‘I love the Christmas-tide and yet – I notice this each year I live – I always like the gifts I get, but how I LOVE the gifts I give!’ Carolyn Wells
Christmas: it’s the most wonderful time of the year… and it’s about to get even better!
Mummy’s Little Monkey has teamed up with a babble of brilliant bloggers to give you the chance to win £150 of Amazon vouchers. One. Hundred. And. Fifty. Pounds. But that’s not all – two runners up will also receive £30 each in our Christmas giveaway (if the winner is from a country other than the UK, the prize will be delivered via PayPal cash).
To enter all you have to do is leave a blog comment (remember to go via the Rafflecopter form, so your entry is logged). Easy, huh? And, if you want to increase your chance of winning, we’ve got lots of lovely optional entries you can choose from too.
So, just who are my fabulous fellow bloggers? Well, I’m very glad you asked…
Sally Akins | The Gingerbread Hous | Mummy Lala | Bubbablue and Me | You Baby Me Mummy | Madam Gourmand | Missing Sleep | Wishful Wonderings | Trials & Tribulations Of A Brummie Mummy | Hello Beautiful Bear | Cookies and Cwtches | Odd Socks & Lollipops | Futures | Don’t Cramp My Style | Ickle Pickle’s Life and Travels | Bark Time
Rambling Through Parenthood | Life at 139a | Julie’s Notebook | Spanish Mummy | Hex Mum | Garden, Tea , Cakes and Me | Mummy’s Little Monkey | A Testing Time | Bump And Beyond | Emmy’s Mummy | Angel Eden Blog | Precious Little Worlds | All The Beautiful Things | Hubby Helps | Life in a Break Down | UK Bloggers | One Frazzled Mum
To enter all you need to do is answer the following question:
What is your favourite thing about Christmas? Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
• Merry Christmas Lettering graphic courtesy of SHUTTERSTOCK
The post CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY – £150 amazon voucher appeared first on Mummy's Little Monkey.