
The 2000 "mockumentary" film, Best in Show direced by Christopher Guest and co-written by Eugene Levy follows five separate dogs and their owners to the Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show.

The dog breeds that are showcased are as follows:

"Winky" - Norwich Terrier

"Beatrice" - Weimaraner

"Hubert" - Bloodhound

"Rhapsody in White" - Standard Poodle

"Miss Agnes" - Shih Tzu

While "Winky" wins the coveted Best in Show title, three out of the other four dogs impressed the judges enough to win "Best in Class" which qualifies them to compete in the final "Best in Show" with Winky.

Is there a reason why filmmakers chose to use these particular dog breeds when making this film?

Seeing how the film "mocks" actual dog shows,
Is there any evidence that Christopher Guest and Eugene Levy chose to showcase these particular breeds based on actual "Best in Show" winners of The Westminster Kennel Club dog show?

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