
Do you know what the importance of Meta keyword and Meta description is? Adding meta tags is so important if you want to get more traffic from search engines like google,yahoo,bing, etc. especially the meta description is the most important one. Meta tags allow search engines to index your web pages more accurately. In other words, Meta tags communicate with the search engines and tells more information about your site and make it index correctly and accurately.Meta description and meta keywords are the most popular html tags which describes your website or blog and tells the search engines what your blog or site is all about. Adding Meta tags is an important factor in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Meta Description :

Describe your blog in max 150 letters. For example I have chosen the following words for describing my blog Description.

A Website from Which You Can Get Quality Mobile Apps, Full Version PC Games & Softwares, Practical SEO Tips and Tricks and all things about Blogging!

Describe your blog Description with most relevant words.

Meta Keywords :

Choose words that describe the core topics of your blog. Chose max 12 high traffic targeted keywords that define your blog content. do not use dozens keywords because doing this is unnecessary and further effects your search engine ranking. Choose few but smart keywords that may reflect the overall content of your blog. Write a maximum of three words per keyword and separate each keyword with comma. for example,

Blogger Tips,Blogging Tricks,Seo Technique,Widgets for Blogger

Meta Author :

This is not important tag but most people likes to attach his name to his website so if you want to add your name Simply write your full name and avoid using special symbols. If you don't want to add this then simply leave this empty in the tool below.

Meta Tag Generator Tool



Author (Optional):

Robots (Optional):

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