
Mojang Ends Development For Scrolls

Mojang has announced the cessation of development for their collectible card game, Scrolls. The company said that the game “can no longer sustain continuous development” and hence will receive reduced support. Scrolls isn’t being completely abandoned however, Mojang promised that the servers will remain active until at least July 2016 and they hinted at a vague possibility for future development.

Scrolls will remain for sale for the foreseeable future and any proceeds made from the sales will be allotted to keeping the servers running for as long as possible. Echoes, an expansion that released earlier this month, was the last major content update for the game but Mojang is “planning to keep a close eye on game balance”, so smaller updates can be expected in the future.

After a beta launch in summer 2013, Scrolls launched officially at the end of last year for PC, Mac and Android devices. According to the developer, “The launch of the Scrolls beta was a great success. Tens of thousands of players battle daily, and many of them remain active today.” Of course, Scrolls’ popularity is eclipsed by the Mojang’s other game, Minecraft.

In a few days, July 4 and 5, Mojang will host MineCon 2015, an almost annual celebration of the company’s hit property. The developer said that everyone will be shown a glimpse of the projects in development at the studio, hopefully including at least one new IP.

It’s hard to say whether Mojang decided to move on from Scrolls because of a direct lack of players or a more calculated move to make way for some of their upcoming titles. Either way, it’s always sad to see the shuttering of online-only game – something that seems to be happening more and more. In regards to it’s player base, Mojang noted,

“We’ve had a great time working on Scrolls, and appreciate every last player who’s downloaded our game. Extra big thanks to the most dedicated members of our community; some of you have logged in almost every day since release and dedicated a large portion of your time to dominating the leaderboards and taking care of new players.”

The post Mojang Ends Development For Scrolls appeared first on MOUSE n JOYPAD.

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