
Hi everyone! Crafty issue 6 is out in the shops now and we thought you might like a little glimpse into what you’ll find inside. We’ve swapped last issue’s supplement for a really fun and versatile free coaster kit that comes with felt, cork and lots of thread for you to make coasters, keyrings, pincushions… whatever your heart desires!

From there, the projects only get bigger and better! Give craft du jour needle felting a go with our awesome quick make toadstool, give metal bangles a crochet update, dip-dye some ribbons, make merit badges for your friends, sew some very fruity cushions or update a denim shirt with some beautiful paisley embroidery… you’re going to be busy this month!

Of course, Crafty isn’t just about what you can make but what you can see and do. If you’re not inspired by The Color Run (a 5k jaunt where powdered paint is thrown at you as you go), by Gladys Paulus’s second-to-none felt-making skills or how three bloggers scored craft book deals by running successful websites we’ll be very surprised indeed.

And don’t forget the regulars – columns from Mr X Stitch himself and the Craftivist Collective’s Sarah Corbett, lots of book reviews, interesting news and our guest columnist this month, Tilly Walnes from Tilly and the Buttons!

PLUS! There’s the chance to become the next hot Crafty designer – all you have to do is enter our design competition and you could see your tutorial in a future issue, as well as taking home £300 of crafty goodies. We hope you like it!

The post Get Crafty – Issue 6 Is Out Now! appeared first on Mr X Stitch.

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