Main Hoon Shahid Afridi is a 2013 Action, Drama, Sport film. Directed by Syed Ali Raza Usama, the film stars , Hamza Abbasi as Majeed aka. Maulvi, Mohammad Ahmad as Zuberi, Ainan Arif as Micheal aka. Magnet, Nadeem Baig as Imam Deen, Mahnoor Baloch as Sara Qureshi, Hashim Butt as Pepsi Official 2, Shafqat Cheema as Basheer Bhatti, Noman Habib as Shahid Bhatti, Ainy Jaffri as Alina, Farhana Maqsood as Shahid’s Sister, Asim Mehmood as Sheikh aka. Deewar-e-Teen, Summer NicksA brief summary of Main Hoon Shahid Afridi; Young boy’s have a pipe dream to grow to be Shahid Afridi.
Story of a boy who dreams to grow to be Shahid Afridi finds himself gulp on chance once the hardly confederation he eternally knew perform bankrupt. With no district to boot to set out he discovers only closing opportunity to unless his club, his town in addition to his dream. A cricket game falling to Sialkot which can engagement the club’s closing hope. But are they set yet? A side of nonconformists as well as no provision in addition to no coach, may well they still qualify given that the cup in addition to facial features the very seasoned undefeated challengers who were born as well as a encouraging spoon inside their mouths in addition to every provision inside their hands? With that investigate inside brain they arrange to get give assistance to savours an old flame cricketer Akbar Deen, then again Akbar has a shadowy precedent days of his own.