
If you’re working to get a flawless complexion that’s Better Every Day®, then controlling and minimizing blackheads is definitely on your radar. It doesn’t matter if the cause of your blackheads is acne-prone skin, large pores or an oily T-Zone. Regardless of the cause you want to ensure that blackheads don’t mar your complexion, but, before you can treat blackheads, you need to understand how they form and the best ways to prevent and then treat them.

How Blackheads Form: The Evolution of a Clogged Pore

Blackheads form from clogged pores. What clogs pores? The source of a clogged pore could be two things:

Overproduction of Skin Cells and Sebum (Oil): When hormones are overactive, particularly the adrenal gland, the body produces too many skin cells. These skin cells build up within hair follicles and eventually lead to clogged pores.

Excess Dirt and Oil: Excess dirt and oil from the environment, makeup or even skin care products can clog pores. This is especially true of you have naturally large pores or if your skin is oily (the oil can drag surface dirt and oil down into your pores).

Once a pore becomes clogged, it forms a whitehead. A whitehead is technically an acne blemish, though often it’s not visible. Once a pore is clogged and the contents of the clog begin to make their way to the surface of the skin, oxygen interacts with them and the clog turns black or dark brown. This type of clogged pore is known as a blackhead. Blackheads mar your complexion, and they can also lead to acne breakouts.

How to Prevent a Blackhead from Forming

If you want to prevent a blackhead from forming, the only effective way to do it is to stop the pore from clogging. How do you keep pores from clogging?

Exfoliate Away Dead Skin Cells Beneath the Skin’s Surface: If your clogged pores are caused by a hormonal overproduction of skin cells, then you can minimize and even prevent blackheads from forming by using an acne treatment that’s designed to exfoliate away the dead skin cells within the pore. To do that, you’ll want to look for products that include the topical acne medication Salicylic Acid. Salicylic Acid is a Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA), which means that it can penetrate the oil on the surface of your skin and exfoliate away the dead cells within the pores.

Control Surface Oil: If you have excessively oily skin, controlling surface oil can help to reduce blackheads. Excess sebum can work to draw dirt and debris into your pores, which clogs them and creates blackheads and eventually acne blemishes. Just be careful about how you normalize your skin’s oil levels! Over-washing your face or trying to strip it of oil will only lead to your skin producing even more oil as a natural result. Look for products designed to even skin tone while controlling oil, use dry blotting cloths throughout the day and stay properly hydrated internally by eating your water as described in Dr. Murad’s best-selling Inclusive Health® book, The Water Secret.

Recommended Product: Murad T-Zone Pore Refining Serum

Because the skin in your T-Zone (the T-shaped area of your face formed by the forehead, nose, upper lip and chin) is often oilier than the rest of your face, blackheads can form there frequently. Control oil and clear pores with this T-Zone treatment from Murad.

Customer Review

“This product greatly has improved my T-Zone area. My T-Zone area is oil free because of this product. I absolutely love this product and would recommend it to anyone.” Natalie55, Pennsylvania (See all reviews.)

How to Clear an Already Formed Blackhead

Once a blackhead forms, there’s a right way and a wrong way to clear it!

The Wrong Way to Clear a Blackhead! The wrong way to clear a blackhead is to squeeze at it! Acne-causing bacteria may already be forming within the blackhead, and when you squeeze it you can push the bacteria (and the clog) further back into your skin or into surrounding pores and hair follicles. That means more clogged pores and potentially more acne blemishes. The impact of squeezing your skin can also lead to hyperpigmentation and post-acne marks. It’s always very tempting, especially when a blackhead is near the surface and visible, to simply squeeze it away, but the end result can be even worse skin than when you started.

The Right Way to Clear a Blackhead! The right way to clear a blackhead is to allow the time that it takes for your Salicylic Acid-based acne treatment to exfoliate away the clogs and begin preventing new ones. Yes, you’ll need a little patience. Depending on your skin type, you may also experience an acne purge while the Salicylic Acid is doing its job. However, the only real way to treat clogged pores is to unclog them, and that takes time and the right product.

Recommended Product: Murad Exfoliating Acne Treatment Gel

Salicylic Acid is the active ingredient in this acne treatment gel that’s as effective on preventing and treating blackheads as it is inflamed acne.

Customer Review

“This product made my skin so soft and clear!!! I think it even help lighten some of my scars and brown spots on my face. I have used SEVERAL acne products and this surpasses them all by far! It doesn’t stink or dry out your skin like other products!” Maddie07, California (See all reviews.)

Nobody wants blackheads and, worse yet, the acne blemishes that they can eventually cause. If you struggle with blackheads and clogged pores, begin a personalized skin care regimen today that will help you to control oil as well as prevent and treat clogged pores. Get clear, stay clear, be happy.

Related Information

About Salicylic Acid

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