
I’m impatient.

I’ve always wanted things to come easy—make the decision, come up with the idea, and voila!, there it is: Cellist. Book author. Famous blog personality. Interior designer. Well-educated children. World traveler. Business owner. Fluent Spanish. Fluent French. Phenomenal photographer. World-renowned public speaker [just kidding]…

It doesn’t really matter what the thing is, I just want to have the finished product manifest itself at the beginning of the journey. That’s not too much to ask, is it?

[Oh, heavens. I just typed “finished product” after typing “well-educated children.” That speaks volumes, doesn’t it?]

So, when I came up with my theme for my “Year of 40,” I fully expected to roll out the carpet on January 1st. Transformation complete. And the year just born, all pink and wrinkly.

The crux of the matter is, I have a slight issue with the whole productivity thing. With time-management. Self-management. It seems I may have to start at the beginning before I can end at the, well, end. (Yes, I’m slow on the uptake.)

To that end (or beginning), I’m starting my first 40 on Monday: Forty days of the Storyline Productivity Schedule to face my inability to structure my day and manage myself.

My first project will be completing the free week of life coaching by Donald Miller (author of A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: How I Learned to Live a Better Story) at Storyline (where you can also find the free download of the Storyline Productivity Schedule).

I’d love company (and accountability) on this journey. Would anyone be up for joining me in this challenge? I’ll be checking in here at Mt. Hope quickly at the end of each day with an update and something—a quote, a thought, an image, a video—to inspire and encourage.

Are you in?

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