
As the great and terrible Cersei Lannister once said, when you play the game of thrones, you either win or you die. Mostly, you die. We GoT fans have learned the hard way not to get too attached to anyone, because you never really know when their heads might roll.

There's no way to even begin to count all the unnamed corpses that have littered the screen at any given time, and once you start counting deaths that happened off screen, you won't be able to stop until the sun sets in the East and rises in the West. Below is a complete list of all the on-screen deaths of named characters, and a few un-named characters and off-screen deaths that seemed important enough to stick in.

So, just how many characters have died on Game of Thrones so far?

As of Season 6 Episode 10,

the total number of deaths is:


Shout out to all the other unnamed soldiers and villagers that didn't make it on this list. The North Remembers! RIP.

If you prefer your deaths quick and painful, then you should definitely check out this video showing all the deaths of Season 6 in under three minutes.



1. Gared (Season 1, Episode 1)

One of the Night's Watchman that was out ranging North of the Wall and wound up getting devoured by wights.

2. Will (Season 1, Episode 1)

Way back in the pilot, we all felt kind of bad for this Night's Watch deserter, because we knew that he really had seen the White Walkers. I bet they wish they'd listened to him now...

3. Jon Arryn (Season 1, Episode 1)

We never got to know Jon Arryn, since he was already dead when the show started. But we did get to see his dead body. He was the Hand of the King to Robert Baratheon before Ned Stark, and also Ned's guardian. He was married to Catelyn's sister, Lysa.

4. Lady (Season 1 Episode 2)

After Nymeria bit Joffrey and Arya sent her away, Sansa's direwolf was punished instead, and Ned Stark executed her.

What happened to Nymberia after that? Here's everything you need to know.

5. Mycah (Season 1 Episode 2)

The Hound kills Arya's friend, the butcher's son, on Joffrey's orders after the sword fight incident.

6. Ser Hugh Of The Vale (Season 1 Episode 4)

Likely involved in or aware of a plot to kill Jon Arryn, Ser Hugh is killed by the Mountain in a tournament celebrating Ned Stark's arrival at the Vale.

7. Jory Cassel (Season 1 Episode 5)

Jaime Lannister stabbed the Stark Captain of the Guards right through the eye in Season 1 Episode 5, back before we knew that the Kingslayer had any redeeming qualities.

8. Wallen (Season 1 Episode 6)

One of Osha's Wildling companions, a deserter from the Night's Watch. Robb Stark kills him when they try to steal Bran's horse.

9. Stiv (Season 1 Episode 6)

Another Night's-Watchman-turned-Wildling. Theon shoots him with an arrow in the scuffle over Bran's horse.

10. Vardis Egen (Season 1 Episode 6)

Robyn and Lysa Arryn's Captain of the Guards at the Eyrie, Vardis fought as Lysa's champion in a trial by combat, which he lost to Bronn, who was fighting for Tyrion. Bronn pushed Vardis out the Moon Door.

11. Viserys Targaryen (Season 1 Episode 6)

Seriously, how satisfying was it to watch Khal Drogo pour molten gold over this whiney little vulture's head? Good riddance.

12. Robert Baratheon (Season 1 Episode 7)

In what was not exactly a hero's death, Robert Baratheon died after getting gouged in the side by a wild boar. If only he'd manage to disown the bastard Joffrey before he went...

13. Varly (Season 1 Episode 7)

A loyal servant of Eddard Stark, he's killed when the City Watch betray Ned on his way to confront Joffrey.

14. Syrio Forel (Season 1 Episode 8)

Arya's dancing master/combat instructor was presumably killed by Meryn Trent as he gave Arya a chance to escape capture. But we never actually saw him die on screen...

15. Stableboy (Season 1 Episode 8)

A girl's first kill.

16. Septa Mordane (Season 1 Episode 8)

Sansa's nurse and tutor, killed by Lannister bannermen.

17. Mago (Season 1 Episode 8)

One of Khal Drogo's bloodriders challenges Drogo and refuses to show respect to Daenerys. Mago wounds Drogo, but Drogo kills Mago and rips his tongue out of his throat.

18. Vayon Poole (Season 1 Episode 8)

Ned Stark's loyal steward, Poole is also killed by Lannister men as Joffrey orders the attack on the Starks.

