
Sorry for the lack of updates y’all…I’m so sorry.

With my new job (yay! I’m PR pro) and the long hours (during the summer we work from 7:30-5:30 and it leaves me exhausted when I come home…) I’ve been neglecting my blog for the past week just to kind of be. Just exist for a moment. But I am so excited that my very first press releases are up on our local newspaper website and in the paper. I’ve finally landed a job in the field I’ve loved all my life. Oh I am blessed.


I’ve also been thinking a lot about what I want my blog to be about or focus on. I can’t quite figure it out. I mean, it’s a lifestyle blog, so I blog about things that are going on in my life and lifestyle kind of topics, but I don’t feel like I am consistent. So. I’ve figured it out, I think.

I like to write things that allow me to share knowledge with you all. I like to write about things you may find useful and that are affordable. I like to write about my weight loss struggles because I know you all “get it.” That is major to me. I hope when you land on my pages you will learn, empathize/sympathize and feel inspired in some way.

This leads me to narrow it done to a few key topics I love:

-DIY (home, décor, crafts, etc.)


-Weight Loss/Fitness

-Product reviews (about stuff I really do USE and like…or stuff I really do use and HATE- I’m looking at you Rustoleum cabinet kit).

I know some people have asked why I do so many Collective Bias posts, and to be perfectly honest, I do enjoy writing them. I love Collective Bias/Social Fabric very much. I get to go out and buy products I’d likely be buying anyway. And yes, there is some compensation, not a ton, but mostly because I like the product/company that I get to write about AND I am doing it as a way to earn money to go BlogHer 12. I desperately want to make it happen, and the sponsored posts help get me there a little bit at a time. I know I may judged for that, but I never take an opportunity I don’t believe in or agree with, and I do always post my honest opinions regardless of whether or not I am getting paid. And I do not accept any paid ads on my sidebar, so if it’s posted up there, it’s by my choice/support for that company/blogger.

Just wanted to throw that out there.

But I will be back with a vengeance next week. I really want to post about 2-3 times a week, excluding any sponsored posts. I mean original content, made by yours truly.

I did revamp my menu bar to make it a bit easier to find blogs by topic. And if you notice, the Etsy part is gone because I am on an Etsy-cation. It may be permanent, but I haven’t made up my mind just yet. :)

So enough of my babble…what do you want from my blog? Why do you come here? What do you expect to see?

And boy do I need to write about some fab beauty products I bought at Sephora recently. Swoon.

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