Program: MSSA, 1st Year Full Time, Health (with an interest in Early Intervention and Mental Health for Children and Young People)
Hometown: I am registered to vote in Shaker Heights, Ohio, so I suppose this is my new hometown! I moved here in August from England and was born in the USA.
Why social work? As a regulator of health and social care in England, I saw firsthand the importance of social workers in ensuring public services led to positive outcomes for individuals. Their person-in-environment perspective was a model I adopted when undertaking my undergraduate degree Scientific and Philosophical Studies of the Mind at Franklin and Marshall. I am excited to further my knowledge of human rights and social justice while developing new skills in community organization and therapeutic interventions.
Favorite thing about Cleveland? The MSASS community – classmates and staff – is inspirational and challenging and beloved. Most of the time I feel like an inadequate fly on the wall. I am grateful for each opportunity they give me to be a part of their story. Together, we grow. It’s beautiful!
Fun Fact: I was a dual major in Art and Art History because I love the arts. I’ve worked semi-professionally as a fine art photographer and I continue to collect and make art in a range of media.