19. Qotho (Season 1 Episode 9)

One of Khal Drogo's bloodriders (the one that broke Viserys's arm as they restrained him), he tries to prevent Mirri Maz Duur from performing blood magic on the fallen Khal. Ser Jorah kills him.

20. Lord Eddard Stark (Season 1 Episode 9)

This was the moment that simultaneously stopped and broke our hearts, and made us realize Thrones was no ordinary show. The man we kind of thought was the main character was cruelly beheaded by Ilyn Payne when that little weasel Joffrey Baratheon gave the command in Season 1 Episode 9.

21. Khal Drogo (Season 1 Episode 10)

When the black magic she had begged for left her husband in a bizarre coma, Daenerys had no choice but to smother her beloved.

22. Rhaego (Season 1 Episode 10)

The same black magic that left Drogo mostly dead twisted his and Daenerys's little son into a dragon-like monster, and he was stillborn.

23. Mirri Maz Duur (Season 1 Episode 10)

Daenerys sentenced the magic woman to burn on Khal Drogo's funeral pyre for performing the black magic that Daenerys begged her to perform in the first place.


24. Maester Cressen (Season 2 Episode 1)

Stannis Baratheon's maester is worried about Melisandre's influence over the king. He attempts to trick her into consuming poison by drinking it himself, but she is unaffected and he dies anyway.

25. Barra (Season 2 Episode 1)

The bastard baby of Robert Baratheon, Barra lives with her mother Mhaegan in Littlefinger's brothel. She is murdered there in front of her mother during the purge of Robert's bastards.

26. Rakharo (Season 2 Episode 2)

Almost as soon as we learned he existed, Rakharo, the Dothraki scout that went off to look for help, came back to Daenerys as nothing but a severed head.

27. Yoren (Season 2 Episode 3)

The recruiter for the Night's Watch lost his life in a duel with Ser Amory Lorch in Season 2 Episode 3.

28. Lommy Greenhands (Season 2 Episode 3)

Initially a bully, but eventually one of Arya's little mates, Lommy dies in the raid that is searching for Gendry. Arya saves Gendry's life by pointing to Lommy's dead body, wearing Gendry's helmet, and saying that that was Robert Baratheon's bastard son.

29. Rennick (Season 2 Episode 4)

This Lannister guardsman is mauled to death by Grey Wind just before the Starks annihilate an entire chunk of the Lannister army.

30. The Tickler (Season 2 Episode 5)

This torturer worked in the service of the Mountain, until Arya named him to Jaqen H'ghar as his first kill for her.

31. King Renly Baratheon (Season 2 Episode 5)

Nothing could have prepared poor Renly Baratheon for death by Melisandre's demon shadow baby.

32. Emmon Cuy (Season 2 Episode 5)

A member of Renly Baratheon's kingsguard, he makes the mistake of blaming Brienne of Tarth for Renly's assassination. She kills him in self defense.

33. Robar Royce (Season 2 Episode 5)

Like Emmon Cuy, Brienne kills Robar Royce after they see her kneeling over Renly's dead body.

34. Rodrick Cassel (Season 2 Episode 6)

Theon beheaded the Master-at-Arms of Winterfell when he was on his particularly nightmarish spree of trying to take Winterfell for the Iron Islands.

35. The High Septon (Season 2 Episode 6)

This religious leader of the Seven Kingdoms is ripped apart by starving rioters in King's Landing.

36. Drennan (Season 2 Episode 6)

Osha seduces this Ironborn raider, then kills him so she, Bran, Rickon, Hodor and the direwolves can escape. Nice one, Osha.

37. Irri (Season 2 Episode 6)

Daenerys's handmaiden and first BFF died tragically in Xaro Xhoan Daxos's raid of Daenerys's chambers in Qarth.

38. Amory Lorch (Season 2 Episode 6)

This vassal, loyal to House Lannister, leads a failed expedition meant to capture Gendry, which results in Arya being a servant to Tywin Lannister. When Amory catches Arya with a stolen letter and tries to tell Tywin about it, Arya orders Jaqen H'ghar to make Lorch his next kill. Now!

39. Ser Alton Lannister (Season 2 Episode 7)

Jaime Lannister murdered his distant cousin and fellow captive as part of his plan to escape from the Starks' custody.

