
Ever thought of what advertising in the year 3301 would look like? I sure as hell haven't! But that's just because I can't seem to wrap my head around today's adverts.

But one YouTuber, Rendo Pauwels, has taken the liberty of showing us a far less terrifying version of the future. One where space ships are advertised like cars, allowing you to salivate over the ultimate pleasure of owning your very own Viper MK III.

"What's the Viper MK III?", you may ask. Well, dear space travelers, let Pauwels show you!

Elite Dangerous: Pleasure Achieved



Created for the incredible space simulator, Elite Dangerous, this beauty ticks all the boxes when it comes to advertising. Music that has nothing to do with the product? Check. Exaggerations and misleading claims? Check. Asterisks after important information? Check. And of course, the word 'pleasure.'

But there's more where that came from! After all, the amount of ships that Elite Dangerous has is pretty ridiculous. Pauwels is going to have his work cut out for him with the demand for more he's getting from fans.

I Am Courier


It could be the narrator's accent, but I couldn't help but think that Werner Herzog needs to do adverts for Elite's ships. A man can dream.

Head over to Rendo Pauwels' YouTube page to show your support if you liked the adverts!

Do You Want More Elite Dangerous Ship Adverts?

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