
Wow, 2013 is almost over and 2014 is upon us. Now is the time for New Years resolutions. Now is the time to make resolutions that will help build a stronger, happier, and healthier family. For me there was so much I wanted to do with my family that I did not. However, it is not important to dwell about the past but look to 2008 with optimism and excitement. If you failed on resolutions in the past, make smaller ones that can be easily accomplished and build on those successes. Keep a list of your resolutions and small steps you will take to make them happen. Talk about your resolutions with your family, and have your spouse or kids help hold you accountable to those resolutions! In fact, everyone in the family should participate and hold each other accountable. For me there is nothing more powerful then my five year old looking at me in the eyes and reminding me what I had promised to do! Here are some resolutions for mom and dad to think about, and if your kids are old enough have them join in and come up with some New Years resolutions on their own.  

Resolutions for Dads

In many households Dads are still considered the breadwinners in the family. They work hard to pay the family bills and keep a roof over everyone’s head. But, dads have stress, too. They need time alone and time with family. The family home is their haven, but multiple activities can attribute to the stress factor.

1. “I will put in for less overtime at work, and spend more time with the family.” Unfortunately, in today’s society, more and more moms and dads both work in order to meet the demands of providing for their families. Perhaps dad has more than one job which demands most of his time away from his family. Or maybe he is the only adult in the home. In such cases spending time with his kids may be difficult. A resolution to commit weekend time with the kids would not only give dad some down time, but engaging in fun activities would give both dad and his kids the opportunity to talk, catch up on recent events, and just have a good time together. Along with weekend time, try to commit to spending a little time with each evening with each child. This will not only be good for the child but for Dad too, and help put a perspective on what is really important in life, one's family. With kids life goes by so quickly, don't wake up one morning and wonder how your kids grew up so fast.

Oh, and don't forget mom too, it is also very important to have mom time, and make sure she is feels appreciated and loved.

2. “I will begin a diet and exercise program.” Living a healthy lifestyle is a major concern today. Embarking on a diet and exercise program will not only add longevity, but make dad feel younger as well. Moreover, dads who engage in a healthier lifestyle are prominent role models for their kids. The New Year would be a great time to make a commitment to yourself and your family.

3. “I will (fill in the blank).” Whether you are a smoker, are unhappy at your current place of employment, or simply have a specific goal that you wish to achieve, now is the time to make the promise to stop smoking, find a less stressful job, and reach for the brass ring. There is nothing you can’t accomplish if you put your mind to it. Determination and empowerment, along with the support of your family is all you need to achieve anything in life.

Resolutions for MomsMoms are the lifeline and heart of the family home. They cook the meals, wash the clothes, clean the house, help with homework, shuttle kids to and from school events, and most likely hold a part time job. If mom gets sick, it throws the entire house into a panic. This doesn’t have to be the situation.

1. “I will enlist the aid of my family.” There are times when moms can become overworked rather easily. To get everything done, moms have to be in control. This matter of control can backfire when she gets tired. If mom feels that it won’t be done right unless she does it, then she will always be stressed out. Asking for help from another family member is an opportunity for sharing that benefits both people. When the little one tells mom at the last minute that they need fifty cupcakes for the next day, let them help. The child learns how to make cupcakes and mom doesn’t have to handle the load alone.

2. “I will begin a fitness program.” Whether you work outside the home or stay at home with the kids, exercise is a hard thing to schedule. For a mom, schedules are the glue that holds each day together. Just like meetings, parties, and sports practices are put on the calendar, put your workout time on the calendar too. Regular time to workout that is uninterrupted helps to decrease stress. Moms get to mull over their day while on the treadmill. Invest in an mp3 player and listen to soothing tunes while you workout. Exercise increases strength, stamina, and oxygen to the brain. You will be more focused and calm throughout the rest of the day.

3. “I will talk to my kids.” This seems like an odd resolution, but when the mind is cluttered with a hundred other things, talking is not a high priority. Mom may be picking up the kids from school on her way to the grocery store, and then back home to cook dinner before the PTA meeting. No one has time to connect and discuss their day. Use any available minute to ask your kids how their day was. If the schedule is the problem, cut something out to make time for healthy conversation where everyone is paying attention to each other.

So what family resolutions will you make this year?

Family resolutions not only keep the family together, but allow for a closer unit. Working, playing, and praying together increases the family bond and affords everyone in the family to have a voice, to look out for each other and to care for each other. Along with promoting a stronger and more healthy family, families that commit to resolutions each year will experience a lifetime of memories. So, with just a few more days before the new year, what will your family resolutions be? Whatever they are, all of us here at More4kids wish all families a happy and healthy 2014!



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