
An emergency-room patient died after being denied surgery that might have saved his life at St. Mary’s Hospital — an incident that has provoked a backlash of criticism by 200 health professionals at the Côte-des-Neiges institution, the Montreal Gazette has learned.

The controversy stems from a decision by the hospital’s new administration to stop providing emergency vascular surgery recently deemed “eccentric to the mission” of the hospital that is in the midst of an aggressive cost-cutting campaign.

The hospital staff are furious no one on the ER team was consulted about a decision with such far-reaching ramifications.

What is especially galling, say hospital staff, is that a highly regarded surgeon was on duty at St. Mary’s on the day the man walked into the ER complaining of abdominal pain. The surgeon wanted to operate but told the ER team that he was no longer allowed to perform such operations. The patient, in his mid-’70s and at that point unconscious, was turned away, transferred to an ambulance and rushed to the superhospital of the McGill University Health Centre. He arrived at the Glen site, but died before he could have the surgery.

“It is unacceptable, in fact, unethical that a patient died because some bureaucrats made a bad decision to prevent a qualified surgeon from potentially saving this patient,” said a St. Mary’s professional with knowledge of many details of the case.

The professional is one of four sources who spoke to the Montreal Gazette about the case on condition that their names not be published for fear of reprisals.

On Nov. 2, the ER staff summoned Carl Emond, a vascular surgeon with more than 30 years of experience, into the “crash room” after the patient lost consciousness. An abdominal ultrasound revealed that the man had a ruptured aortic aneurysm, and was likely bleeding profusely internally.

At that moment, the only thing that could have been done to try to save the man’s life was to wheel him immediately into the operating room for emergency surgery. But Emond, sources say, informed the ER doctors that as of July 1, the hospital administration had revoked his privileges to perform this type of operation.

Emond, who has been awarded St. Mary’s Annual Hingston Memorial Prize by his peers for outstanding medical service, has repaired hundreds of aortic aneurysms over his career. But Nov. 2 proved to be the “saddest day” of his professional life because he was unable to operate on the man, the sources added.

Faced with the news that the operation could not be done at St. Mary’s, the ER staff called Urgences Santé to transfer the patient to the Glen site of the MUHC.

News of the patient’s death sent shock waves throughout St. Mary’s. As of April, the hospital became part of the West Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre, known by its French abbreviation, the CIUSSS de l’Ouest de l’Île.

Within days of the patient’s death, a group of clinicians drafted a letter objecting to the decision by the CIUSSS to exclude emergency vascular surgery from St. Mary’s, which is affiliated with McGill University’s medical school. A total of 128 clinicians signed the letter, although more than 200 said they were against the decision.

The letter was addressed to Benoît Morin, the president and director-general of the CIUSSS, as well as to Louise Ayotte, director of professional services. At a meeting with the group, Ayotte denied that the decision had anything to do with budget cuts, the sources said.

Rather, the decision arose from an administrative reform by Health Minister Gaétan Barrette, which empowered the CIUSSS to change the mission of St. Mary’s. It was in that context that vascular surgery was now considered “eccentric to the mission” of both St. Mary’s and the CIUSSS, senior administrators explained at the meeting.

However, the administrators also added that a task force was examining the efficiency of St. Mary’s operating rooms.

Three days after the man’s death, Lynn McVey, associate president and director-general of the West Island CIUSSS, informed St. Mary’s staff in a meeting that in addition to $8.6 million in cuts, the hospital had to slash another $2.5 million in operating expenses. Those spending reductions represented the steepest cuts in St. Mary’s 91-year history

The patient’s death was not raised at the meeting, and McVey insisted that none of the budget cuts would hurt patient care.

However, sources disputed McVey’s position that budget cuts haven’t affected patient care. “The task force on the efficiency of the ORs was budgetary-related,” a second source said.

The Montreal Gazette sent a detailed email query to the West Island CIUSSS regarding the patient’s death and the decision to strip St. Mary’s of vascular surgery. Within 90 minutes, Claire Roy, Morin’s assistant in charge of public relations at the CIUSSS, responded with a prepared statement.

“First of all, we consider that every death is unfortunate,” Roy said in the statement.

“The medical literature indicates that the mortality rate varies between 80 per cent to 90 per cent during a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm.”

In fact, the mortality rate does rise to 90 per cent if the rupture occurs outside of a hospital. But a 1999 Welsh study found that the mortality rate decreases to 61 per cent following an operation by a vascular surgeon. Sources acknowledged that there was only a “slim chance” that the St. Mary’s patient would have survived had he been operated on immediately at the hospital.

Roy’s statement does not identify Emond, but alludes to a surgeon with a “solo practice.” Emond is the only vascular surgeon at St. Mary’s and one of 39 in Quebec.

“A solo practice regularly leads to ruptures in service” when the surgeon goes on vacation or falls ill, Roy said, adding that when this happens the surgeon’s cases are “covered by corridors of service” at other hospitals.

“In the fall of 2015, it was decided to conclude agreements of complementarity with partner hospitals for the treatment of aortic aneurysms since St. Mary’s does only six a year, which would not permit high standards of quality to be maintained and that are found in university hospitals,” Roy concluded. “Furthermore, a committee of experts looked into the functioning of the operating rooms and recommended that the situation concerning vascular surgery at St. Mary’s be examined.”

(Although Emond performs an average of six operations a year to fix ruptured aortic aneurysms, his annual caseload of surgeries is more than 160, many of which are other types of operations. Emond also trains surgical residents and he won an award for teaching two years ago.)

The West Island CIUSSS has not yet reached an agreement with a partner hospital. Ian Popple, a spokesperson for the MUHC, said his hospital network has been in discussions with the West Island CIUSSS to absorb some vascular cases.

“Can we handle the volume?” Popple asked. “That’s what’s under discussion.”

Under pressure from the group of clinicians, the West Island CIUSSS relented somewhat, suspending temporarily a Jan. 1 deadline that would have excluded nearly all types of vascular surgery. But nothing has been submitted in writing, and the future of vascular surgery at St. Mary’s is still in doubt, with staff fearful of which clinical and surgical activities might be excluded next — along with the potential impact on patients.



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