
New Year’s resolutions have mostly come and gone. Still, January is a good time to take stock. And for home cooks and enthusiastic eaters like me, the best place to start is in the kitchen. After the rush of December and the excess of the holidays, I’m ready to clean up and pare down, to be more careful about what I buy and how we eat. I empty the fridge and scrub it down, toss out the crusty old jars of shrimp paste and jerk rub lingering in the shadows. I buy new dish cloths and send the stained and frayed ones to the rag bin. I swear off white rice and Diet Pepsi and I make solemn and well-meaning vows involving less salt, plastic, fat, etc.

Call it my kitchen detox. The idea is to make the room where my family cooks and eats and talks and gathers a more mindful and less wasteful place. I want it to be a bright and comfortable space where I’ll be happy to spend a leisurely Sunday afternoon baking. One that’s tidy and organized enough to put out healthy suppers during even the busiest of weeknight rushes, where friends can pop in unexpectedly and sit at the counter for a glass of wine or a bite to eat.

The key, as nutritionists, life coaches and naturally organized people know, is to plan ahead, to keep on top of things, to set bite-sized goals, to let go of the extraneous, to be realistic. And that’s my mission: to make my kitchen a comfortable, frugal, environmentally friendly place. A place that fosters good eating and happy living. Somewhere between perfectly organized and completely chaotic.

Here are 12 ideas for getting there.

1. Don’t waste. Every time I throw away the feathery leaves from a fennel bulb or the long, green ends from leeks I feel a twinge of guilt. Most recipes call just for the white parts. Parmesan rinds, shrimp shells, bread crusts, chicken bones. So many bits and pieces in the kitchen go to waste when they can be put to good use. Cheese rinds collected in a zippered plastic bag in the freezer add silky, salty body to the broth for minestrone soup. Those fennel stalks and all the green vegetable stems that are too fibrous to cook make good compost, but they are put to better use adding vitamins and flavour to soup stocks. Even shrimp shells get a second life as the base for a seafood fumet.

The new habit: Stop buying expensive bread crumbs from the bakery and make my own from all those stale baguette ends that go into the garbage. All it takes is a whir through the food processor with the blade attachment.

Keep a plastic container in the freezer to collect Parmesan and pecorino cheese rinds. Toss them into the pot when simmering broth for soup or spaghetti sauce. (Don’t forget to fish the remaining rind out before serving.)

Stash a zippered plastic bag for the leaves and fibrous stalks of such vegetables as fennel, leek, scallions, celery — already washed — in the fridge and when there are enough, toss them into a pot full of water and simmer with onion, a bay leaf and salt and pepper to make a vegetable base for soup. And keep another bag for collecting shrimp shells for a future bisque.

When pears or bananas in the fruit basket start to go brown, I’ll throw them into a saucepan with a little brown sugar and star anise or cinnamon and make a jar of impromptu jam to keep in the fridge.


Kitchen Detox: Now's the time to cleanse your kitchen

2. Try something new. Even the most inventive cooks fall prey to the winter doldrums. We get bored with our old repertoires. In a hurry to get meals out on the table, we go back to the same old standby fajitas, pasta, frittata.

It doesn’t require a seismic shift to shake things up, though. An inexpensive new tool, like a julienne peeler or a mandoline, turns familiar cut-up carrots and zucchini into laces and ribbons. Coconut oil isn’t just healthy, it also adds a new nutty flavour to stir fries and sautés.

The new habit: Buy one new ingredient — something unfamiliar, every week. Maybe it’s smoked sea salt to sprinkle on grilled salmon or daikon radish seeds to add to brown rice while it cooks; dried blueberries or cherries or mulberries to go with the yogurt and granola at breakfast.

3. Make it by hand. In the rush to get things done, we often cheat ourselves of the pleasure in unhurried, old-fashioned pursuits like making jam or baking bread. I’m not talking about putting up big batches of pickles like our grandmothers did, just setting aside an hour or an evening or weekend afternoon to spend in the kitchen.

