Before Suicide Squad first premiered, fans held out hope that the cut-throat mercenary Deathstroke would make an appearance in the film's mid-credits scene. After all, the popular villain has a long history with Task Force X, and a memorable run on the CW's show Arrow cemented his reputation as one of the best villains that DC has to offer.
Unfortunately, Suicide Squad decided to set up the Justice League movie instead, via an exchange between Amanda Waller and Batman. While it was initially disappointing to not see any new characters be introduced, it turns out that DC had listened to the fans after all, but decided to hold back on the big reveal.
Until Now!
Ben Affleck shared a 27 second clip on his Twitter account that provides us with our very first look at the diabolical mercenary Deathstroke. The handheld footage itself doesn't reveal much, aside from the fact that the filmmakers have nailed the villain's look perfectly. One question that remains unanswered is: where exactly is Deathstroke going to crop up in the DCEU?
Ben Affleck (@BenAffleck) August 29, 2016
Which DCEU Movie Will Deathstroke First Appear In?
DC have a number of movies scheduled for release over the next few years, making it hard to tell exactly when we'll get our first glimpse of Deathstroke on the big screen. However, if we had to hazard a guess, we'd put our money on Justice League.
After all, Wonder Woman's period setting doesn't lend itself well to Deathstroke's cinematic debut, and other DCEU movies such as The Flash and a solo Batman film are still early on in the development stages. Furthermore, we already know that Justice League is currently in production, and the fact that Ben Affleck himself released this footage suggests that Deathstroke will be tied to Batman in some capacity.
Whether Deathstroke appears as a key villain in the Justice League film or crops up in a mid-credits scene cameo is currently unclear either way, this is a huge deal for DC comic book fans everywhere. There's even a slim chance that Deathstroke's involvement in the DCEU could lead to an appearance from the Teen Titans somewhere down the line, as the villain's history is inextricably tied to that super-group as well.
See also:
Holding Out For A Hero - 10 DC Superheroes Who Could Save 'Suicide Squad 2'
3 Actors Who Could Play 3 Jokers In DC's 'Suicide Squad 2'
'Suicide Squad': Why Harley Quinn Is The Most Important Character In The DCEU
While we wait for more information regarding this breaking news, check out the Justice League trailer below and help us figure out how Deathstroke could fit into all of this.
What do you think of the footage and when do you think we'll first see Deathstroke? Let us know in the comments section below.