
Data List control is used to display the entire table data like Gridview and Repeater control in asp.net.It is a Web Form control which is used in asp.net
There are some points about Data List Control:-

Data List control has not a default layout like Gridview control in asp.net. 

Data List control is converted to Html table tag on Browser side like Gridview in asp.net.

Data List control has predefined event to add,delete,Edit,update and cancel the record.

Now i am going to make an application ,which can perform many operations.You can use this application for any organization,institute or other places by customizing it.
There are some operations which are performed in this application which are given below:-

Insert Data in Data List control 

Edit specific Data in Data List control

Update specific Data in Data List control

Cancel Data in Data List control

Delete Data in Data List control

Take Print out of Data in Data List control   

In our previous tutorials i had made two application which can be used in any organizations. which are given below:-

Perform some operations in Gridview

Perform some operations in Repeater

 There are some steps to make this application which are given below:-
Step 1:- First open your visual studio --> File-->New-->Website-->Select ASP.NET Empty website --> OK -->Open solution Explorer --> Add a Web Form (Default.aspx).

Step 2:-  Now Add Database.mdf file in your website -->Create a employee table with three column as shown below:

Note:-You can create table separately in database(Sql ,MySQL etc.) and connect to this application .If you are facing any problem to add .mdf file on website then visit below links :-

How add .mdf file on asp.net website.

How to solve sql server problems.

 Step 3:- Now open your Default.aspx page -->Click Source button from below-->Write the following Data List layout code(html code) as given below:-

  Step 4:- Now click Design from the below of  Default.aspx page-->you will see following layout of Data List control as shown below:-

 Note:- I have given full explanation of the layout code in  Repeater control application

Step 5:-  Now go properties of Data List control-->Click Events--> Now generate handler by double click on each as shown below:- 

Step 6:- Now Open Default.aspx.cs page (or press F7 --> and Write the following c# codes as given below:- 

Step 7 :- Now Add another web Form (Default2.aspx)-->click Source button -->and write Data List layout (Html)codes and java script codes as given below:-

Description:- In above codes i have explained how to take preview of Data List data and print it.In above codes i have written script code  in <head> section for printing the Data List data as given below:-

Now i have called this script function(print_page()) from <div> section on Button click as given below:-

Step 8 :- Now click design --> You will see following layout as shown below:-

Step 9:- Now open default.aspx.cs page(or press F7) --> and Write the following c# codes as given below:-

Step 10:- Now Run the Application (press F5)-->Follow some points which are given below:-

Write the Name and Salary fields values in below Text Box as shown below--> and  Press Insert button.

Now Click Edit Button Emp Id (eid)=103 as shown below:-

Now Change the  Emp Name value from  mohan to Manmohan singh and salary value 40000 to 4500. -->click Update button as shown below:-

Now click Cancel Button for changing the Edit mode properties as shown below:-

Now Delete Emp Id = 105 as show below:-

Now click Take Preview Button -->You will see following preview as shown below:-

Now Click Take print out button -->You can take print out of the Existing page or save in pdf file (save --> save as pdf -->save) as shown below:-

I hope this is Helpful for you.
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