
Danielle Levy doesn’t eat meat. Not milk or cheese or eggs, either.

But don’t call her a vegan.

The Montreal nutrition practitioner prefers to call herself a “plant-based eater.” It’s a term she thinks better describes her positive and wholesome approach to food, one that embraces lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. As a plant-based eater, you might also be vegan or vegetarian. But you don’t have to be.

“Too often the word vegan is associated with negativity and extremism and judgment. And besides, just because they don’t eat meat doesn’t mean vegans eat well — especially not if they eat a lot of processed and prepared foods,” she said, as we talked over pots of hot tea on one of winter’s coldest days.

Levy is on a mission to take the stress out of eating well. She would like people to stop yo-yoing between overindulging and crazy-dieting. She doesn’t want to hear any more about New Year’s cleanses or fad diets.

Instead, she encourages her clients to cook, enjoy. To exercise, get outdoors, drink plenty of water and listen to their bodies.

She tells them to eat less meat and fewer animal products because it’s good for their health and kinder to animals and the environment. But just as importantly, she coaches them to choose more whole-grain foods and less refined sugars. She shares recipes that encourage people to cook more often so that they rely less on processed and prepared foods. And she invites them to find out where their food comes from and how it was grown or raised; how far it travelled and what went into producing it.

Most of all, she says, she wants people to feel good about themselves and the food they eat.

“As a plant-based eater you think about whole, plant-based foods. You eat more greens. You don’t focus so much on what you can’t or won’t eat, but on what’s good and nutritious.

“It doesn’t matter to me if you never eat meat again or if you have chicken a few times a week. If you like yogurt, then eat yogurt.”

“Enjoyability” is a big part of her approach, she says. “Eating well should never be stressful. No food should ever be the enemy.”

The key, she says, is to make fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses and other plant-based foods, the centre of your diet. In so doing there’s less room on the plate for animal products.

Levy was first inspired by U.S. writer Michael Pollen’s manifesto: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

She has been eating this way most of her adult life. Ever since she was a kid, she says, she never felt well after eating meat. She studied holistic nutrition in California and came back to begin her own private practice in Montreal. Her clients come to her looking to lose weight or deal with food sensitivities. Sometimes they have digestive disorders or low energy and other times they are just looking for help adopting healthier habits.

There seems to be a growing popular interest in vegan and vegetarian eating for reasons that range from its health benefits, concerns about animal cruelty and worries about the environmental impact of animal farming. It started with Meatless Mondays and Veggie Thursdays. This month has been designated Veganuary, the centrepiece of a British-based campaign to encourage people to eat an animal-free diet for a month. Now in its third year, Veganuary has grown from a nub of vegan diehards to an expected 50,000 participants worldwide this year.

Levy thinks that many more people would move toward plant-based eating if it didn’t seem like such a scary all-or-nothing undertaking.

“An easy way to start is to switch the ratio on your plate and make the vegetables and whole grains the bulk of it,” she says. “Let the meat or chicken or fish be the accompaniment.” Before long you probably won’t miss them.

Be adventurous, Danielle Levy says. Eating well should be fun. Look for variety, novelty, texture and colour.

Here are six of her suggestions for easing into a plant-based diet:

1. Eat more plants. Lots of them and in wide variety — because every food contains its own spectrum of nutrients. At lunch and dinner, make salads with sautéed, roasted and raw vegetables. Imagine one of Levy’s favourite salads: roasted butternut squash and caramelized onions tossed with farro over arugula, topped with pomegranate and pumpkin seeds and drizzled with a maple dressing.

“On a plant-based diet you eat a large volume of food. Piles of greens and scoopfuls of lentils or chickpeas,” Levy says. “It’s shocking how much there is to eat, compared to high-calorie foods.”

2. In place of animal proteins, look for protein-rich pulses and pseudo-grains like quinoa, buckwheat, wild rice, amaranth and teff. Add protein-rich soy-based tofu, tempeh and edamame to your diet (but look for the least-processed, organic, products).

