right now 59 MB large) with all my essential mods/scripts/hacks, that I do not touch, even when I rotate out my other cc sub-folders in my Packages folder. These are my babies; they stay with me no matter what. <3
I recommend all of the above! They work great for me; never had a problem!
I have almost just as many MTS mods as I have Naughty Sims Asylum mods. Those are my two main sources for game fixes and overrides and cheats and such.
I’m effing serious about my mods, okay? X’D
†: Do you kill sims on purpose?
Define on purpose…. >_>
♂ : Do you make male sims more than female sims (Vise Versa)
Definitely more male sims, Y/A especially. Even though the male cc options for them leave much to be desired…
» : What was your first sim’s name?
It was a male sim, Daniel, back during TS2. (In TS1 I used premades). I based him and his household off characters from a book I got a zillion years ago.
ƒ: What was your first expansion pack you bought/played?
TS1 Makin Magic, of course! XD Omg, I LOVE TS3 Supernatural, make no mistake, it’s my favorite EP, but EA couldn’t touch MM with a broomstick. I miss Clowntastic Land. And the magic vendor. And the Flamingo Girl. Heck. I miss the whole darn thing.
For TS2 the first I got was Night Life, which is way better than that insult Late Night! I miss the classic vampires so freaking badly. Then I got Apartment Life, for the witches, duh. I like TS3′s Witches better, however. But those were both freaking awesome EPs. *nostalgic sigh* I didn’t have that many TS2 EPs, but when the digital collection thing on Origin started I snagged them all. One of these days I’ll go back to playing TS2. Need a new computer though. I’m almost out of space on my laptop.
For TS3 it was Ambitions first; I used the money I earned as a TSR Featured Artist to get it while it was on sale. XD I really wanted the Professions (I hate rabbitholes), Build Mode plants, and the Simbots. Then EA gave me Late Night and World Adventures when I had an issue with one of their telephone customer service reps. LN is a piece of crap IMO, but I really love WA, I think it was such an original approach to simming. plus, who am I to pass up China and Egypt? ;) Shang Simla is to date my favorite TS3 EP world. I want to live there. Then I entered a contest at the officials and won Showtime (cuz I refused to give Katy Perry any of my daggone money). I was then pleasantly surprised to find that SHT was actually a rather GOOD EP. The Magician Profession is my favorite in TS3, next to the Ghost Hunter from AMB. The only thing keeping me from uninstalling LN is Bridgeport, and the ability to have highrises – they are NOT apartments; EA, they’re penthouses.). TS2 had apartments. IDK what EA was doing with LN, other than watching too much Twilight, obviously…
☺: How many sims games do you own?
A whole freaking lot. Most of them are digital downloads, because I tend to break, lose, and scratch up discs (I have very long nails). Just recently I managed to get all of the TS3 EPs when Origin had a sale going on, but I have yet to install Pets or Island Paradise. I don’t think I will any time soon; out of all the EPs, I hear the most horror stories about those 2, spawning and lagging being the common theme. And that Ice Cream Truck of Doom, of course. Ew. I have never EVER been a fan of Stuff Packs, and I only have a handful from each series. 3rd party CC is better, and free.
€: Have you tried making a celebrity sim?
All the time. Whether my sims look anything like the celebrity, however, is up for debate! XD
ɔ: Have you made CC before? Or at least try to?
Yeah, but I hate making CC. It’s a pain the butt. I spend so much time making CC that I’m often left too plum tuckered out to actually sim. And that’s a g-d shame. I can’t mesh; that’s a whole other can of worms, and kudos out there to the champs who do it! I convert, and even that involves ridonkulous amounts of time and energy. The hardest things for me, personally, to convert are functional objects (with geostates, etc), and clothing. Which is why I don’t too many. It’s harder than converting hair, especially when the scaling and body shapes re different, the mesh isn’t T-posed or Y-posed right, the UVs need to be completely redone, the poly count is too high or too low, the morphs are exploding, the joints aren’t moving correctly, the textures are crap, blah blah blah. Argh! Effing annoying!
◯: How many GB/MB of CC do you have?
In my active gameplay, or overall?
I have 3.5 GB of Store CC installed via the Launcher, so that’s always in my game, even when I take my package CC out. I only use the Launcher for Store CC, or when I’m uploading a lot to TSR. Afterwards I delete the .dbc files, and keep the .ebc ones.
My Packages folder’s base amount is usually 1GB or so - most of that is CAS CC I always keep, like Skin, Hair, and other essential Genetics stuff, poses, mods, etc. In addition to this, I have separate Gameplay subfolders, that I rotate whenever I want to play particular saves. Fairy CC, Scifi CC, Medieval CC, all of these get moved around based on what gameplay I’m currently doing. And those tend to vary in size, depending on what lots and sims I’m using in that world.
My backup external harddrive has over 100GB of TS3 CC stored on it. And I am a very VERY picky CC downloader. AND I lost so much CC when my old hard drive crashed in 2011, so a lot of 2009 and 2010 CC I used to have is missing, from dead sites and links.
That’s just pathetic. I need a g-d life. My Music folder’s nowhere near that dang big.
✦: Have you ever recreated a sim?
Yes, I made my aforementioned Daniel sim for TS2 and then TS3.
Unless you mean recreating/making over premade sims. I do that all the time! They need help! XD
◘ : Does your game crash often?
My game rarely crashes. Instead, it loves to Black Screen and Grey Screen freeze on me. LOVES doing that crap. Used to be every gameplay session, but a few months ago I was told about the FPS Limiter, and since then I’ve maybe only had a freeze 3 or so times. It’s incredible.
♫: Worst mistake that has ever happened in your game?
