Or is it the Seniors? Which class would like to start off Homecoming week leading in spirit points?? For the first time in school history our first set of Homecoming spirit points will be awarded at this Sundays powderpuff football game!! Whichever class shows up decked out in their class color and has the loudest cheering section will earn their class top points for spirit points. See everyone at the game on Sunday!!
Attention Freshmen: Spiritwear shirts have arrived. Please stop by Room 210 to pick up your class t-shirt if you ordered one. Again, Freshmen who ordered spiritwear please pick up your t-shirts sometime today in Room 210. Also, if you want to sign up for pep-rally games, there are a lot of spots available. Please see Mr. Ryan in Room 210 to sign up.
Who loved Dr. Suess books growing up? Did you love to read about the ocean and the animals that lived in it? How about reading about the farm life and construction. Books helped shaped who we are today and help spark our imaginations. Student government, the English club, and the Dupage literacy group will be teaming up to do a children's/infant book drive during homecoming week to help those around us discover the joys of reading. Please bring new or gently used books in during the week of homecoming. Each day will have a theme but all books are welcome! The class at the end of the week that has collected the most book will win spirit points for their class!
Monday: Books about constructions and cities
Tuesday: Books about farm life and farm animals
Wednesday: Dr. Suess books
Thursday: Books about the ocean and marine life
Friday: Books all about Chicago
Student government hopes that you will come out to the powderpuff game this weekend and cheer on your class. Student government and the English department are teaming up with the DuPage Literacy Group to bring you powderpuff football. Admission to Sunday's game will be a charitable donation of $2 or a children's book all about sports. We hope to see you all there!
Attention to all students interested in bringing a guest from another school. Guest forms have been sent to your montini emails. You can also find guest forms on the Homecoming page at montini.org or hanging up outside the student activities office. All guest forms are due to Coach Smith by Wednesday September 21st. NO GUEST FORMS WILL ACCEPTED THE DAY OFF THE DANCE AT THE DOOR. Any questions please see Coach Smith.
Homecoming tickets will go on sale Friday Morning in the student activities office. Tickets will be on sale from September 16th to September 23rd. Tickets will be sold before and after school in the student activities office (which is located in the Art Hallway). As of Friday September 23rd at 4:00pm tickets will not longer be for sale. YOU MAY NOT BUY TICKETS AT THE DOOR OF THE DANCE.
Lasallian Youth! We'll be meeting today after school. See Mr. Block for more information.
Eucharistic Ministers: Any Junior or Senior that would like to be a Eucharistic Minister for Mass must come to a training today after school in Room 201. You must be a practicing Catholic who has been confirmed. If you would like to serve in this way, please come to the training or see Mrs. Davis for more information.
Attention all audiophiles. Yes, those of you looking to put the final cut on your first album, or turn your Parent's basement into a recording studio, or maybe just tinker with some live sound. Audio Crew is the place for you. We will be holding an informational meeting for all new and interested members directly after-school Monday over in the music room. Hope to see you there.
God Squaders, God Squaders, this one's for you: Don't forget that this coming Monday, Sept. 19th, is a HUGE day here in Broncoland. It's not only the opening day of Homecoming week!, but it's also the FEAST OF ST JANUARIUS. Now if that doesn't make your blood boil i don't know what would. :-) Get it? St Januarius? Blood boil? Really?!! Come on! Oh, go look it up on the world-wide-web on your fancy IPAD then. Anyway, we need to set up for Mass on this BIG, GIGANTIC, NAPOLITAN, FEAST DAY, so don't forget to set your alarm for EARLY on Monday morning. We'll look for you at 7:00 AM.
Varsity Soccer splits two games this week. Tuesday saw the Broncos beating St. Rita by a score of 3-1. Brandon Beahan had a goal and an assist, while Trevor Young and Joshua Gonzaga each added a goal. Max Hanzlik assisted on Beahan's goal. Mike Orr, Justin Mondschean, James White, and Johnny McManus all turned in fine performances defensively.
The boys suffered a tough loss to St. Joseph Wednesday in the second overtime by a score of 4-3. Brandon Beahan scored twice from the spot, while Anthony Burger netted a long free kick. Connor Chairmonti had several saves to keep the team in the game. Coach Briggs
The International Lasallian Days for Peace are coming up next week! Look out for postings, prayers, and opportunities to spread peace throughout our community and the world!
Attention Students: Anyone wanting to go to the Summer trip to Spain, needs to get their application and registration fee in to Mrs. Raike by Tuesday, September 20.
Girls Tennis suffered a close loss to conference rival Regina last night. Ellie Lipinski continued her winning ways by beating her opponent 8 to 1. The Senior doubles pair of Vivian Garcia and Stephanie Parisi beat their opponents 8 to 6. Finally, Ava Gianatasio remains unbeaten in conference by beating her opponent 6 to 3 and 6 to 3.
Attention Juniors: We still need Juniors to sign up for the pep rally games for next Wednesday. There's no way we can take down the Seniors without your help! Please see Miss Steiner in Room 103 to sign up!
Attention Girls soccer players: Tuesday Sept. 20th there will be a short meeting in Room 304 at 3:00 after school for all girls planning to try out for Girls Soccer this spring. Coach Briggs