
The conspiracy theorist fan club operating under the name Sanders County Republican Party is at it again this week.

Their September 18th meeting will feature right-wing conspiracy theorist Rene Holaday, a horse breeder turned amateur “UN researcher” out to expose the United Nations’ conspiracies and “senseless human-hating programs” that will turn Americans into “indentured slaves.”

Ms. Holaday has posted her views on several conspiracy theory blogs, and is pushing a book she’s written on the insidious UN.

The UN plan is to basically turn Americans into feudal society, where we have no rights other than what the “evil ruling lords” allow us peasants, and I’m not exaggerating here one bit. They have already built Sustainable Cities- google “Dong Tan”, “Gallions Park”, “The Ziggurat Project”, etc. This is where they want people to live- in these locked/enclosed cities and away from the environment altogether. These cities are planned to hold as many as 2 million people each, and the corporations are to be within walking distance of these captive, “indentured slaves”.

Ms. Holaday seems unaware that the U.S. is not bound by any decision the UN makes.  It is simply a meeting place for nations. Maybe she was home schooled and thus cannot be held entirely at fault for this misunderstanding.

If you don’t act now, says Holaday, you’re “going to lose everything you have ever grown to know and love in this country, like private property rights, individual rights, rights of man over earth and animal, rights to live where you choose, rights to eat the foods you want to eat, rights to own livestock and pets, etc, etc.”

There currently is no more noble cause, than to take up the fight against the UN’s Sustainable Development Agenda 21. Get started today and have heart Americans, because other cities, counties and one state have already accomplished this.

Holaday quotes the movie Braveheart.  Quotations from Mel Gibson’s Braveheart are considered de rigueur by the TEA Party to translate “complicated” ideas into TEA Party digestible pablum.

“Your heart is free- have the courage to follow it”- Braveheart

This is only the latest in a spree of conspiracy-themed gatherings organized by the militia-affiliated Sanders County Resource Council and the Sanders County Republican Party. The two groups once featured a series of town hall meetings on the ominous threat of bear-activated satellite surveillance systems. GOP vice-Chair Jennifer Fielder led the meetings.

Then they hosted a birther , Catherine Vandemoer, who once tried to organize a national “Usurpathon” to unseat President Obama.  She tried to recruit 10,000 TEA Partiers and birthers to march on Washington and unseat “the Usurper,” President Obama. Unfortunately for Vandemoer, only two people showed up for the Usurpathon. (She claimed after the fact that she intended only two people to show up because more than three people would have required her to get a government permit.)

Also recently, a school superintendent is Sanders County caused a stir after he proposed to install armed volunteers in the local school – an idea so ludicrous even the NRA has abandoned it.

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