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Josh Shipp (aka “The Teen Whisperer”) is a former at-risk foster kid turned teen advocate. His TV series TEEN TROUBLE (A&E / Lifetime) documented his work with teens in crisis. He is the author of “The Teen’s Guide to World Domination“, and was listed on Inc. Magazine’s 30 under 30 list. He helps adults understand teens & teens understand themselves.

He’s spoken at universities such as Harvard, Stanford, MIT & UCLA. He is a recognized teen expert for  media outlets as MTV, CNN, FOX, The New York Times, 20/20, Good Morning America. He’s worked with groups of parents, educators & mental health professionals plus has spoken to more than TWO Million teens live.

His ultimate goal is to help as many young people as possible. He trains other speakers through Youth Speaker University and his online mentoring program for teens A Year of Awesomeness has a world-wide reach.

Please help me welcome our next Millennial Mentor, Josh Shipp.

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

Why creating a ‘crappy first draft’ is the best way to get started in business

The surprising way you can quickly discover your most marketable assets

Why most people never step into entrepreneurship, and how to MOVE through the most common roadblocks

Josh shares 2 incredibly practical antidotes to fear

Why starting a business by trying to create a product or service can often lead to frustration, and what you should REALLY focus on first and foremost

The power of taking up the hobby of long-distance running

Resources Discussed

Josh Shipp’s website: http://joshshipp.com

Youth  Speaker University: http://youthspeakeru.com

Get your own Brilliant Website: http://mybrilliantsite.com

Josh’s NEW Book, ‘Jump Ship: Ditch Your Dead-End Job and Turn Your Passion into a Profession’

Join the Moving Millennials Community

Josh is just one of 34 incredible Millennial Mentors I have had the pleasure to interview so far. We are growing a global community of like-minded young people who are ready to customize their own career and design every single element of their life. Enter your name and email below to receive my FREE ebook, Millennial Mentors Volume 1. This book summarizes the tips, tools and tactics shared by the first 9 guests on the podcast. Coming VERY soon, I will be releasing The Moving Millennial Manifesto - this is basically a battle cry to all self-starters. I can’t wait to share it, and I want you to be among the first to get it! Can’t wait to get to know you. See you inside!


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