Not saving enough. Oh, the hours of my life that I have lost~! BIG mistake!
¶ : Are you excited for Sims 4?
░ : What world do you play the most?
For a long time it was Hidden Springs, when my sims weren’t in Shang Simla. Nowadays it’s a bit of a tossup; Midnight Hollow gets a lot of attention from me, as well as Moonlit Falls, Dragon Valley, and Monte Vista. And then of course there’s Oasis Landing, for my Sci-fi sims. If I need a quick world to boot up, I use Riverview. I have only ever briefly tried a handful of CC worlds, just out of curiosity, but I don’t use them. EA’s Store worlds are perfect for me. Unless someone makes a Japanese world or a new Sci-Fi metropolis or a Steampunk world. *wink wink wink!*
▓ : Your most favorite cc creators?
Gawd I hate this effing question.
I will say that the websites I have run to most often, and rely on the most for objects and CAS are (in no particular order) Simblrs, TSR, MTS, ATS3, Sims3Modeli, and Sims3Lulamai. There’s just a monstrous amount of CC at each of those sites.
▐ : Is your mods folder organized?
Yep. See the questions above for more.
σ: Your sim inspiration?
It’s all about the Fantasy. I live in the real world. I don’t want it trolling me in my gameplay. Games for me are about escape, a break away from the norm. So my inspiration either comes from other fantasy games, books, or shows, or just made up stuff that caters to my different whimsies.
╩ : Do you get attached to your sims?
Of course. Some more so than others, depending on how long I play with particular sims, and how in depth I get.
¢ : When did you last play?
Over the weekend. Right now I’m planning on switching gameplay, so I have to get all my CC organized, come up with a gameplan, and then dive back in. I’ve been Medieval for a good couple of months, and I’ve been DYING to return to Oasis Landing, so yup. Time for a change. I’m having ITF Withdrawal.
æ : What kind of simblr are you?
Mostly a Creator, though I’ve been trying to post more and more gameplay too.
╫ : Do you play with townies? Who is your favorite?
The Martinez family from Sunset Valley (because they feel very vintage to me, IDKY), the O’Connell family from Dragon Valley (cuz it’s clearly based on Disney’s Brave, lol), the Sombre Household from Midnight Hollow (cuz duh), and the Crumplebottom Sisters from Moonlit Falls (Sanderson Sisters reference, I caught it, EA, haha). I miss old ornery Agnes from TS2, she’s one of my spirit animals.
π : Your favorite/Least favorite world?
Fave EP world is Shang Simla, from World Adventures. GORGEOUS~! I wish it was bigger, with more palaces and temples with real Buddhist umphness.
Fave Store world is tough. I love all of them (except Barnacle Bay and Roaring Heights), but my top 3 would be Hidden Springs, Dragon Valley, and Midnight Hollow. Sunlit Tides I think is the prettiest world though.
Least fave EP world is Starlt Shores, from Showtime. I’m sick to dangit death of Californication in TS3. Which is why I nearly spit bricks when Roaring Heights came out. What a waste.
Least fave Store world is Barnacle Bay, It looks NOTHING like a Pirate’s town. AT ALL. I don’t give a crap about how it was the first Store World – correction! RIVERVIEW was the first Store World, and it looks leagues better! The best part of BB was the dang rabbithole and the CC.
█ : Your favorite/Least favorite sub-world?
Champs-les-Sims. It’s very existence offends me. Another waste. France? COUNTRYSIDE France? O_o We got two uber-exotic locations with China and Egypt. And the only other one EA could think of for WA was the French boondocks? Really? T_T Not even Victorian London; they had to go and make pre-Louis 14th Versailles. Which was country! The French court didn’t even want to move there; it was the sticks! EA didn’t even bother making a Parisian Louvre DaVinci Code super sleuthing city at least. Instead we get wine pressing and allusions to Celtic burials. Even though the French were Gauls, not Celts. Which only leads me to saying that a lot of Norman French were Vikings anyway! Meaning: We shoulda got a Viking World instead! >:( GOD!
ß : Least favorite expansion/Most favorite expansion?
Fave EP: Supernatural, duh. The lack of attention they gave the Fae and Werewolves disappointed me, and the Vampires still suck, and Moonlit Falls is rather boring (despite the rather awesome Victorian residential lots), but aside from that, I LOVE SN. The Witches are my favorite lifestate in all of TS3. There was just so much to do and so many new objects and plants and hobbies and skills and interactions. Did I mention I really love Fantasy?
Least Fave EP: Late Night. Hate it. Junk. I just need the highrises, mixology, musical instruments, and some of the build mode stuff.
│ : Do you listen to music when you play? If so, what songs?
I have so much music on my computer: i listen to whatever helps me get in the groove, y’know? But I never play with EA’s music running; I put that on Mute. And I never play without my music, either. I also play music while I create CC.
¥ : Have you played any other Sims games besides 2 & 3?
I played Sims 1 when it first came out. I played on my friend’s computer, cuz back then I didn’t have one. :P I never played SimsCity and I don’t want to. TSM and P&N don’t interest me aside from the CC we can retro-convert from it for TS3; if I want to play a medieval adventure game I’ll stick to Skyrim, EA. ;) What I wanted was a TS3 Medieval Expansion Pack. Ah well, here’s hoping for TS4.
Ü : Have you ever make a sim-self?
Yup! I made my whole family and one of my childhood homes, all while said family was breathing down my effing neck telling me what clothes they wanted me to put them in, and which Traits they felt best represented them. >_< Never again.
≈ : Do you use an HQ Mod?
Never. Too scared; I’m on a laptop. I keep my specs in the middle range. But I do use Lighting Mods and the You are Real mod, to help tide me over.