Mandela Day Blood Drive
To encourage people to do 67 minutes of community service for Mandela Day, the Durban North Blood Donor Centre will hold a special blood drive on Monday 18 July from 8am to 6pm. Mum’s Mail, Tate, Nolan & Knight and Chateau Gateaux will host the event and The Sunflower Fund will be in attendance to educate and recruit 67 healthy and committed donors. Every donor will receive a special promotional gift and there will be lucky draws taking place throughout the day.
Last year 154 people donated a pint of blood at the Mandela Day Blood Drive, and this year they hope to top that number. All businesses in the Durban North area, as well as the Durban North community are encouraged to go along and donate a life-saving unit of blood.
Potential stem cell donors need to be between the ages of 18 and 45 and in good health, they need to weigh over 50kg with a BMI of less than 40. All it takes is two test tubes of blood to register as a donor and if you are ever lucky enough to be a match for a patient, the process of donating stem cells is similar to platelet donation, no invasive surgery is required.
In order to be a blood donor, one has to be 16 years or older, weigh over 50kg, be in good health and lead a sexually safe lifestyle.
The Durban North Blood Donor Centre is situated at Kensington Square, 53 Kensington Drive Durban North.
For more information contact the Durban North Blood Donor Centre on 031 – 563 1493 or visit
031 – 573 1731 (ext 5)
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