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Also ''electronic libraries, online libraries''.


''This section is dedicated to online library initiatives hosting publications in multiple languages.''

; Initiatives with dedicated wiki pages

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===Art and humanities libraries===

* [http://www.marxists.org/ Marxists Internet Archive], est. 1990 by Zodiac, online since 1993; hosts the works of Marxist, communist, socialist, and anarchist writers.

* [http://epc.buffalo.edu Electronic Poetry Center] hosts poetry books and periodicals; also lists contents from [http://eclipsearchive.org/ Eclipse] & [http://jacket2.org/reissues Jacket 2 Reissues]. Founded in 1994 by Loss Pequeño Glazier and Charles Bernstein at SUNY Buffalo.

* [http://ubu.com UbuWeb], est. 1996 by [[Kenneth Goldsmith]] as a resource for visual, concrete and sound poetry, soon expanded to include historical texts related to avant-garde art and other material.

* [http://web.archive.org/web/20060208043547/http://www.textz.com/ Textz.com], est. 2001 by [[Sebastian Lütgert]]/ROLUX; hosted theory and fiction in plain text.

* [http://aaaaarg.org/ Aaaaarg], est. c2004 by [[Sean Dockray]] in the framework of the [http://thepublicschool.org/ Public School], originally focused on critical theory, later expanded to include art and the humanities as such.

* [http://monoskop.org Monoskop], est. 2004 by [[Dušan Barok]] as a research initiative for documentation of media art, later expanded to art, media and the humanities. [[Monoskop Log]] has branched out in 2009.

* [http://www.memoryoftheworld.org Memory of the World], est. c2012 by [[Marcell Mars]] to assist universal access to documentary heritage.

; See also

* [[Classics#Literature|Digital libraries for the Classics]]

* "More resources" section at [http://monoskop.org/log/ Monoskop Log]

* [http://www.memoryoftheworld.org/blog/cat/catalog/ Initiatives featured on the Memory of the World website]

===General interest libraries===

* [http://libgen.in Library Genesis] (LibGen), has multiple interfaces, mirrors and versions [http://bookzz.org/] [http://bookfi.org/] [http://www.libgen.info/]; based in Russia.

* [[Library.nu]], formerly Ebooksclub and Gigapedia, now closed down.

* [http://bibliotik.org Bibliotik], a torrent site for e-books.

* [http://openlibrary.org Open Library], an e-book lending library, operated by the Internet Archive.

; Public domain and Creative Commons texts

* [http://www.gutenberg.org/ Project Gutenberg], est. 1971 by Michael Hart, has over 46k books in plain text, subsequently also converted to other formats. Hosted by ibiblio at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

* [http://archive.org/details/texts Internet Archive], est. 1996 by Brewster Kahle. The section 'eBooks and Texts' contains almost 8M scanned texts as high-resolution images, subsequently also converted to other formats.

* [http://wikisource.org Wikisource], a Wikimedia project started 2003. Contains around .5M texts in wiki form.

; See also

* [http://filesharingtalk.com/what-trackers-offer/e-Learning Listings on Filesharingtalk.com]


* [http://www.diybookscanner.org DIY Book Scanner], a community of people who build their own book scanners.

* [http://linearbookscanner.org Linear Book Scanner], a low-cost open-source page-turning book scanner. Initiated by [[Dany Qumsiyeh]].


; Workshops and conferences

* [http://mobilityshifts.org/conference/program/program-friday-october-14-2011/ Libraries, Access to Knowledge, and Self-Learning: From the Library of Alexandria to aaaaarg.org] panel at [[MobilityShifts]] summit, New York, Oct 2011.

* [http://web.archive.org/web/20130328001153/http://2012.haip.cc/ HAIP 2012: Public Library / Javna knjižnica] conference and exhibition, [[Kiberpipa]], Ljubljana, 28-30 Nov 2012. [http://www.memoryoftheworld.org/ MemoryOfTheWorld.org], [http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLeh2lmJO7FLCYqu1M1RBSkhgE4UZCppiv&v=eUEv6aDkRIg Video documentation].

* [http://calafou.org/es/content/hack-biblio-construir-bibliotecas-publicas Hack the biblio! Construir bibliotecas publicas], [[Calafou]], Barcelona, 17-21 Apr 2014.

* [http://digitalpublishingtoolkit.org/22-23-may-2014/program/ Underground e-publishing] session within ''Off the Press: Electronic Publishing in the Arts'' conference, [[WORM]], Rotterdam, 23 May 2014.

* [http://www.wkv-stuttgart.de/en/program/2014/events/public-library/ Public Library: Rethinking the Infrastructures of Knowledge Production] conference and exhibition, Württembergsicher Kunstverein (WKV) & Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, 30 Oct-23 Nov 2014. [http://www.pykatestseiten.de/ Video documentation].