3. Eat less starch (especially if weight loss is one of your goals). Regular pasta, white bread, polenta, white rice and many crackers and breakfast cereals are high in sugars.

Instead, look for complex, low-glycemic carbohydrates like whole grains, whole-wheat pasta, brown or black rice or rice blends, which are protein-rich and nutrient-dense.

(On her blog, for example, Levy serves up her own take on a classic Italian polenta with mushroom ragout by replacing the corn-based polenta with a mash of celeriac and parsnip.)

4. Take time to cook. Making things from scratch is the best way to avoid additives and excess salt and sugar. It’s also a great way to re-connect with the food you eat.

“People who didn’t grow up cooking often feel intimidated,” she says. “But all you need are a few basic skills and a little practice.”

5. Eat seasonal. Local produce available right now usually tastes best. That’s why a root vegetable mash seems so fitting in January and the first strawberries in June are so delicious.

6. Be adventurous. Eating well should be fun. Look for variety, novelty, texture and colour. Take a chance on fennel, frisée and kabocha squash in the produce aisle. Buy black rice. Try a scoop of whole-grain teff in the bulk section.

To read Danielle Levy’s blog, which is full of plant-based recipes, or to learn more about her services go to www.daniellelevy.com or call 514 773-6247



A daily checklist: Eat well, exercise, relax

No diets. No manifestos. No taboos.

Danielle Levy’s approach to wellness is simple. Here is her daily health checklist, borrowed from her blog.

*Drink plenty of water each day (2 to 3 litres minimum)

*Breathe mindfully (full belly breaths versus short chest breaths)

*Walk for 30 to 60 minutes each day

*Move more to get your heart rate up (cycle, swim, run, etc.)

*Consume plenty of greens and other colourful vegetables

*Enjoy mostly whole plant-foods and avoid processed items

*Eat small, nutritious meals every 3 hours (to keep blood sugar steady, provide optimal energy and stabilize moods)

*Sleep for 6 to 8 hours (as much as your body needs)

*Connect and communicate with positive people

*Do things you are passionate about / that make you happy

*Take time to rest and relax

*Keep a “Done List” of the things you have accomplished and what you are grateful for.


Salads with sautéed, roasted and raw vegetables are good for lunch and dinner, Danielle Levy says.

Recipe: Protein-rich salad is a complete meal

This is adapted from the recipe for one of Danielle Levy’s favourite salads, posted on her blog last fall. It’s a compete meal, with a balance of complex carbohydrates from the squash and farro, plant-based protein (from the farro and pumpkin seeds), and healthy fats (pumpkin seeds, olive oil). She suggests preparing large quantities of the various components separately and then keeping them in the fridge for several separate meals to be assembled at the last minute.

Farro is an original wheat variety that is popular in Italy and becoming more common in North America. High in iron and vitamin B, it is packed with protein (1/2 cup of dried farro has about 12 grams of complete protein), and has a lower glycemic index (carbohydrates) than other grains, which means it keeps blood sugar and energy levels steady.

Farro Butternut Squash and Arugula Salad with Pomegranate and Pumpkins Seeds

Serves 4

1 butternut squash, peeled, seeded and sliced

1 red onion sliced

2 tablespoons olive oil

Handful of fresh parsley leaves, chopped

Handful of fresh mint, leaves torn

4 cups arugula

2 cups cooked farro (prepared according to package instructions or follow Levy’s directions on her blog)

Toasted pumpkin seeds (for garnish)

Pomegranate seeds (for garnish)

For dressing:

Juice of 1 lemon

Juice of 1/2 an orange

2 tablespoons olive oil

Salt and freshly ground pepper

1 teaspoon maple syrup

1 clove garlic, crushed

Lay squash and onion slices on a roasting pan. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Toss to coat. Roast in a 350 degree F oven for about 30 minutes, or until tender, flipping halfway to brown all sides.

In the meantime, combine all ingredients for dressing and whisk until smooth.

In a serving bowl, toss roasted vegetables with cooked farro, arugula and fresh herbs. Drizzle with enough dressing to lightly coat. Garnish with pomegranate and pumpkin seeds.

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