“Girl Meets World” Season 1 Episode 13 “Girl Meets Flaws” aired last Friday, Oct. 17, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. on the Disney Channel. In this episode, Riley Matthews (Rowan Blanchard), Maya Hart (Sabrina Carpenter) and Lucas Friar (Peyton Meyer), shocked that Farkle Minkus (Corey Fogelmanis) started skipping school because of what someone had told him, investigated who had told him that. In the end, they learned a valuable lesson about having flaws and how people can change. Read on to learn more about this episode.
At the beginning of the episode, Cory Matthews (Ben Savage) announced the awards some of his students were going to get during the upcoming awarding ceremony. He announced that Maya Hart (Sabrina Carpenter) would be receiving the Griff Hawkins Totally Cool Award. Lucas Friar (Peyton Meyer) and Billy Ross were both candidates for the Scholar Athlete Award, and Farkle Minkus (Corey Fogelmanis) was going to receive the Joseph Epstein Confidence Award. However, oddly enough, Farkle, who had never missed a class in his life, wasn’t there, and in his place was a microphone. After class, Riley asked her father why she didn’t have an award. Maya told her that she didn’t need to get one to feel good about herself, but Riley still felt bad about it.
Farkle had been hiding in the janitorial room with Janitor Harley Keiner (Dan McNulty). To Farkle’s surprise, Harley told him that he knew how kids could be very “cruel to each other.” Afterwards, he gave Farkle to his friends, who had been looking for him. Farkle then asked Lucas if he was sure if they were friends. He then told them that someone had made fun of his turtlenecks and told him that they were “weird.” However, Maya told him that Farkle himself knew that he was weird, and that’s what made him unique. However, he told them that being unique is not great at all if someone “thinks that you are really not.”
At home, Cory and Topanga (Danielle Fishel) finally had an evening all to themselves as Riley was sleeping over at Maya’s, and Auggie was with his grandparents. However, before they could do anything, Auggie’s girlfriend, Ava, came in and told them that she had to stay with them while her parents were arguing with each other.
The next day, Jackie Robinson and Malala presented pictures of Ghandi to the class. However, everyone thought that Ghandi freed Ireland and that Jackie Robinson had been “the first Irish guy to play the Major Leagues.” This made Cory miss Farkle because he was the only one who could have known the answer to those questions. However, Riley got the last one correct — Malala, the first teenager to have ever won a Nobel Peace Prize. Cory then told the class that sometimes, “the world presents you with opportunities to show the world who you really are.” He then continued by asking them if they had the courage to stand up to those who threaten to take away their spirit. Riley then asked to be excused and barged into the Janitor’s closet and told Farkle that no one should ever take away his spirit. However, he just told her that he didn’t want to be himself anymore and gave away his turtlenecks to Harley. Bothered, Riley asked him what exactly had happened because Farkle was not behaving like himself. He then told her that someone had told Farkle that he is the “biggest nothing in the school” and has “no right to walk around and be confident.” He was also been told that he has “no right to have friends like Riley or Lucas at all.” Riley then hugged Farkle to comfort him. Harley then told them that kids can be cruel and mean to each other, and he knew that from personal experience since he was a bully when he was a kid.
After Maya and Lucas learned about what had happened, Maya wanted to find out who had said it so that she could kill it. Lucas reminded Farkle that he should never let anything anybody said about him affect him, as that was how bullies gained their power. Harley once again admitted that he was a bully and that his usual target was someone they knew pretty well. But since that person had so much spirit, their relationship had changed, and he even helped Harley got his job at the school. At that moment, Cory came in, demanding that Farkle should come to class the next day. Harley then greeted Cory and called him the name he used when he bullied Cory in school — Johnny Baboon. He then proceeded to ask Cory for his lunch money, but since Cory was a teacher, he did not have any.
Back at the apartment, the girls allowed Lucas to sit at the window seat, where they usually figured out their problems. Riley became flustered and happy at the same time when Lucas asked them if they ever talked about him there. However, Maya told them that she wanted her Farkle back, as they are “not good without him.” Lucas agreed and told them that Farkle shouldn’t be dealing with things alone. Cory then came in and told them that they had exactly one day to figure out a way “to fix Farkle.” Maya then suggested that they find the person responsible for insulting Farkle, so that Lucas could beat him up. However, Lucas told them that violence was not the answer, and that it was not the “first response of an intelligent person.” However, all of a sudden, Cory came back and lunged at Lucas, as he had realized that Lucas was inside his house with Riley. Luckily, Lucas was able to escape, minus his boots, which Cory had gotten a hold of and which Riley ended up hugging.
The next day, during gym class, they were all surprised to the fact that Farkle was not there. Billy then came in and asked Lucas if he wanted to play baseball after school, but Lucas, who wanted to be there for Farkle, declined his invitation. Billy then told Lucas that he should not be friends with Farkle as he wasn’t like them and because he was just “nothing.” This angered Lucas, and despite being called “Mr. Perfect,” he was going to start beating Billy up before Maya stopped him by jumping on his back. Lucas then told Billy that he was friends with Maya and Riley and Farkle. He told him that he was friends with Farkle because he was smart, dependable, loyal; and he was his best friend. Farkle, who apparently had flown to the top of the ropes, was delighted. As Maya and Riley grabbed mats to help cushion Farkle’s eventual fall, Lucas asked Billy what was wrong with him, as he was acting strange and because Lucas had never seen Billy with other friends aside from his teammates. However, even after Farkle rejoined them, Riley was still not satisfied as they needed to “fix” Billy, since he did not realize that what he had done was wrong.
At breakfast, Cory reminded them that at their age, they were still trying to figure out who they are and did not exactly have signs on them which said what they were, except for Ava, who barged in wearing a shirt that read “Spoiled Rotten.” Topanga then took the opportunity to tell Ava to stay exactly who she was and to “wear it proud” for Riley’s benefit.
At class, Cory was surprised to see that his entire class, except for Billy, had written their flaws on their foreheads. Riley had admitted that she was insecure, and Maya admitted that she was “broken” and said that if she “owned it,” it did not make her feel bad. Cory smiled and told them that before anyone could use their flaws against them, maybe it would be a good idea first to own up to them. Billy who had nothing on his forehead then revealed that he had been jealous of Farkle, as Farkle did not need baseball to gain good friends. Riley then discovered that Billy had been jealous of all of them the entire time. Billy then allowed Farkle to write “Jealous” on his forehead. Cory then told them that sometimes we see “our own flaws because we see it in others,” and it just really takes one good friend to wipe it all away. Riley and Maya then wiped each other’s foreheads clean, while Billy apologized to Farkle and wiped his off. However, he decided to keep his for a while to be able to understand it more. Lucas, Mr. Perfect, then asked Cory if Billy would be okay. Cory said that he would as people do change.
At the awarding ceremony, it was revealed that Lucas had won the Scholar Athlete Award and rubbed it in to a slightly jealous Billy, who told them that he was working on his jealousy issues. The last award, which had been voted by the student body was the John Quincy Adams Spirit Award and was given to the person who had enough courage never to let their spirit be crushed and had the courage to stand up for what was right. A very proud Cory then handed it over to his daughter, Riley, who had won the award.
And that’s all for the recap on “Girl Meets World” Season 1 Episode 13 “Girl Meets Flaws.” For more news and updates, including spoilers and recaps, on “Girl Meets World” and other television shows, keep following Movie News Guide (MNG).
Catch “Girl Meets World” every Friday at 7:00 p.m. on the Disney Channel.
Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons/Neon Tommy
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