
Created page with "In FIghter Factory, how long an animation lasts is determined by "ticks" (IIRC). In the character I'm making, her winpose has a 18 second soundclip. I want to synchronize the ..."

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In FIghter Factory, how long an animation lasts is determined by "ticks" (IIRC). In the character I'm making, her winpose has a 18 second soundclip. I want to synchronize the animation with the audio, but I don't know how.

Particularly, how many of these animation "ticks" are in a second? I want to know.

If one could please give me a serious answer to this question, I'd be thankful.

If one wants a visual example of what these ticks are, here it is (In case you are that un-knowledgeable of the MUGEN engine; taken in Fighter Factory Classic (Its simplier than Fighter Factory 3 so that's why I use it) with MadOldCrow's old Mordecai):

[[File:MugenTicks.png|thumb|I need to know how to convert these ticks/animation time into actual seconds.]]<ac_metadata title="How many "ticks" are in a second?"> </ac_metadata>

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