What would you think of a website where everybody complains about some certain disease, and although they share some enlightening information about the disease, no one is allowed to discuss the cause and cure for the disease or they will get banned from site? Certainly if you are suffering from this disease, aside from the opportunity to complain and let off a little steam, from a solely pragmatic standpoint, assuming, that is, your goal is to become healthy, it would largely just be a waste of time to join and participate with such a website. It would certainly be foolish to financially support a website that intentionally keeps you ill by barring you from useful information regarding the cure for the particular ailment.
One would naturally wonder if the site is ran by doctors who depend for their livelihood on comforting the afflicted, yet are chary of actually curing them as it would represent a substantial loss of income for them, or possibly they themselves may be responsible for the existence of the disorder in the first place, and, since it may be an integral part of some larger conspiracy they are nurturing, they do every little thing within their power to prevent it’s eradication, including the creation of distracting websites. If you think such a scenario is far fetched, you, my friend, have a lot to learn about human nature and how the world actually works!
I know I’ve touched on this topic before, in fact I believe I made a couple videos about it. In fact, part of the reason I am making this post is because I had to get a new computer since posting those videos and lost the password to the YouTube account associated with them. I may have it written down somewhere, and I may not, either way I said my piece, but I’d like to expand on one or two major points associated with that topic here.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet I am talking about those so called “nigger bashing” websites. They attract people because they are recognized as a safe place to swap stories and complain about the black cancer which is slowly enveloping the planet. Of course you are only allowed to whine about negroes, ostensibly so other ethnic groups won’t feel alienated, but I am convinced the real reason for this is far more sinister. “Niggermania” is absolutely ridiculous in this regard since you are not even allowed to utter a word against those who associate with and enable negroes. They call this ‘human bashing’ and you can get banned for that. I once got a reprimand from Tom Smelly because I pointed out that “the Simpsons”, based mostly on Bart and Homer’s behavior, are actually negroes. Because of this I got cited for “human bashing”, even though they aren’t even human since they don’t even exist in three dimensional space. Also they are yellow/orange and only have four digits on all four of their limbs.
“Chimpout”, on one of their early radio episodes, plainly states there were jewish people behind it’s creation. Also there are some real annoying jidf types who post there and intentionally spread misinformation. One deceptive s.o.b. started a thread ridiculing the very idea that there could possibly be anything like a ‘jewish conspiracy’ existing anywhere in the world. As we here are all well aware there definitely are a great multitude of various jewish conspiracies afoot in the world today, and this is all very well documented, but, of course, to provide links and information concerning any of them on one of these websites could easily get your account terminated. I made a post on his thread pointing out how disingenuous he was being by starting such a ridiculous discussion, since, because no one with common sense would provide facts to the contrary, many people would falsely believe his point was a given. Anyway, IF you can believe it, I got a warning that I was treading on thin ice just for pointing that out.
Oh course jews know negroes are annoying. Jews are the most racist people on the face of the earth, but they know everyone else finds them annoying too, not to mention unsanitary and down right dangerous. And they know if people started thinking too hard in the right direction they might figure one or two important things out. I have here on this site provided ample documentation of how intimately jews were involved in the civil rights movement, as well as their selfish motivations for doing so. I have also shown how the jews dominated the African slave trade back in the day, as well as how they have been relentlessly been applying their media to exalting the negro in the eyes of our children, getting them to emulate their antisocial behavior, expose themselves to mortal danger by hanging out with them, as well as just messing up their lives generally by getting too intimately involved with them.
So, given all that, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that they would start a few websites made specifically for people to complain about negroes and tnb, but make it a bannable offense to mention any possible jewish connection. What a brilliant way to keep the bulk of people from arriving at the truth!
When I think of the future, I like to think there will still be Chinese people, Amerindian people, European people, and even negroes, all segregated and flourishing in their respective cultures, of course. But seriously, the way things are progressing, under the guiding semitic hand, it is a mathematical certainty that in a few hundred years there will only be a master race of jews and a slave race of negroid mongrels occupying this ball of dirt we call Earth. See this post:
At any rate I have achieved much of what I wanted with this blog. I have an enormous readership and my posts are frequently linked back to by a large variety of websites. However, my one big goal of waking people the hell up has been very elusive. I have come to the conclusion that people just don’t want to know the truth. Ignorance can indeed be temporary bliss. I mean all the information I post is easily available to anyone who cares to look for it, but people DON’T look for it. Rather they avoid it like the plague. Although it is true you can ruin your’s and your family’s life if you learn the facts and indiscriminately blurt them out haphazardly to anyone who can hear you, especially in today’s retarded political climate,it is also a fact that if only enough people who care passionately about their future and the future of their children were all to organize and act on this information they could make the future better for EVERYONE.
Anyway I won’t be posting quite so frequently on this blog anymore and may eventually give it up altogether. Submerging myself in all this depressing news weighs very heavily on me and I frequently feel like we’re all doomed. Although it’s true that once you have seen reality you can never forget it I know I’m much happier when I’m not always dwelling on such tragic topics.