Mothereseblog. Cultural commentary and musings on modern motherhood

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News, stories and media buzz related to Mothereseblog

  • Who wants to be a millionaire? Well, everybody, of course. Short of going on a game show to test your knowledge of general trivia, saving that much money requires a considerable amount of planning, hard work, and dedication. Here’s the encouraging part...

  • Deciding how to tackle debt while trying to invest can be overwhelming. Betterment’s five-step action plan is a clear strategy to maximize your dollars smartly and effectively. Should you invest your money or use it to pay off existing debt? It’s a...

  • As published in Critique, based on a presentation given at the China Academy of Sciences, School of Marxist Studies in Beijing in November 2009, and at the Left Forum in New York City, March 20, 2010. Classical economists developed the labor theory...

  • Justin Ritchie: In your book, Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Local Economy, you draw this metaphor of parasites and global finance? Could you explain what you mean by this? Michael Hudson: The financial sector...

  • The federal reserve in conjunction with government officials are working diligently to reflate the housing bubble. Banks are still exposed to $1 trillion in unsecured mortgage debt, so reflating the bubble is considered necessary to restore collateral...

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