
Move over selfies….There’s a new photo craze sweeping the mountains

If there’s one thing we love here at Mpora, it’s the song Angel Witch by the band Angel Witch. However, a close second and third are the mountains and a good sandwich.

So, imagine our joy when we found AlpineSandwiches.com, a blog dedicated to a couple of slices of bread, some tasty filling, and standing half way up a big hill. Perfection!

The blog asks users to send in their pictures of the sandwiches they take into the mountains with them, with a brief description of where they are and, of course what’s on their sarnie.

The result is a veritable cornucopia of carby, mountainy goodness that makes us want to reach into our screen and take a bite.

Like many of our favourite blogs, the beauty of AlpineSandwich.com is that they dont just let any old joker upload some half arsed photo of a BigMac with a tree in the background. Oh no. This is a celebration of the great outdoors combined with the humble sandwich, so there are rules. Rule which include:

Your photo should be of the sandwich and the background. If you think that your face should be up on the site you are missing the point here. Feel free to get an arm or hand in there.

A wrap is not a sandwich.

A sandwich can be open-faced…but you must be specific that this is what you are going after.

Ideally your photo should be taken in mountainous terrain.

A Lake photo is not mountainous terrain.

Do not talk about Alpine Sandwich Club.

Oh, hang on. Not that last one. That’s, err, well… we can’t talk about it.

The site is banger sandwich after banger sandwich, but we’ve selected three of our favourites submitted by readers.

The Summit Sammie Double Whammy

Snapped on the peaks of Yosemite, this sandwich is a glorious combination of fresh kale and cherry tomatoes hand-picked from a local farm, homemade lemon ginger sauerkraut, cabbage for crunch and colour, with soft and mild port salut cheese spread over a fresh sweet French baguette. Delicious.

The Double Mustard Pastrami Confrontation

Devoured near Decker Mountain in Whistler, this mouth-waterer is pastrami laced with a smooth dijon and a delistyle mustard, layered with lettuce, julienned red peppers, and avacado on a portuguese roll.

Phillip Benedict Noisewater. Jr (BPNJ)

An bonafide american classic, this humble peanut butter and jelly (nee: jam) sandwich is shot against the not-so humble backdrop of Mt. Nibblock in Banff, Canada.

Is anybody else hungry?

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The post What Food Should You Take Skiing? The Alpine Sandwich Blog Can Help You Out appeared first on Mpora.

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