The new habit: Make at least one old-fashioned food completely from scratch every week. Just a ball of pizza dough or a small batch of jam. Maybe even a single jar. It might be a batch of oatmeal cookies or cauliflower giardiniera to have with weekday lunches or slow-cooked apple or pear butter for toast in the morning, or potato gnocchi for Sunday lunch.

4. Use less paper and plastic. Buying food in bulk and transferring it to clean glass jars or recycled containers makes a big dent in the amount of packaging waste a household produces. Besides, a row of Mason jars filled with granola, lentils and dried cranberries in the pantry looks prettier than a jumble of boxes and brand-name bags. The other way to reduce packaging waste is to ditch bottled water and buy a reusable Thermos-style cup.

The new habit: I have already switched to cloth napkins, but I can’t seem to give up paper towel. It’s indispensable for absorbing the grease from cooked bacon and fried chicken and for cleaning up really sloppy messes. But I’ll keep the roll of paper towel in a cupboard, out of the way, replaced by a stack of inexpensive white-cotton dishcloths (like the ones from IKEA) in a basket on the counter, with a bin for dirty kitchen laundry nearby. I’ve bought enough to have a fresh one or two every day.

A weekly menu and shopping list will keep stress levels down.

5. Make menus and keep a running grocery list. Last-minute grocery runs are a waste of time, money and gas. They are the result of poor planning. Making a detailed menu and an accompanying grocery list makes weekday cooking easier and less stressful. Planning and cooking in advance also jacks up the appeal of desk lunches.

The best way to spend less at the grocery store is to go prepared, and on a full stomach. Take time to plan the menus for the week. Create a shopping list of needed ingredients for each meal and keep it with you.

The new habit: Take an hour or two on the weekend to go through cookbooks or browse food blogs like Food52, 101 Cookbooks, Budget Bytes or 3 Fois par Jour or Ricardo for inspiration. Then plan the week’s supper menus and cook some of the elements — both proteins and starches — to keep in the fridge for a few days. Roast a chicken or grill salmon, boil a pot of black beans. Then make a pot of farro, brown rice or barley to go with it.

6. Set the table. Even if it’s just you for dinner. Pour a glass of wine or sparkling water. Light a candle, put on some music. Sit. Savour. There is plenty of research to show that eating slowly and mindfully is better than gulping on the go for health and weight-control reasons.

The new habit: Never eat standing up, driving or while reading email. Or out of a plastic container.

7. Put the cookbooks to work. Cookbooks these days are so beautiful they’ve become the new coffee table books. Hundreds of gorgeous new titles are published every year. We browse through them and dream of the places we’ll go and the dishes we’ll eat. Then they go back to the book shelf, where it’s hard to keep track of what delicious recipe is where.

There are a few new apps available to help with the job of keeping track of recipes. Food52, the New York-based food blog, recently recommended Evernote for scanning handwritten recipes and Eat Your Books for making better use of recipes in your own collection. There’s also Pepperplate and TasteBook for managing recipes, creating menus, planning meals and making shopping lists.

The new habit: Stop treating cookbook-reading as a spectator sport. I’m going to take my lead from Julie Powell, the blogger who set out to cook her way through Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking in a year and inspired the hit movie Julie & Julia. But I’ll do an abbreviated version by picking one cookbook a month from my cookbook shelves and choosing the best-looking recipes to try for Friday night dinners or Sunday lunches. First up: Maddhur Jaffrey‘s Curry Easy (Ebury Press), then The Mile End Cookbook (Potter) and off to Italy after that, with The Geometry of Pasta (Quirk).

8. Get off the beaten track. I could speedwalk through the aisles of my local IGA with my eyes closed and still fill my cart. That’s good for shopping on deadline but bad for culinary creativity. Grocery shopping is a bore when you always go to the same store to buy the same stuff. In a city like Montreal, with so many small grocery stores, bakeries and fish shops owned by people from so many different parts of the world, it would be a shame never to leave the produce aisle at Provigo or the meat section at Costco. Many of these family-run business pride themselves on their fresh and inexpensive produce and imported canned foods and spices not readily found elsewhere.

