
Saved for His Work

Matt at 18 months old with his mother

God makes beautiful things in our lives and provides miracles every day – from a newborn beginning his life with heart defects and only a 20% chance of survival to the baby diagnosed with developmental delays or the teen with Asperger’s who was hit by a car. Each of these challenges is part of the faith journey of one man who now lives for Christ.

People with special needs are not broken. They have many of the same needs and desires as you do. Not all challenges are visible and deformity takes on several forms. They can be physical, developmental, or even intellectual. It’s all around you in your family, friends, and coworkers.

A special need can be as subtle as a speech issue, as noticeable as a missing limb, or as extreme as being bound to a wheelchair. There are also the unseen aspects that can come in the form of ADD, Asperger’s Syndrome, learning disabilities, or a heart issues like endocardial cushion defect. Some other unseen disorders are things like an adult with the mind of a child or autism, both falling in the category of Intellectual Development Disorder.

Considering these things, the simplest tasks take more effort for us, because they are easily three times as hard. For those with a disability, it can often feel like an emotional roller coaster. Small things are difficult and can often create a personal crisis that those outside the special needs community may have a difficult time understanding.

Like most boys, Matt enjoyed baseball & soccer growing up

Many people with special needs have – and do – live amazing lives. Some like Ben Franklin, Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, Lewis Carrol, Amadeus Mozart, Charles Darwin, Michelangelo, Thomas Jefferson, and C. S. Lewis are well known and are Christians.

They used their gifts to enrich others’ lives and create beautiful things. These men of God shared their talents with the world and I believe the wonderful people in Mount Pisgah United Methodist Church’s Special Needs Ministry are helping our community to share their gifts.

People with special needs have hidden talents just waiting to be tapped and one day they will shine for God’s glory. They will amaze the world through their gifts and we will all see they are a blessing God saved for His work.

About the blogger

This post is by Matt Thompson, a member of Mount Pisgah. Matt enjoys drawing, spending time with family, and video gaming. He has a strong faith in God and seeks His guidance daily.

If you’d like to learn more about the opportunities to support the Special Needs Ministry at Mount Pisgah, contact Stephen Taylor, Director of Special Needs.

Special Needs Ministry

The post God’s Impact: Saved for His Work appeared first on Mount Pisgah United Methodist Church.

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