
Think about what you want to change. And don’t be afraid of it. Please.

I don’t know about you but I feel a fence around *some* of my Aries/Libra issues here. A sign or feeling that says KEEP OUT. I keep wanting to get closer but then I take a step back. Not sure how to approach this shy frightened animal. In part because I think something new is coming in. Needs to be born. The ending precedes the beginning O PIONEER it hasn’t been written yet. And thus the fear.

We don’t want to lose what is near and dear to us.
We don’t want to lose what may still have life.
We don’t want to make the WRONG decision (says Libra).

Use your peripheral vision.

So I’m talking to myself here too:

Don’t be afraid of not having all the answers or *any* of the answers.

Did you hear me? You may be heading into this blind but we are ARIES. We are Aries energy. Heroic in our lives.

And we are Libra. We can strategize. Remember the long long long Mars in Libra transit?? I know you do. Think of this Eclipse as the final move in that art of war.

Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees Aries on October 8th.

Tangent: over the summer I had a Tarot reading with a famous (well, famous to me) Tarot reader and author and she wanted me to look in the cards I drew and tell her who I identified with. When I pulled the Ten of Pentacles, who I was I? I remember identifying with the dog and then one of the Pentacles. She asked which one and we started to talk about the Tree of Life…

When you consider this upcoming Eclipse, who are you? The peacemaker? The lover? The fighter? The pioneer? The bearer of truth? The troublemaker shitkicker? Are you Moon? Sun? Earth?

Change is coming to the Aries/Libra axis in your chart. Change and decision and resolution. It’s a lot. I know it’s a lot. Especially because it’s been going on for so long. This is not a new story.

A conversation that just happened in the Eclipse class: a woman talking about getting off the fence, in regards to her relationship (which recently ended but now they are talking again). And I asked her if she was on the fence the entire time.

Release is not synonymous with grief.


PS If you Subscribe to MoonPluto Astrology you get more. More me, more posts, more astrology, more tarot, more in depth, more conversation, more of my attention, more LOVE. MORE COOL PEEPS TO INTERACT WITH (if you want).

For more Eclipse thoughts, please visit my Beliefnet post 

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