40. Torrhen Karstark (Season 2 Episode 7)

Loyal to the Starks, Torrhen Karstark was another casualty in Jaime's plan to escape.

41. The Spice King (Season 2 Episode 7)

One of the Thirteen of Qarth, he had his throat slit when Pyat Pree magically multiplied himself.

42. The Silk King (Season 2 Episode 7)

One of the Thirteen of Qarth, he had his throat slit when Pyat Pree magically multiplied himself.

43. The Copper King (Season 2 Episode 7)

One of the Thirteen of Qarth, he had his throat slit when Pyat Pree magically multiplied himself.

44. Billy (Season 2 Episode 7)

The poor orphan boy that Dagmer burnt and dangled off the wall of Winterfell, passing off as Bran.

45. Jack (Season 2 Episode 7)

Billy's brother, whom Theon passed off as Rickon.

There were no on-screen deaths of named characters in Season 2 Episode 8.

46. Baratheon Officer (Season 2 Episode 9)

Tyrion makes his first kill during the Battle of Blackwater.

47. Ser Mandon Moore (Season 2 Episode 9)

This member of Joffrey's Kingsguard tried to kill Tyrion during the Battle of Blackwater, but Podrick managed to kill him in the knick of time.

48. Matthos Seaworth (Season 2 Episode 9)

Son of Davos Seaworth and squire to Stannis Baratheon, Matthos burns in the wildfire explosion in the Battle of Blackwater.

49. Tom (Season 2 Episode 10)

A Stark soldier who tries to prevent Brienne and Jaime from traveling to Riverrun. She stabs him through the groin.

50. Maester Luwin (Season 2 Episode 10)

Osha ended the life of the Maester of Winterfell in a mercy killing after he was stabbed by an Ironborn usurper.

51. Qhorin (Season 2 Episode 10)

How could we have forgotten the name of this hero that sacrificed his own life, letting Jon Snow run a sword through him so that Jon could gain the trust of the Wildlings?

52. Pyat Pree (Season 2 Episode 10)

How gratifying was it to see this gangly snake-man burned alive by Daenerys's dragons, after he tried to kidnap them and make Daenerys suffer?

53. Doreah (Season 2 Episode 10)

Seriously, do not cross the Mother of Dragons. This was the foolish handmaiden that betrayed Daenerys by sleeping with Xaro, so Dany had Jorah lock her inside a vault with Xaro Xhoan Daxos.

54. Xaro Xhoan Daxos (Season 2 Episode 10)

See above. And really. Don't f*ck with Khaleesi.


There were no on-screen deaths of named characters in Episodes 1 or 2 of Season 3.

55. Hoster Tully (Season 3 Episode 2)

Catelyn Stark's father, the Lord of Riverrun, died of an illness off screen in Season 3 Episode 3.

56. Master Torturer (Season 3 Episode 3)

After everything that Ramsay put him through, it's hard to remember that someone else was actually torturing Theon before Ramsay tricked him into being his prisoner. Ramsay killed the Master Torturer before turning Theon into Reek.

57. Jeor Mormont (Season 3 Episode 4)

Night's Watchman Rast stabbed the Lord Commander during a mutiny.

58. Craster (Season 3 Episode 4)

Thankfully, somebody offed Gilly's disgusting Wildling father when the Night's Watch raided his camp in Season 3 Episode 4.

59. Kraznys mo Nakloz (Season 3 Episode 4)

This was the douche that tried to trade the Unsullied Army for Drogon, but Daenerys totally outsmarted him by speaking perfect Valeryian right in his smug face and then ordering Drogon to burn him to a crisp.

60. Greizhen mo Ullhor (Season 3 Episode 4)

A slave trader from Slaver's Bay, killed by the Unsullied at Daenerys's command.

61. Beric Dondarrion (Season 3 Episode 5)

The Leader of the Brotherhood Without Banners got killed by the Hound during a trial by combat, but it almost doesn't count since he's already alive again thanks to Thoros of Myr and the Lord of Light.

62. Martyn Lannister (Season 3 Episode)

The son of Kevan Lannister and little brother of Lancel, Willem was a prisoner at Riverrun, and murdered by Rickard Karstark — against Robb Stark's orders — as retribution for the Lannisters' murder of his own son.