; Interventions

* [http://fillip.ca/content/browsing-the-aaaarg-library AAAARG Library], a site-specific installation, in conjunction with the the fifth annual NY Art Book Fair, 2010.

* [http://www.andpublishing.org/projects/and-the-piracy-project/ The Piracy Project] by [[AND Publishing]] and [[Andrea Francke]], 2011-14. [http://www.andreafrancke.me.uk/index.php?/works/the-piracy-project/]


; Essays

* Lawrence Liang, [http://www.e-flux.com/journal/shadow-libraries/ "Shadow Libraries"], ''e-flux'' 37 (Sep 2012).

* Alessandro Ludovico, "[http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2013-08-26-ludovico-de.html Die dehnbare Bibliothek. Bücherdigitalisierung und daran anknüpfende Kunstprojekte]", ''Springerin'' 3, Vienna, 2013. {{de}}

** "[http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2013-08-26-ludovico-en.html The Liquid Library]", ''Eurozine'', 26 Aug 2013.

* Marcell Mars, Manar Zarroug, Tomislav Medak, [http://www.memoryoftheworld.org/blog/2014/10/27/public-library-an-essay/ "Public Library (An Essay)"], ''Memory of the World'' blog, 27 Oct 2014.

; Journal issues and special sections

* [[Media:Tribuna_HAIP_2012.pdf|''Tribuna'': Special issue on Open Access: HAIP 2012 addendum]], Ljubljana, Dec 2012. {{sl}}

* ''New Formations'' 78: "Materialities of Text: Between the Codex and the Net", London: Lawrence & Wishart, Aug 2013. [http://www.lwbooks.co.uk/journals/newformations/issue/nf78.html]

; Survey articles

* Janneke Adema, [http://openreflections.wordpress.com/2009/09/20/scanners-collectors-and-aggregators-on-the-%E2%80%98underground-movement%E2%80%99-of-pirated-theory-text-sharing/ "Scanners, Collectors and Aggregators. On the ‘Underground Movement’ of (Pirated) Theory Text Sharing"], ''Open Reflections'' blog, 20 Sep 2009.

; Discussions

* [http://lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au/pipermail/empyre/2010-June/thread.html "Publishing In Convergence"], ''-empyre-'' list discussion moderated by [[Michael Deiter]], [[Morgan Currie]] and [[John Haltiwanger]], Jun 2010.

* Jodi Dean, Sean Dockray, Alessandro Ludovico, Pauline van Mourik, Broekman, Nicholas Thoburn and Dmitry Vilensky, "[http://www.lwbooks.co.uk/journals/newformations/pdfs/nf78Thoburnetal.pdf Materialities of Independent Publishing: A Conversation with AAAAARG, Chto Delat?, I Cite, Mute, and Neural]", ''New Formations'' 78, London: Lawrence & Wishart, Aug 2013, pp 157-178.

* Andre Meister, [http://netzpolitik.org/2013/e-book-piraten-im-interview-die-buchverleger-machen-genau-die-selben-fehler-wie-die-musikindustrie/ "E-Book-Piraten im Interview: 'Die Buchverleger machen genau die selben Fehler wie die Musikindustrie'"], ''Netzpolitik.org'', 25 Sep 2013. {{de}}

** [http://netzpolitik.org/2013/interviews-with-e-book-pirates-the-book-publishing-industry-is-repeating-the-same-mistakes-of-the-music-industry/ "Interviews with E-Book-Pirates: “The book publishing industry is repeating the same mistakes of the music industry”"], ''Netzpolitik.org'', 27 Sep 2013.

; Academic writings

* Gary Hall, [http://monoskop.org/log/?p=571 ''Digitize This Book! The Politics of New Media, or Why We Need Open Access Now''], University of Minnesota Press, 2008, 301 pp.

* Bodó Balázs, "Libraries in the Post-Scarcity Era", in ''Copyrighting Creativity: Creative values, Cultural Heritage Institutions and Systems of Intellectual Property'', ed. Porsdam, Ashgate, 2015. [http://www.warsystems.hu/2014/11/24/bodo-b-2015-libraries-in-the-post-scarcity-era-in-porsdam-ed-copyrighting-creativity-creative-values-cultural-heritage-institutions-and-systems-of-intellectual-property-ashgate/]

* Joe Karaganis (ed.), ''Shadow Libraries'', (forthcoming).

; Further reading

Texts listed on the wiki pages of respective initiatives: [[UbuWeb]], [[Monoskop:About#Literature|Monoskop]], [[Aaaaarg]].

==See also==

[[Digital humanities]], [[Art servers]], [[Media archives]], [[Documentation science]], [[Commons]], [[Copyright activism]], [[Internet activism]]

{{Art and culture}}

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