The new habit: Find a regular dose of inspiration in out-of-the-way places. When headed for meetings or appointments in a new part of town, leave time to pop into a neighbourhood grocery store like the Italian grocer Charcuterie Noël in Montreal North or Ramdas, the West Indian grocer in LaSalle, and come home with a jar of mostarda from Cremona to serve with steak, or a bunch of plantains to mash up with goat curry.

9. Throw more dinner parties. I’ve had a rough week. The house is a mess. Who feels like cooking? There are many reasons for not having people over, none of them good enough to deprive ourselves of the pleasure of the company of people we like and care about. Why do the conditions have to be optimum to throw a dinner party? Why must it be a three-course meal or nothing? In many cultures, especially in the Middle East and the Mediterranean and South America, friends and family and neighbours pop by for impromptu visits. The hosts serve simple dinners or just a few small bites. A bottle of wine is uncorked. Everyone sits and talks. Nothing fancy.

The new habit: Be done with the notion that a dinner party requires a day of cooking and a perfectly set table. Be more spontaneous. Call up friends, out-of-the-blue, with a last-minute invitation. Cook up something quick. Or order pizza. Dim the lights to hide the mess.

10. Label everything. There are anonymous parcels at the back of my freezer that have been there since the Pleistocene epoch. It would help if I knew what they were or when they got there. Even the spice shelf is a mystery tour if the jars of allspice, pepper corns and juniper berries aren’t labelled. Labelling things also makes the kitchen more user-friendly for the other cooks who use it.

The new habit: I’ve been planning to put fancy labels on everything for a long time. Now I’m simplifying: I’ve put a roll of masking tape and a Sharpie marker in my utensils drawer. Everything that goes into the freezer gets ID’d with name and date of purchase. I’m writing dates on the condiment jars in the fridge, too, and labelling the spice jars and the containers of dried beans, grains and baking supplies in the pantry.

11. Taste it. Restaurant chefs are always dipping into their stockpots and sauté pans to taste what they are cooking. The best-flavoured food is spiced and seasoned in layers. Too much chili pepper and a whole pot of chili is ruined. Too little salt and chicken soup tastes like nothing. Sometimes all braised beef needs is a spoonful of Dijon to brighten it up. There’s no way to know whether a dish is just the right balance of salty and spicy or sour and sweet unless you’re tasting and adjusting as you go.

The new habit: I have a tendency to over-salt, and I’m trying to cut back on the sodium levels in our food. But I don’t want my food to taste bland, either. So I’ve set out a glass jar with a collection of teaspoons on the counter near the stove. I’ll use them to taste as I go and adjust seasonings accordingly.

12. Go more local. Most of us already do our best to eat locally and seasonally. We choose garlic from the farmer in Montérégie when we can, instead of the one in those orange mesh bags from China. We choose Empire apples from Rougemont over Galas from New Zealand.

Things get a little trickier in winter when nothing much is growing here. But even in the off-season, there are local offerings for those willing to look hard enough. Local apples stored in refrigerated warehouses retain their crunch right through winter. Sunflower oil produced in Quebec makes a healthy and good-quality local alternative to olive oil. Maple syrup trumps sugar on the carbon footprint chart any day. Even in the depths of winter, Quebec’s artisanal farmers, fisherman and food-crafters produce a most astonishing variety of fine local foods, from smoked fish and award-winning cheese to oyster mushrooms, cocktail syrups and microgreens.

The new habit: Wait for June to eat strawberries from Ste-Anne-des-Plaines or Île d’Orléans. Avoid asparagus until it’s poking up from the ground in St-Rémi. Until then, try my best to stick to beets and carrots and cabbage and apples as much as possible.



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