“The Vampire Diaries” Season 5 Episode 18 “Resident Evil” aired on Thursday, April 17, 2014, at 8:00 p.m. on The CW. Elena had a dream, it was not about Damon . . . but Stefan. Read on to find out more about this episode.
Previously on “The Vampire Diaries” (“Resident Evil” Season 5 Episode 18), Elena (Nina Dobrev) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) had a dream of what their life would be like had they ended up together. We think the “I’ll bite you . . . I’ll bite you right back” line was sweet.
Enzo (Michael Malarkey) and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) talked about their problems. And this was not just problems. They were lady problems. Enzo confessed to Damon that he was looking for the woman he once loved ages ago before he was captured by the Augustines.
Elena was having delusions, not in a bad kind of way. It was just that thoughts kept coming through her head. She saw Stefan walking her home after a movie. Then the porch light turned on in Elena’s house, ending their first kiss. Then Caroline (Candice Accola) woke Elena up into her delusion, telling her that she was just lusting over Stefan because it was already finished between her and Damon. However, Stefan called Caroline and told her about his vision. It was then that they realized that something might be wrong.
Meanwhile, Bonnie (Kat Graham) was upset that Jeremy was with Liv (Penelope Mitchell) and was not returning her texts. Bonnie did not know that Jeremy (Steven McQueen), along with Matt (Zach Roerig) and Enzo, was just trying to help Liv hunt the Travelers and to keep them from taking over the Mystic Falls.
Luke (Chris Brochu) showed up at the Salvatore house and confessed what he knew about the Travelers and Markos (Raffi Barsoumian). When Damon was able to reach Markos, he asked him to reverse Stefan and Elena’s visions. This led to Stefan and Elena talking openly about their feelings. We somehow saw a Bell (“Twilight”) drama here. You see, Elena loves Stefan, but she is in love with Damon, even if what he does is to push her away.
As for Tyler (Michael Trevino), he was attacked by a Traveler. The Passenger was Markos’ spy, and they were up to something worse.
Missed an episode? Read the full recap of the episodes on The CW.
And that’s it for “The Vampire Diaries” recap about Season 5 Episode 18 “Resident Evil.” Stay tuned for more news about “The Vampire Diaries” including spoilers and episode recaps.
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