63. Willem Lannister (Season 3 Episode 5)

Martyn's brother, also murdered by Rickard Karstark.

64. Lord Rickard Karstark (Season 3 Episode 5)

The head of House Karstark and a vassal of House Stark, Lord Karstark is beheaded by Robb Stark after defying his orders not to kill the young Lannister prisoners.

65. Ros (Season 3 Episode 6)

This sneaky prostitute delivered all the best gossip from Littlefinger's brother to Varys, right up until Joffrey got her with his crossbow.

No named characters died in Season 3 Episode 7.

66. Mero (Season 3 Episode 8)

Mero was one of Daario Naharis's slimy mates that refused to pledge loyalty to Daenerys, and wanted to plot her assassination. Later in Season 3 Episode 8, Daario served up Mero and that other guy's head to his future lover.

67. Prendahl na Ghezn (Season 3 Episode 8)

Prendahl was that other guy.

68. White Walker (Season 3 Episode 8

Samwell Tarly makes the exciting and life-saving discovery that dragonglass can kill White Walkers.

69. Old Man (Season 3 Episode 9)

A horsebreeder for the Night's Watch, the old man's farm is raided by Tormund and a pack of Wildlings including Ygritte and Jon Snow. The old man suggests Jon kill him, to prove that he's a Wildling, but Jon can't do it and Ygritte shoots him.

70. Talisa Stark (Season 3 Episode 9)

The first casualty of the Red Wedding, Robb Stark's wife was stabbed repeatedly in the uterus until dead.

71. Robb Stark, The King In The North (Season 3 Episode 9)

The second casualty of the Red Wedding (aside from the dozens of nameless Stark men), the Young Wolf wound up on the business end of a Frey arrow, and then Roose Bolton slit his throat.

72. Joyeuse Frey (Season 3 Episode 9)

The child bride of Lord Walder Frey, Catelyn Stark slits Joyeuse's throat after Robb is murdered.

73. Lady Catelyn Stark (Season 3 Episode 9)

As if the heartbreaking wail she let out watching Robb die wasn't enough, Lady Stark got her own throat slit by Black Walder Rivers.

74. Grey Wind (Season 3 Episode 9)

Robb's direwolf was shot by Frey archers, then beheaded, and... well, you remember. :'(

75. Wendel Manderly (Season 3 Episode 9)

Loyal to House Stark, and another casualty of the Red Wedding.

76. Frey Soldier #1 (Season 3 Episode 10)

Arya kills this Frey soldier as he mocks the deaths of Robb and Catelyn Stark by a campfire in the forest. He's the first "man" she's killed.

77. Frey Soldier #2 (Season 3 Episode 10)

The Hound kills another soldier after Arya begins the fight.


78. Lowell (Season 4 Episode 1)

A Lannister man-at-arms, the Hound kills Lowell in the skirmish at the tavern

79. Polliver (Season 4 Episode 1)

Arya finally gets her revenge on the Lannister scum that stole her precious Needle. #TeamArya!

80. Tansy (Season 4 Episode 2)

This House Bolton servant was of little to no importance, until Ramsay hunted her with his dogs and proved what a colossal freakshow monster he really is.

81. Ser Axel Torrent (Season 4 Episode 2)

The brother of Queen Selyse Baratheon, Axel Torrent gets burned alive on the beach in a sacrifice by Melisandre.

82. Joffrey Baratheon (Season 4 Episode 2)

It would have been SO satisfying if Tyrion and Sansa had punished this repulsive, tyrannical asshat, but watching him turn purple and choke to death in front of his mother was also pretty great. Lady Olenna and Littlefinger, we salute you.

83. Dontos Hollard (Season 4 Episode 3)

This is the unfortunate fool that Joffrey humiliates on his name day. Later, Dontos helps Sansa escape after the Purple Wedding but ultimately Littlefinger orders him killed by crossbow.

84. Guymon (Season 4 Episode 3)

A man that lives in a village near the wall with his wife and his son, Olly. Ygritte shoots him in the head with an arrow.

85. Olly's Mother (Season 4 Episode 3)

Styr murders and eats Olly's mother in the raid on their village.

86. Oznak zo Pahl (Season 4 Episode 3)

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