
Welcome back to our weekly series! This week we are discussing preparing the nursery and registering. At 32 weeks preggo, I am just starting to actually get the nursery together. With that comes registering. I just registered. Online only. Mainly because I just found out that I was having showers. With SweetPea, I started registering as soon as I found out we were pregnant and even did walk through of the stores. I had received a ton of things as hand-me-downs, but knew we needed a ton more. The funny thing about registries is, no one seems to buy from them. There are those few people who do. And then there are those gifts that aren't on your registry, but they are so wonderful for different reasons. With SweetPea, everyone bought us clothes. I had received a ton of hand-me-downs from my former boss and although it was nice to have new stuff for her, we were over whelmed with the amount of clothes we had that she wore some things only once and some things not at all. That's one of the many reasons I'm excited about not finding out the sex of this baby before delivery. There are so many things we need again (because we got hand-me-downs the first time around, so although they made it through 3 babies, they weren't going to make it through a 4th) that don't have to be gender specific. Diapers, Lotions, Soaps, Wipes, etc. Plus I did register for some bigger ticket items that I am not expecting anyone to get us, like a new camera, a double stroller, a travel swing, and a Shark vacuum.

I honestly didn't think I would be getting a baby shower because this is my second baby and some people keep telling me I shouldn't because there isn't anything to buy since they don't know the sex (I think they are trying to guilt me in to finding out). But my husband's cousin asked about throwing us one because as she said "Every baby deserves to be celebrated". I thought that was just beautiful. And I am excited about the shower. She found these very cute neutral invitations on etsy (I don't know the shop).
The other great thing about registering is the free gifts you get! I registered at Babies-R-Us and Target where I received some AWESOME little gift packages. The best so far was actually from Motherhood Maternity though.

Since we aren't finding out the sex before hand, preparing the nursery means something different for me. We haven't been decorating like we did with my daughter (although we didn't go all out with hers because we were on a VERY limited income at the time).
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Preparing the nursery this time means shopping sales to stock up on diapers or getting essential items for review to blog about as income. Some of my favorites so far have been my Graco Jogger that included a Graco SnugRide Click Connect™ 35 Infant Car Seat (car seat is ALWAYS a good thing to get NEW with each baby for safety reasons), a sound machine, the Graco Little Lounger (rocker/bassinet), a baby food maker (although we use it for smmothies & pouches for SweetPea now), and a good carrier. Some of the things are already being used like the Talk & Soothe Digital Video Monitor. It has come in handy when I've wanted to spy on my daughter. ;)

A few things I think you should remember going into making your registry and completely your nursery:
1. Not everyone likes registries.
2. You aren't going to get everything you registered for (that's where gift cards come in handy).
3. And you will be grateful for EVERYTHING you get. Regardless on registry or not. Promise.

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Do you have any go to registry items? What's your favorite part about getting your nursery together?

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