
Even one year ago people were very interested to use Firefox. They were leaving Internet Explorer and moving to Mozilla Firefox. People are still moving from one browser to another. But this time they are moving from Firefox  or IE to Google Chrome.

Google Chrome is an open source browser. And more than half of total net users are using it now. Its interface is very simple and good looking. Where Firefox looks very boring. Still people would like to use Firefox due to its exclusive add ons. But chrome is also trying to rich their amount of extensions.

Today my discussion is not about Google Chrome. I will discuss about SRWare Iron that is made by the source code of chromium. You may ask why should I use Iron instead of chrome? Well there are several reasons to avoid chrome. Let me list them:

Chrome contact Google too much. It tries to monitor your online activities and sends information to Google. Certainly this is a threat to your privacy. And Iron don't do anything like chrome.

Chrome creates an unique user ID (!!!) when you install it on your PC. This ID helps Google to identify you.

When you type something in the address bar, chrome sends information to Google what you type in the address bar! Google tries to customize your search according to your need. But people don't like it.

Chrome installs an automatic updater when starts that runs in the background.

Chrome doesn't have built-in ad-blocker. But Iron has it.

And you can use Google Chrome avoiding its limitations and difficulties just by using Iron.

All the problems discussed above is not present in SRWare Iron. It lets you browse with safety, security and reliability.

If you're interested to know detailed information about Chrome Vs. Iron, then visit here.

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