Today, I am going to tell you about a delightful book called Oh I Thought I Was The Only One 2 by Kopi Soh. I am also excited and happy to tell you that you will have the chance to enter a giveaway to win a copy of this book. In fact, you have a double chance of winning because I have two copies to give away to 2 lucky winners!
Oh I Thought I Was The Only One 2 is a self help book for kids aged 9 and up. You know those turbulent preteen and teen years. I know because I have one at home aged 11. Oh my, how she blows hot and cold all the time. Sweet as an angel one moment and the most rude kid in the whole wide world (as my kids like to say) in the next instant.
"Wait a minute! A self help book for a preteen? You've got to be kidding right. My kid will not even pick up a story book to read let alone a self help book." I can hear some of you saying. But then wait again. This is no ordinary self help book. This book is written in such a fashion it actually "speaks" to kids in those age category. Yup. It speaks their language with cute cartoons, illustration, short simple stories and poems that will make them laugh and say "Yes, yes, that happens to me too. I know I Am Not Alone."
My preteen took to it immediately. She laughed at the cartoons and started asking me about some of the situations that happened to her too. In other words, she started relating to the book right away and it became an ice breaker for us to discuss some of the issues she faces like too much homework, bullying in school, not being good at sports, sibling rivalry, crushes and many more issues faced by kids today.
It gives kids the ways and skills to cope with shyness, friendships or lack of it, exams, parents divorce, and more serious issues like depression, illness or death. They have all been cleverly weaved into the book in a way that kids will understand. In a lighthearted tone or voice of a friend, not the parental tone that kids dislike.
However, as a parent reading it, I too nodded and felt like most parts of the book felt like things I would probably say to my child. The only difference is sometimes, these messages carry more weight when it comes from a book that they read themselves rather than from out of mom or dad's mouth. Parents can also read the book with their child as many of the situations described make good starting points of discussion between parent and child.
Here's a little video to give you a sneak peak on the book Oh I Thought I Was The Only One 2 by Kopi Soh. Kopi Soh is a qualified and respected healer of hearts with a Masters in Psychology, specializing in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling.
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Giveaway Instructions
This giveaway is open to Malaysians Only.
You do not need to have a blog. However, if you have one, great! You can share this giveaway on your blog and earn 5 entry points.
You will need to fill in a valid email address so you can be contacted if you win the giveaway.
You will need to reply to the winning email within 48 hours, otherwise another winner will be selected.
That's all. Good Luck!