Photo credit:Marvel Studios

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2's Super Bowl teaser was the most popular of Super Sunday, but the scoops aren't ending there this week. A series of scoops from the set went up on the next afternoon, spoiling a few new plot details and teasers on some new characters and guardians.

This set visit and comments from Kevin Feige contain more spoilery details than the teaser went into, so a warning may be needed.


The teaser showed the first look at Elizabeth Debicki's golden Ayesha, who Feige further solidified as the film's supposed arch-villain. However, Ayesha and her fellow Sovereign of superior beings hire the Guardians at first to kill the giant tentacled monster seen in the trailers, and they do it in exchange for taking back the captured Nebula to stand trial on Xandar.

Feige comments that naturally, "Things go awry on that journey," though it leads to Nebula becoming "a much bigger player in the film than she was in the first one," as evidenced by her being alongside the Guardians at the end of the last teaser.

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