This is actually a letter from a client, shared with her permission. I published it because often YOUR experiences and learnings, in your own words, are exactly what's needed to help the next person get the magic, too...
"Hi Morgana,
I had a really cool experience recently. I was getting a strong inner nudge to go deeper into your work. So, I bought the CD and Financial Alchemy workbook and ebook.
Recently, I've been having trouble pinning down the look of my (personified) money "honey". It has jumped around a lot - from a Heath Ledger to Hugh Jackman look-a-like. I read through the ebook and just got the workbook and CD yesterday. I realized I'd never written down what my money money monster and money honey are like. So, last night I wrote all about the money monster.
I also saw a film last night with an actor in it that I like very much named John Krasinski. This morning when I was writing down what my money honey was like it struck me that my money honey was like the characters this actor plays. Using this actor as a model made everything click for me.
The wild thing is I've had pretty amazing results already before I met my real money honey. It reminded me of dating - like you date really great guys and have amazing experiences but they just don't quite click - and you are left largely with some of the same struggles - something is just missing - even if there are lots of things that are extraordinary.
And then you meet "the one" and the search is over - you just settle into it. There was something about how I perceive this actor that totally made my money honey 100% present for me. Now I have laser clarity about my money honey and feel him present with me all the time. He had to be someone that I could easily relate to and this actor's characters remind me of guys that I grew up around in the mid-west -that I could spend huge amounts of time with and feel completely comfortable. That was key for me. Someone really attractive but also someone I could easily see fitting into my everyday life. I realized the other models I was using had a lot of incredible qualities but seemed really distant to me - they weren't guys I could imagine seeing me in my sweat pants all day with no make-up and messy hair and finding it adorable. My money honey now totally is like that. So, that model was really helpful.
Another thing I really got so clearly when it really clicked is that it is a relationship and that I really could do things that HURT or gave love to my money honey - when my money honey finally felt very real to me I totally got it that it is a RELATIONSHIP - that he is not here to rescue me- and my desire to love him is extremely strong and instant.
Another thing that struck me is that it's not about just doing everything your money honey says to do - it's not that kind of relationship - it's not a money monster kind of connection. It is really about loving your money honey - doing things that would make this HUNKY LOVER that you're so crazy about feel appreciated, cared for, and like he wants to stick around. It's very cool.
I discovered a few things from this experience
1. It's important to write it all down - commit it to paper. .
2. When you find the right money honey fit - you just know it's right. It feels like coming home.
3. Don't settle for a money honey until it feels like this - it doesn't really work until it feels like someone you could easily spend the rest of your life with - how can you talk about everything to someone you don't feel 100% comfortable with?
And, right after that happened I booked 5 clients today for next week - one person wants to meet twice a month.
Thanks for everything Morgana!"
Sarah Angelli
MORGANA RAE is an international #1 best selling author, pioneer in personal development, and regarded to be the world's leading Relationship with Money coach. Morgana's groundbreaking program for attracting wealth has featured her on ABC-TV, PBS, CNN, NPR, United Press International and The Wall Street Journal online. Learn how to become a Money Magnet with her FREE 4-part video gift series. Fill out your name in the form at the top of the page. (We promise not to share your info!)