
It's that time of year! CHRISTMAS! I love Christmas! From the snow falling outside to the great smelling trees in our living rooms, there is no Holiday that even compares to Christmas. With December not far away, there are the Christmas Specials that we all watch every year that either make us smile, laugh cry, or all of the above. Today I'm going to give you some of my all time favorites, so put on your Santa hats and let's jingle all the way through this list...hey it was the best I could come up with so shut up.

10. The Nativity Story

Well you can't have Christmas without...the story of Christmas. This is a movie that blew under the radar when it came up but it has gained a cult following over the years which is good because if it weren't for that following I wouldn't have found the movie and ended up loving it. Starring Oscar Isaac and Keisha Castle-Hughes, the movie is about Joseph and the virgin Mary and their struggle with their inexplicable pregnancy. Now going into this, I expected your usual low budget Hallmark channel schlock they produce every year but I was surprised by this movie because it was beautifully shot, wonderfully acted mostly by Oscar Isaac who makes half of this movie, and it was well written. Like I said Oscar Isaac does a great job in his role, he just owns every scene that he's in and its actually one of his best performances.

The rest of the cast does great including the actors who lay the three wisemen, they provided good dialogue and some humor that didn't distract from the film.

The director does great and I'm curious to see what else she's done...She did Twilight? Well...she didn't age well as a director. Still its a great movie that I encourage you to check out just once this Christmas, I mean it is Jesus' birthday after all.

9. Jingle All the Way

Let me just get this out of the way: this movie is incredibly stupid and really is not a good movie...but I wouldn't be telling the truth if I said I didn't enjoy it. Arnold Schwarzenegger really does try his hardest to make this movie work and for the most part he does; I bought him as this Dad trying his best to not disappoint his son and he provided some good laughs as well as his co-star Sinbad. There is a scene featuring a bomb (yes a bomb) that for some reason cracks me up every time I see it. If you can turn your brain off and enjoy a Holiday romp, I suggest giving it a try.

8. Gremlins

What better movie to watch on Christmas than one about a bunch of red-eyed little imps killing people and causing havoc throughout a small town? Yeah this is not a very traditional Christmas movie but they do such a good job of mixing Christmas into the madness; the dark blue lighting of the night, the lights, the snow, it just feels like Christmas. So if you're in need of some spooky yet funny antics this Christmas, check out Gremlins.

7. Krampus

Yes this movie just came out but I really did enjoy this movie so much that I can see myself watching it every year. Great funny first act and the rest is just pure scary fun times throughout. Great performances, amazing practical effects, and beautiful visuals.

6. Fred Claus

Going to be honest, I do not understand why this flopped so hard. Yeah its silly but I've seen dumber Christmas flicks but this movie also has a lot of heart; sometimes I know what its like to always be compared to the other brother in the family so in that I related to Fred a bit. Paul Giamatti is one of my all time favorite actors and it was hilarious seeing him as this very different Santa. This movie also has one of my favorite moments from a Christmas movie where Santa makes the villain change his ways by giving him the gift he wanted as a child. As a Superman fan, the scene nearly got me to tear up the first time. Do the jokes always work? No but there are enough funny jokes and good morals learned that I can consider this a classic.

5. The Santa Clause

Tim Allen forced to transform into Santa? I'm sold. Not only do we have a brilliant concept about a curmudgeon business man turning into a jolly spirit of Christmas but we got some great performances from a hilarious Tim Allen, a surprisingly good child actor, and the rest of the cast do great in their roles. It's a classic for so many and it is for me too, it makes me smile like a little kid. Way to go Disney.

4. The Polar Express

I can describe this movie with only one word: fun. This entire movie is just one big thrillride filled with amazing visuals, a great cast including 90% of it being the amazing Tom Hanks. Other than maybe one or two nitpicky things (Steve Tyler cameo) this movie is a childhood favorite that I will never forget.

3. Home Alone & Home Alone 2: Lost In New York

Okay so technically I might be cheating by putting these two together on the same slot but I couldn't leave one or the other off this list so I was forced to put them both here. C'mon, its home alone they are THE highest grossing Christmas movies ever made!

THAT'S NOT A CHRISTMAS MOVIE! But seriously, Home Alone may be the most unconventional Christmas movies but they are some of the best due to their unforgettable characters, some of the best slapstick comedy, very witty jokes as well, and just overall a lot of heart. Some of you might be saying that I should leave Home Alone 2 off the list since so many say its just the same movie just in New York. Yes there are a lot of things repeated but there are enough changes to them in my mind and some things redone are better than the first movie like the Angels with Filthier Souls scene with Tim Curry and the hotel staff which still gets me to roll on the floor. So yeah I love both and I wouldn'tg et rid of one or the other. Now the sequels...well they never happened.

2. The Ref

Some families have a traditional movie that is demanded to be watched every year because of every member loving it so much. For my family that is the comedy called 'the Ref' starring Kevin Spacey and Denis Leary. How's this for a Christmas movie? A wife and husband ready to divorce are held hostage by a criminal in their house and now they have to spend Christmas with him and their horrible family. Yeah this movie is about an unconventional as you can get but is also one of the most hilarious movies I have ever seen. I dare not spoil a single thing and I say to just watch it for yourself.

1. A Christmas Story & A Christmas Carol

Am I cheating? Yes. Do I care? No. These are by far the most iconic Christmas specials to ever exist. One has been redone so many times that it makes Spider-Man seem new and the other is a cult classic turned worldwide favorite that people quote during the summer time. These are THE Christmas specials and I don't even need to describe them for you. But I will mention that I'm not picking any particular Christmas Carol because they are all great from the Alastair Sim version to the Muppet Christmas Carol and the most current version starring Jim Carrey. They are all done amazingly. And Christmas Story is Christmas Story, we've all seen it about ten million times and we'll see it ten million more times filled with memorable characters and just as memorable lines.

So those are my picks for the Top 10 (More like 12) Christmas specials. Do you agree or disagree? Let me know in the comments below!

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